Chapter 566

Xu Tianyu laughed and said: “Compared with Luo Zhanjian, who has only’medium’ combat power, he can stay in this dark corner to the fourth level. Many people who are better than him are eliminated in the second level. Doesn’t his performance explain the problem?”

“The people of Xuanhua were eliminated only because they had enough strength to reach the fifth level. If you change Ling Yun into the dark corner, I believe that with your strength, you can be more successful than Xuanhua and the others. Going through more levels, does this mean that you are the son of luck? But this Luo Zhanjian has reached the fourth level with a mere “medium” combat power. It is simply a miracle. Doesn’t it just make it clear that he is the real one? A person who has been blessed by the darkness?”

Xu Tianyu’s words were so speechless that there was no way to refute them.

Mo Liudao glanced at Xu Tianyu, but he didn’t expect that he would have such a good eloquence.

The executive has been waiting for them to finish, only a slight smile appeared on his face, and he said: “It seems that there has been some small controversy about the identification of this candidate…”

Suddenly, his face condensed slightly, and he got up from the chair.

Seeing Master Executive suddenly stand up, all three of them were slightly startled, and then they stopped talking and looked up at him.

But seeing the executive who stood up, his face was serious, his ears were slightly tilted, and his ears were trembling slightly, as if listening to something.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

The three of Mo Liudao faintly guessed something in their hearts. It lasted for about a minute. The executive officer sat down again, looked up at them, and said: “The decision is made by the top, and the decision will be made at the same time for Xuanhua and Luo Zhanjian. Focus on cultivation. Judging from the current situation, son of luck is probably one of them. Since it is not easy to distinguish for the time being, we should initially cultivate them as luck. Sooner or later, we will know the result. NS.”

Ling Yun let out a long sigh of relief when he heard the words of the executive. Although Xuanhua could not be the leader, he was at least one of the two candidates, and the decision to cultivate them at the same time was a confirmation of his own contribution.

Xu Tianyu was a little disappointed when he heard this. Xuanhua was cultivated by Ling Yun, and Luo Zhanjian was a member of Mo Liudao. If he only identified Luo Zhanjian as one, he had the credit for his suggestions. Although Luo Zhanjian was Mo Liudao’s subordinate, but he is already a person who is about to break through, and he does not need to fight for this merit with himself.

But now the upper hand has selected Luo Zhanjian and Xuanhua at the same time. In contrast, Luo Zhanjian’s contribution to his suggestion is not so great, and it is not as good as Lingyun who cultivated and recommended Xuanhua.

Unless it can be confirmed that Luo Zhanjian is the only son of luck in the future, but looking at the situation, I am afraid that it is no longer known when it was. At that time, who would still remember own’s recommendation.

Thinking about this, Xu Tianyu felt a little depressed.

The executive waved his hand slightly and said, “Okay, you can bring people here. By the way, except for these two people who are required by the top, you will have to spend a little bit of the rest. Your contributions are all that you can see from the top. inner.”

The three of them left here, and Ling Yun rushed to find Xuanhua. Although things were not perfect this time, Xuanhua was not the only candidate to be identified, but after all, he was one of the two, and Ling Yun was still satisfied overall.

Ling Yun left, Mo Liudao summoned the Fire Feather Eagle, and was about to leave on the Eagle. Xu Tianyu suddenly said, “Brother Mo, please stay.”

Mo Liudao stopped and looked back at Xu Tianyu.

“I don’t know something and want to ask Brother Mo.”

Mo Liudao smiled slightly and said, “What’s the matter?”

Xu Tianyu showed a trace of doubt and said, “Luo Zhanjian’s performance in the dark corner is really amazing. If I were to choose a son of luck between him and Xuanhua, I would definitely choose Luo Zhanjian. I can see it. I believe Brother Mo and Lingyun can see it too. I can understand if Ling Yun didn’t choose him. After all, he wants to push Xuanhua out. Xuanhua has the power, so naturally he is also ascended to heaven.”

When he said this, he showed an unabashed sarcasm.”What I can’t understand is why Brother Mo didn’t tell you about Luo Zhanjian. This Luo Zhanjian is yours. If you can prove that he is the son of luck, this is a great credit. Could it be that Brother Mo is willing to be cupped? Hands give me this credit?”

