Chapter 565 Fighting Fortune

In the distance in front of them, there is a jade table. The executive in a white robe is struggling to write on the table, not knowing what materials are being written.

“See Master Executive!”

The three of them all salute respectfully. The executive adults are their immediate superiors, and they must maintain respect for the adults in front of them.

Hearing their voices, Master Executive raised his head and said, “Come here.”

The three of Mo Liudao then moved forward, and then walked to the front of the jade table.

“Tell me, what was the result of this trial of entering the dark corner.” The executive slowly put down the pen in his hand, picked up the white jade cup placed aside, opened the lid of the cup, and took a sip.

Ling Yun hurriedly took a step forward, and said with some excitement: “Executive sir, the final winner is Xuanhua. He stayed in that dark corner for the longest time and was the last person to leave alive.”

He emphasized that he was alive, implying that although Su Li might have stayed a few seconds longer than Xuanhua, he died. Under the current circumstances, Xuanhua was indeed the one who stayed the longest inside and left alive.

Xu Tianyu glanced at Ling Yun, his lips moved, and he wanted to refute, but thinking about the facts, it is no longer meaningful whether Su Li stayed longer or earlier than Xuanhua. In fact, he is not sure what it is. Xuanhua came out first, which still meant that the light spot of Su Li went out first. In Xu Tianyu’s feeling, it seemed that the light spot of Su Li would go out two or three seconds later, but it didn’t make much sense.

Because Zuli is dead.

The executive put down the cup in his hand, leaned back in the comfortable chair, looked at the three people standing in front of him, his eyes fell on Ling Yun’s face, and said: “So, you are sure Hua is the one you are looking for?”

Ling Yun nodded and said, “Yes, I can’t think of anyone else who has this qualification besides Xuanhua.”

The executive’s eyes turned to Mo Liudao again, and said, “Do you also agree with Ling Yun’s judgment? Are you sure it is Xuanhua?”

Mo Liudao moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he nodded.

Xu Tianyu saw Ling Yun blushing. Although he tried his best to restrain himself, he still couldn’t hide the excitement and triumph, and his heart was a little unhappy. Originally, the three of them were guides, sitting on an equal footing. Now Mo Liudao is about to break through, and his position is greatly improved. Ascension, even the executive master was very kind to Mo Liudao.

It should be said that he will no longer be a leader soon, but will be promoted.

And this time, if Xuanhua is recognized as the son of luck, and Ling Yun as his guide, it will be a great contribution, and he may even be bestowed on the Boundary Breaking Fruit, and the upward momentum will be unstoppable.Thinking of the three of them, not long ago, they were still in general status, but now suddenly both of them are going to be promoted, leaving them alone.

It is impossible for Xu Tianyu to say that he has no thoughts in his heart.

Mo Liudao is about to break through. This is something that cannot be changed. However, whether Xuanhua will be recognized as a son of luck is still undecided. After all, there are still various uncertainties.

If you can prove that Xuanhua is not a son of luck, and the above has approved own views, then the situation will be reversed, and the person who gets the credit is no longer Lingyun, but himself.

With this idea, Xu Tianyu first made Lingyun determine that it was Xuanhua, and then saw that Mo Liudao did not speak, but just nodded, knowing that he was the one who was about to break through, and he didn’t care about the credit. The real fight was actually between himself and Ling Yun. .

Xu Tianyu was still calm and calm. He waited until the executive’s eyes swept his face and asked him what he meant. Xu Tianyu smiled slightly and said, “Ling Yun thinks the person I’m looking for is mysterious. Hua, it is not unreasonable. After all, Xuanhua’s excellence is obvious to all. This is indeed a genius, but to say that Xuanhua is the son of luck, I think this is a bit too arbitrary.”

Ling Yun’s expression changed, but the executive became interested. He said with a loud voice, “Tell me, what do you think.”

It seems that Executive Master has always had doubts about Xuanhua’s son of luck, and always feels that something is wrong.

After all, although Xuanhua is a hidden job with dual talents, people like him have already seen five such geniuses. Xuanhua is only one of these five geniuses. Based on this alone, why is the dark corner wrong? Just ended up in Jiangdong Province?

