There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah the latest chapter, Chapter 143 is shocked! Encountered water corpses along the way, and water ghosts again? ,Piaotian Literature However, when you see your lucky value.

Wang Mang, who was eager to have a try, hesitated again.

He is afraid that his face will be dark, what if he doesn't draw a good thing?

After thinking for a while, Wang Mang finally decided to slow down.

Anyway, his strength is enough, and there is no urgent plan to improve his strength for the time being.

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang also gave up his urgent plan to open the blind box.

With interest and pleasure, Wang Mang reduced his body and left the lair.

At this moment, the sky outside is already pitch black.

Wang Mang shuttles through the jungle. After wandering around for a while, he finds that he seems to be lost!

"Damn! What a broken forest!"

"I wandered around two times and I got lost?" Remember for a second

, Wang Mang is almost speechless.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly saw someone rushing out of the jungle.

This is a fashionable girl.

However, at this moment, she was full of horror.

She is running away desperately, as if something is chasing her.

This looks like Wang Mang, how can there be people in this deep mountain and old forest?

This is where Wang Mang is puzzled.

However, next moment, Wang Mang knows what is chasing her!

I saw a red-clothed silhouette floating in the dark air, chasing the girl at a moderate pace.

This woman with long hair and long hair with her face in a red dress can't see clearly, looks a little weird.

After seeing this scene, Wang Mang was stunned!

Is this a ghost?

To be honest, if it weren't for what he saw, Wang Mang would have thought he had read it wrong.

Next moment, Wang Mang saw the red clothed woman floating in the air, and he had already caught up with the woman who fled in embarrassment.

"Don't come over, don't come over!" In panic, the girl who fell to the ground in embarrassment screamed in panic.

Let her scream, the floating red-clothed beaten woman is still approaching.

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw that this red-clothed floating female ghost wrapped her long hair around her neck to death!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang finally confirmed that this red-clothed floating woman is definitely a ghost!

Not only that, but wait until the red clothed woman ghost kills the young woman.

Wang Mang also saw that this red clothed woman ghost dragged a translucent female soul with long hair.

Then, the red clothed woman ghost dragged her soul and left here.

Wang Mang only remembered after the female ghost left, he forgot to ask the way!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt helpless, so he had to start wandering in the vicinity again.

After an hour of tossing, Wang Mang still did not go out.

This made Wang Mang a little angry.

Under flustered and exasperated, Wang Mang is directly transformed into the body, and the huge body is undoubtedly revealed.

Not only that, but Wang Mang used his body rudely to directly sweep down all the woods.

Wherever I went, these old trees in the deep mountains were all crushed by Wang Mang.

But just like this, Wang Mang really walked out of the previous woods.

This makes Wang Mang secretly satisfied with nodded. It seems that he still has to use it, violence can easily solve the problem!

Just about to leave, Wang Mang in this jungle suddenly saw a huge camping tent not far away?

Apart from this, there are seven or eight corpses.

However, Wang Mang did not take care of his business. Instead, he went back the same way as he remembered.

But Wang Mang wanted to go back the same way, but found that some wanted as it should be by rights.

Because he has almost forgotten the way he came.

This makes Wang Mang very helpless!

After wandering for a long time, I got lost again!

oh! Sure enough, it becomes python.

Anaphora can't change the problem of Lu Chi!

In desperation, Wang Mang decided to go down the river, wherever he went!

Therefore, after seeing a big river in front of him, Wang Mang's huge snake body got into the water.

In addition, Wang Mang's speed in the river is extremely fast.

This is obviously Wang Mang's advantage, it is very fast in the water.

But when he passed through the water, Wang Mang vaguely felt that something was pulling him in the water.

Under doubt and curiosity, Wang Mang's huge snake head plunged into the water.

But when Wang Mang saw the picture in the water, he couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

In the eyes, many corpses soaked in the water are dragging Wang Mang's body frantically.

It's just that Wang Mang's body is too big, these things like water corpses, but they can't move Wang Mang at all.

However, this also angered Wang Mang.

Mad, even you corpses, dare to provoke me?

In anger, Wang Mang went directly into the river water, swung his huge body, and drew all these large numbers of water corpses into a mess.

Even, some water corpses are dragging Wang Mang like snake scales the size of a basin.

He shook his body directly and flew all these water corpses out.

Although, I don’t know what these things are.

But Wang Mang knows that these gadgets are definitely not Yang Sector gadgets.

However, even these water corpses dare to provoke him. I simply don't know how many eyes Prince Ma has!

Super Monster Kings like Wang Mang, can these water corpses provoke them?

After tossing about these water corpses, Wang Mang, who felt very boring, continued to move his huge body on his way.

At the same time, these water corpses seem to know that Wang Mang is not something they can provoke, so they are not looking for boring interest.

However, this also tells Wang Mang that this World is not as simple as it seems!

After all, Wang Mang had never seen these water corpses before, but now they have all encountered them.

In the past, Wang Mang had heard of water ghost rumors at best, but it was the first time he saw these things.

This also gave Wang Mang a lot of experience again, knowing that apart from demons, there are ghosts!

Five hours later.

Wang Mang finally entered the province.

However, Wang Mang is still walking the waterway today.

At the same time, the sky is gradually brighter now.

Obviously, it's daytime now!

Therefore, Wang Mang had to sink into the river downstream.

Wang Mang also encountered some Spirit Opening big fish in the water.

However, Wang Mang discovered that the number of these Spirit Opening big fish is completely incomparable with his own reservoir.

This also undoubtedly tells Wang Mang that there are so many Spirit Opening big fish in his reservoir, it is indeed the essence of the earth.

But at this moment, Wang Mang vaguely heard it, and there seemed to be screams on the water in the distance.

Under curiosity, Wang Mang quietly brought the huge snake head to the surface of the water.

Then, Wang Mang saw a girl on the edge of the lake falling into the water, as if being dragged into the water by something.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang, who was about to continue on his way, swam through the water curiously.

Then, Wang Mang saw a wretched man with a translucent body, pulling the beauty on the shore with excitement.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was stunned. This is the water ghost?

If it weren't for him to observe carefully, it would be really hard to see this stuff!

Because his body is translucent, it is harder to find in the water!

Wang Mang also didn't expect, he has a natural chance to run into water ghosts and harm people.

What makes Wang Mang even more surprised is that this girl seems familiar!

After a closer look, Wang Mang was stunned!

Fuck! Why is it her again?

This is a coincidence too!

Isn’t this the girl who urinated anywhere last time?

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