Mo Liudao smiled faintly: “What is the credit, I take it lightly, I just want to do the few things on hand and handover work, and then leave here.”

Hearing Mo Liudao’s words, Xu Tianyu immediately understood. Although Mo Liudao didn’t say it clearly, he had already hinted that he was about to break the border and would leave here soon. He didn’t want any credit for this, and he didn’t care at all, so let Give him Xu Tianyu.

But is it true?

Even if he is about to break the border, he won’t conflict with the credit he has won, and it is even a good thing to add to the cake, so that he will have more power and position in the future.

Could it be that the people who broke the boundary even looked down on this fame and fortune?

Xu Tianyu looked at Mo Liudao, skeptical, but Mo Liudao didn’t speak anymore, mounted the Fire Feather Condor, and left.

Watching Mo Liudao’s distant figure, Xu Tianyu murmured: “I don’t believe it anyway. He can really look down on fame and fortune and don’t take credit. He would rather let me? Or that he has different intentions…knowing that Luo Zhanjian is possible. It’s a son of luck, but I don’t want to say it…”

With this thought in his mind, Xu Tianyu’s heart suddenly shook, and a faint layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

If Mo Liudao were really the latter thought, then this matter would be terrible.

This guy knew that he wanted to find out son of luck, but he deliberately didn’t mention it. It’s not…

Xu Tianyu had a complicated look in his eyes. As soon as this terrible thought appeared, he could no longer restrain it. The more he thought about it, the more he felt cold all over his body.

Finally, an indescribable weird smile appeared on his face.

“If it’s true, it’s a great credit. With this credit, why can’t you get the breakthrough fruit?”

“But now is not the time. I need to collect more evidence. Besides, he has not succeeded in breaking the border. When he succeeds in breaking the border, the value of exposing it then will be even greater… Heresy? Hey…”

“Mo Liudao, if you are really wrong, there will always be clues.”

Xu Tianyu hid his own smile, his eyes glowing.

Relying on the ability of owning, it is basically impossible for him to break the boundary in this life, and he can only stop like this in his entire life. He is not willing to do so, but the fruit of breaking the boundary is too rare and almost impossible to obtain with the ability of owning. The only source is to obtain great credit. , The top will have the opportunity to reward.

This is also the reason why these super powers desperately want to do meritorious service.

For these super-powerfuls who stopped at Boundary Breaking, nothing was as precious as a Boundary Breaking Fruit.

In the huge dark space, eventually everyone left, leaving only Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, Xu Xuehui and Shui Lin Beast.

Before, Ge An, Xu Haihai, Ding’s siblings, Zhang Haohao, Gao Shengyi and others also stayed, and continued to persuade them and let them change their grief.

Knowing the news of Su Li’s death, they also felt unacceptable, but the fact is that, in the past so long, Su Li has still not appeared, and even the three guides have left. It is no longer possible for a miracle to happen in this matter.

But Jiang Shuijue and the others seemed to believe that Su Li was not dead. They must wait until he returned. Ge An and others were helpless, and they couldn’t stay here all the time. In the end, they could only leave with a heavy heart.

Once Zuli died, the situation in Shoude was bound to change.

Originally, Su Li was here and could suppress King Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and others. Now that Su Li is dead, everyone has no idea how the situation will change in the future.

Now there are only four people and one beast who have the closest relationship with Zurich.

Among the crowd, Jiang Shuijue and others had no bottom in their hearts, only Xu Xuehui was still there, and seemed to believe that Su Li was okay.

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Shuijue couldn’t help asking Xu Xuehui several times.

Xu Xuehui just replied to make her wait.

Although they had always believed in Xu Xuehui’s performance before, they would inevitably be confused now.

After all, even the leader believes that Su Li is dead, can he really come back alive?

But Xu Xuehui firmly believes that Su Li is still alive. Did she really know the true situation of Su Li through some special means? Is it just a wishful feeling of self?

As the waiting time gets longer, everyone is slowly shaken in confidence.

Finally, the dark magic stone that had not been moving suddenly changed, and the spells on it glowed, and a black beam of light suddenly rushed out.

Seeing the change of the dark magic stone, the Shui Lin beast, which had been lying still, jumped up, and then let out an excited growl at the dark magic stone.

It feels that Su Li is back.