The executive believes that there must be a deeper reason, just because Xuanhua is a dual talent and a hidden profession, it is difficult to satisfy him.

Therefore, he wants to hear different opinions.

Xu Tianyu said: “Executive sir, you have also said that although a genius like Xuanhua is the only one in our Jiangdong Province, you have seen five of them except Jiangdong Province. It’s the son of luck. It’s really far-fetched that the dark corner fell to Jiangdong Province because of him.”

Ling Yun’s face was a little ugly, but the executive nodded slightly, because Xu Tianyu’s thoughts coincided with him.

When Xu Tianyu saw the look of the executive, he was delighted, and immediately understood that the executive’s thoughts were the same as his own. In this way, he had a chance.

After clearing his throat, Xu Tianyu continued: “Take our Jiangdong Province as an example. This time we picked 36 people into the dark corner. Xuanhua’s performance is indeed excellent, but although he has dual talents and hidden careers He is the only one among the thirty-six people, and the only one among them “superior”, but to be honest, his performance did not show the style of this unique one, and compared with other people, there is no such kind of crushing. The advantage of sex, if I remember correctly, when he drove the dark corner, he was only second in the previous several levels, and there were others who performed better than him.”

“Oh?” The executive became interested, and said: “Who is the first?”

Xu Tianyu said: “That person’s name is Su Li. There were several levels before, and this Su Li ranks above Xuan Hua.”

“Su Li…” The executive master repeated the name, Ling Yun sneered, and took a look at Xu Tianyu before saying: “In the previous levels, Xuanhua didn’t use his true strength at all. The last level was shown. Xuanhua was the last one. Leaving alive, but Su Li died there.”

The executive stunned, and said: “Dead?”

Ling Yun said: “Yes, this Su Li is already dead. I don’t know the meaning of Brother Tianyu’s use of this dead person to talk about it. You would never say that this dead person will be a son of luck, right? Ha, ha ha. ”

“It’s a pity.” The executive was originally interested in Zuli, but when he heard that he was dead, his interest immediately extinguished. After all, since it is a son of luck, it is impossible for him to die in that dark corner so early. There is only one possibility of death, he is not the real son of luck.

Xu Tianyu still looked complacent, and said: “I give the example of Su Li, not that he is a son of luck, I just want to say that Xuanhua’s strength and performance are good, but compared to others, they are really nothing. What’s so special, it’s really hard to convince the public that his performance like this is a son of luck. After all, the above attaches so much importance to this matter. We are responsible for this matter. We also need to carefully verify that there will be no mistakes, otherwise in case. If you choose the wrong person, I’m afraid you won’t be able to take this responsibility, Brother Ling Yun.”

This time Ling Yun stopped talking, just glanced at Xu Tianyu, he wanted to hear what Xu Tianyu had to say, and then refuted.

Xu Tianyu continued: “Take the last level as an example. There were four people left at the time, including Xuanhua, Wei Bingying, Liu Jie, and Su Li. Except for Su Li who died in this level, Wei Bingying and Liu Jie’s performance Not inferior to Xuanhua, and returned a few seconds earlier than him. Strictly speaking, all three of them failed in this level. The performance of these three can almost be regarded as equal. Luck, what about Wei Bingying and Liu Jie? Are they also son of luck?”

Ling Yun originally thought Xu Tianyu had said so much and only wanted to push Wei Bingying out of his subordinates, but now listening to his tone, even Wei Bingying denied it.

Ling Yun became curious in his heart. Xu Tianyu said so much, what exactly does he want to express?

“Listen to Brother Tianyu, that Xuanhua, Wei Bingying, and Liu Jie are not sons of luck? Su Li is dead again. Do you want to say that there is no son of luck in Jiangdong Province at all? wrong?”

Ling Yun laughed as he talked. If Xu Tianyu really dared to question that the upper part made a mistake, it is conceivable that this would be disrespectful. I am afraid that even the executive adult would not be able to protect him.

