Chapter 563 Space Debris (first one)

The Ring of the Abyss Lord, which had originally become like rusty scrap iron, began to shine again, and soon small dragon scales appeared on the surface, and the appearance was also changing, and it turned into a small dragon, winding around to form a ring.

Su Li looked at the ring, the attributes did not change, but the name changed. It used to be Thunder Abyss Lord’s Ring, now it became Dragon Abyss Lord’s Ring.

In addition to the name, even the monarch skill in it has not changed. It is still the “Thunder Magneto”, which makes Zuli feel a little surprised. It seems that the attributes of this equipment and the skills it possesses have no absolute relationship. , The ring of the dragon attribute does not mean that the monarch skill must be related to the dragon.

Just like the ring of the black purgatory he owns, although it is a dragon attribute, the ruler’s skill is black fire purgatory, which has nothing to do with the dragon attribute.

The Abyss Lord’s Ring has become a dragon attribute, and Su Li is in a good mood. He now has seven pieces of dragon attribute equipment, and only one piece can inspire the additional abilities of eight dragon attribute equipment.

In the same way, Su Li took out another attribute conversion crystal, and then took down the sword of the big ghost pawn and converted it into the “dragon·the big ghost pawn’s sword”.

With the sword of the Great Ghost Soldier equipped, the dragon attribute equipment he now has finally reached eight pieces.

Eight pieces of dragon-attribute equipment were equipped at the same time, and these eight pieces of equipment immediately resonated, inspiring a stronger dragon-attribute power. The eight pieces of monarch equipment originally had a layer of shining light on the surface, but now that they are all available, This light is also changing, becoming a halo covering the surface, becoming more conspicuous and gorgeous.

In addition, equipping eight pieces of dragon attribute equipment at the same time immediately activates the third layer of additional effects of dragon attributes. The power of Ascension effect of the spirit source technique has reached 20% from the 10% Ascension of the second layer.

With the power of Ascension of this spirit source technique, the power in the strongest state of Zuli immediately went from the original nine hundred and seventy thousand, and successfully broke through one million.

Now, if he is in the strongest 2.8-meter Heavenly Demon’s real body state, he can be regarded as truly possessing a million power.

Now he still has one remaining attribute conversion crystal and one dragon attribute fusion crystal. In principle, he can still produce two more dragon attribute equipment, but Su Li has not used it for the time being.

Because he wants to activate the fourth layer of dragon attribute effects, he needs eleven pieces of dragon attribute equipment. He still lacks one. He wants to wait until he gets another dragon attribute equipment.

After resting for a while, and his physical strength was fully recovered, Su Li began to walk towards the iron gate at the end.

Before arriving at the iron gate, Su Li took a breath and was ready to deal with the most dangerous situation at any time, and then he stepped through the iron gate.

Passing through the iron gate, the objects in his eyes changed drastically, and Su Li’s heart suddenly stopped, and his eyes widened, revealing a look of shock.

At the same moment, a message rang in his mind.

“Enter…the eighth…level…”

This message was intermittent, and it seemed that the content was incomplete, and even a small part of the huge room in the eighth level was completely destroyed.

Most of the surrounding walls collapsed, revealing boundless darkness, and huge cracks appeared on the ground, crisscrossing each other, and the revealed cracks also contained a terrifying dark atmosphere.

The entire eighth level image was destroyed by an unimaginable terrorist force. Su Li was afraid to move casually while standing, just because in front of him, there was a huge crack, which was more than one meter wide and stretched out obliquely. In that crack, he once again felt the power of the frightening and repressive dark origin.

At this moment, he can be sure that this so-called dark refining field has been damaged. It can be said that the first few levels are still intact, the seventh level has cracks, and the eighth level before him is almost destroyed.

He didn’t know if there was a ninth level in this dark refining field before, but judging from the current situation, even if there was a ninth level, it was completely destroyed and could not exist anymore.

Looking at this dilapidated eighth level, he felt that the information in his mind was intermittent and incomplete. Suddenly, he saw the dark energy surging in the crack below, and the ground was shaking.

Su Li’s scalp was numb, and she even wanted to turn around and escape from the iron gate to the seventh level. Unfortunately, the iron gate at the back had long since disappeared, leaving only one wall that collapsed, and beyond the wall, there was boundless darkness.

Su Li opened the mirage, took the stone tool in his hand, scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and was waiting.

“Peeping Rune” is always on, constantly capturing surrounding information.

Suddenly, he saw a burst of darkness surging in the cracks around him, and began to gather in the center.

Then, intermittent messages sounded in his mind again.


Although the message was intermittent, watching the darkness aura condensed and quickly turned into a dark creature that was nearly 20 meters long, half-dragon and half-snake, Zu Li still understood the meaning of this message.

Killing the dark dragon that is condensing and forming in front of you is considered to have passed the test of this level.

Perhaps it is because this level is seriously damaged, not only the message is intermittent, but also the dark dragons that have gathered. Half of the body is condensed and solidified, while the other half is still in aerosol state, fluctuating, and the form is constantly between the dragon and the python. It turned out to be a little weird.