Jiang Shuijue and Gong Xiao all got up immediately, staring at the dark magic stone, full of tension.

As the dark beam of light converged, everything calmed down, and Su Li quietly appeared on the dark magic stone.

“Su Li–” Jiang Shuijue’s eyes were red, and he couldn’t help but rushed forward, and rushed into Su Li’s arms, hugging him tightly.

Su Li didn’t expect Jiang Shuijue to be so excited, but he was a little bit astonished. He didn’t expect everyone to think he was dead for a while.

Gong Xiao pressed her lips tightly and was also a little excited, but she restrained it, just silently watching Jiang Shuijue pounce into Su Li’s arms without any scruples, and the feeling in her heart was indescribable.

She was also very excited about Su Li’s return alive, but she didn’t show it.

“Girl, you really belong to you!” Ding Longyun laughed, looked at Xu Xuehui, and then raised his thumb, admiring Xu Xuehui’s perception ability.

Even the three guides thought that Su Li was dead, but she firmly believed that Su Li was still alive. Now facts have proved that Su Li has indeed returned safely.”What the hell is going on, why does the light spot that represent you disappeared? Everyone thought you had an accident.” Jiang Shuijue hugged Su Li tightly. After reacting, he let go of him, and then raised his head to ask.

Su Li said: “On behalf of my light spot?”

He was one of the first twelve people to be sent away. Twelve of them were sent to the dark refining field. Only twelve light spots representing them appeared on the mother crystal.

So Su Li didn’t know about this. He heard Jiang Shuijue’s explanation. Then he knew that after they entered the dark refining field, there would be light spots on the mother crystal that represented them.

If a person leaves the dark training or Death, the light spot will disappear. Because the crystal is broken, the light spot disappears and the person does not return, so he is mistaken for death.

“That’s the case.” Su Li couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “There was an accident, the crystal was broken by me, I didn’t expect it to cause you to misunderstand.”

When several people heard this, their eyes widened, and they looked at Su Li speechlessly.

Ding Longyun said: “The teleportation crystal is broken, then how did you come back?”

Su Li said, “I was lucky and found a dark magic stone. I used that dark magic stone to return here.”

Regarding the latter matter involving stone tools, Su Li did not explain too much. This matter was a secret. Except for Xu Xuehui’s knowledge, even Jiang Shuijue didn’t tell him. After all, one more person knew, the more danger.

When Su Li came back safely, Jiang Shuijue still had tears on his face, and he was already smiling like a flower.

Su Li gently wiped away the tears from her face, and said: “It made you worry, everyone else is gone, then let’s go back.”

Five people and one beast left here along the giant dark gate where they originally came, and when they appeared, they stood in the central fortress of the dark castle again.

Walking out of the central fortress, I found that the dark creatures here had already dispersed, and the entire dark castle was silent.

The four mounts were summoned. Fortunately, they were all safe. Su Li accidentally discovered that they had all been promoted to the first-level, and they were already the seventh-level leader.

The sky was gloomy, and it was going to be completely dark soon, and the few people dared not continue to worry about it. They mounted their mounts and returned to Shoude City at full speed.

When they returned to Shoude City, the sky was completely dark, and Su Li returned alive, causing quite a shock.

Almost all of the high-level core personnel in Shoude City believed that Su Li was dead, and even the king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai had begun to discuss how to annex those people from the ancient city.

Although Jiang Shuijue, Fulong, and Ding’s siblings are now “superior” powerhouses, but the king Celestial Immortals did not take them in his eyes.

After all, they are both “superior” and are also divided into three, six or nine grades.

Can’t deal with Su Li, deal with these three people, but she is full of confidence.

Su Li suddenly returned, and the king Celestial Immortals who heard the news was dumbfounded. Looking at each other with Lin Xinghai, they couldn’t believe Own Ears, so they rushed out immediately, wanting to see what happened.

When seeing Su Li with a smile on his face, he brought Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao and others back, and greeted everyone with a smile all the way. If they were hit hard, their faces suddenly turned pale, and they couldn’t say a word.

After entering the dark refining field, they deeply realized the gap between themselves and Zuri. The appearance of Zuri was like a mountain pressing on top of their heads, making them faintly breathless.

Celestial Immortals, the king who has always been arrogant and accustomed, only felt the unspeakable aggrievedness.

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