The executive master heard this, and his face changed slightly. Yes, Xu Tianyu is equivalent to excluding these people. Does he really want to question the meaning of the above? This is a terrible thought.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

The executive’s eyes fell on Xu Tianyu’s face. Seeing that he still looked complacent, he seemed confident, and he said, “Of course not. How could I make such a mistake above? Brother Ling Yun’s thoughts are very dangerous.”

He turned against the army, Ling Yun’s expression changed, and said, “Then what do you mean? You excluded Xuanhua and the others, so who else is there?”

Xu Tianyu smiled slightly and said, “Who stipulated the son of luck, it must be the one who left the corner of darkness last?”

Ling Yun stayed for a while.

The executive did not speak, but silently looked at Xu Tianyu, waiting for the words behind him.

Xu Tianyu saluted the executive officer and said respectfully: “Master executive, this time the three of us have selected 36 people in total. Every one of me watched it in detail, and one of them caught my attention. .””Although he wasn’t very eye-catching at the beginning, even his rating of combat power at the same level was only’medium’, and he had no talent. Compared to Xuanhua who has dual talents, he is simply too ordinary.”

Mo Liudao also looked at Xu Tianyu, and he suddenly knew who Xu Tianyu was talking about.

He almost prepared to speak just now, but in the end he swallowed it back. Unexpectedly, Xu Tianyu also paid attention and said it.

“Oh? It’s just medium combat power, but I was also picked in?” The executive frowned, and he wanted to enter the dark corner, at least it was all “superior” combat power.

Xu Tianyu said: “At that time, we discussed and decided to pick 36 people. There are still a few people short. We just picked a few people to make up the number. Originally, we didn’t expect any performance from them, but no one could think of it. It was a very strange situation. Appeared.”

The executive’s interest was completely aroused by him, and he nodded slightly at him: “You go on.”

Xu Tianyu continued: “In the first level, five people were eliminated. It should be said that almost all of the 36 people used to make up were eliminated in the first level, but a total of six people were used to make up. The other five people were eliminated. Only this one. For some reason, he successfully passed the test of the first level. It can be said that among the thirty-one people who entered the second level, he became the only’medium. ‘Combat power.”

Executive Master said: “So, this person is really interesting, but it can’t explain anything. Maybe this person is lucky, just by chance, or this person is the strongest among the six’medium’ combat strengths. , The lowest threshold to pass the first level is just up to his level. As a result, the other five people are not as good as he was eliminated. It is not uncommon for him to successfully pass the first level.”

He did not doubt whether this person was a disguised “medium” combat power, because the ability to peek information would not be faked. Since this person was assessed as a “medium” combat power, it would certainly not be wrong. As for why the other five were eliminated. Now, he is the only one who passed the test “medium”, which is not too difficult to explain.

Xu Tianyu said: “Yes, if you just pass the first level, there are too many possibilities to explain it, not too strange. When it comes to the second level, except for him, the other 30 people are all “high”. Waiting for’combat power, this second level eliminated a total of nine people, all of which were’high-end’ combat power, and this’medium’ combat power, originally used to make up the number of people, successfully passed nine.’ The second level test that the superior’s combat power cannot pass.”

“Is there such a thing?” The executive adult was slightly moved.

“What is even more amazing is the third level. In this level, three people with’superior’ combat power died, and nine other people were also eliminated. It is conceivable that this level is for them. How difficult, but this person successfully passed the third level.”

“In the end, there were only ten people who could successfully pass the third level, and he was one of these ten people.”

When Xu Tianyu said this, he smiled slightly and said: “Later in the fourth level, six of these ten people were eliminated, and he was also eliminated in this level.”

Needless to say the rest of him, the ones who can pass the fourth level are naturally the remaining Xuanhua, Wei Bingying, Liu Jie and Su Li, and then these four are in the fifth level, three escaped, and one Death.

After listening to Xu Tianyu’s description, the executive adult showed a pensive color and stretched out his finger to tap the tabletop lightly.

Ling Yun looked at Xu Tianyu and said, “What do you mean, Luo Zhanjian is the son of luck?”

He was able to directly name Luo Zhanjian. Obviously, he did not fail to notice the special features of Luo Zhanjian, but just to support Xuanhua as the son of luck, he deliberately ignored Luo Zhanjian.

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