Now that he knew the content of the test, Su Li immediately entered the invincible state of the power of Sacred. Fortunately, the power of the dark origin did not appear to be suppressed. At the same time, he entered the state of the overrun, extending the time of the power of Sacred to seven seconds, holding it with his right hand. The stone tool in his tight hand volleyed towards the dark dragon that was still condensing and changing.

With a “hu”, a divine light shot out quickly, and the power of the stone tool smashed into the ground. The ground with a large number of cracks shook violently, but the dark dragon, which was constantly changing, avoided it at the same moment.

Although it looks like dysplasia, it is not completely affected by the damage of the eighth level, but it still has a terrible speed, like a teleport, suddenly disappears, and then appears on the other side of Zurich. The black giant tail, which was completely condensed, swept across.

In an invincible state, Su Lisi was not afraid, and the stone tool she held in her right hand swung once again, slashing across it diagonally.

Shenguang shoots.

This time, it swept straight over the black tail that the dark dragon swept over, almost silently. This black tail broke from it, burst into a mist and dispersed, returning to the source of darkness.

The dark dragon, which had lost its tail, opened its mouth and suddenly let out a scream. It seemed to know the power of this stone tool. The body twisted and moved continuously, and it opened the distance from Zuli.

Su Li immediately swung the stone tools three times in a row, and all the three divine lights hit the dilapidated surrounding walls and ground, all of them failed.

Su Li knew it was bad, if the dark dragon didn’t fight with him, but adopted a delaying tactic, once the seven-second invincibility time was over, it would be troublesome.

Su Li jumped and entered the state of “spider walking” and “ghost walking”. With the 2.8-meter Heavenly Demon body, he reached the limit of speed, jumped over the cracks on the ground, and moved towards the darkness at full speed. The dragon rushed away.

He now has a million power, six times the speed of Ascension, and the “ghost walking” in the over-limit state, the speed is amazing. Under the state of the same level, he is not shocked by anyone, but it is still not as dark as this. The speed of the dragon is teleporting.

It can be said that the speed of this dark dragon is not inferior to those of super powers who have reached level 20.

No matter how powerful the stone tool is, if it can’t hit the opponent, then everything is a waste.

Several divine lights were cut out, and the power was so powerful that even the surrounding walls couldn’t stand it. New cracks continued to appear on the surface. In the cracks, dark energy was surging.

Although this dark dragon lost its tail, its actions became more rapid and weird. It went around Zuli. Just after it came out with a black dragon claw and grabbed it, after it still fell through, he understood that Zuli was in a special state, which could make his own. The attack is invalid.

Now it doesn’t attack anymore, just keep dodges the divine light from the stone tools. Obviously, it wants to delay time.

Compared with the dark giant puppet in the previous level, the fighting awareness, reaction ability and speed of the dark dragon in front of him are much more terrifying. In Su Li’s view, even if it is not as good as the 20-level super power, it is not far behind.

The stone tool was pulled out, and the dark dragon hit the air again. Four seconds had passed. He still had three seconds left. Su Li opened the “third eye” and was constantly capturing the dark dragon’s moving trajectory. Although he captured the dark dragon’s movement, his attack speed could not keep up.

Another second is over. Only the last two seconds are left. The “third eye” caught the dark dragon moving to the left, but unfortunately his stone tool was slashed out. At this moment, he wanted to change to the left, and he couldn’t keep up with the speed of the dark dragon. , Unless the dark dragon can stay on the left side for half a second and one second, then his attack can hit.

I was anxious and felt a strong feeling in my heart, but I didn’t want him to just come up with this idea. The third talent, which has been silent for a long time, suddenly activated. The tyrannical energy contained in it, according to his thoughts, surged out of his The top of the head churned and spread, turning into a huge dark cloud.The third talent was activated in an instant, which was completely unexpected by Su Li’s own. Although this third talent possessed powerful energy after absorbing the heart of darkness, how to use this energy, because the time was too short, he did not Did not study carefully.

Unexpectedly, it would start with his thoughts at this moment. In an instant, the dark cloud above his head rolled, and the dark cloud spread in all directions, like a huge umbrella cover, and immediately teleported to his left to avoid it. He was covered by the dark dragon of the magic light of the stone tool.

The dark dragon was shrouded, and the billowing dark cloud pressed down, and the energy contained in it burst out, and there was a crisp sound of “crack”, and it seemed that something heavy hit the dark dragon.

The dark dragon uttered a dragon chant, and a pair of dragon claws protruded upwards, trying to tear apart the dark cloud covered above, and didn’t want to penetrate into the depths of the dark cloud and capture the fuzzy shadow hidden in the dark cloud.

This black shadow is the true face of Zuli’s third talent. He was suddenly caught by the dark dragon. Then, the dark dragon’s dragon roar turned into a scream. It seemed to have suffered a great shock, and he took the initiative to release the dragon’s claws. Those who were busy trying to retract the dragon’s claws, while violently tossing the body, the most powerful dark power broke out in the body, tearing away the dark clouds that were hanging down from the side, and fleeing outside.

Su Li was surprised and delighted. She never expected that the third talent of own had such a magical effect. It turned into a dark cloud and covered the dark dragon. Although it only covered it for a moment, this moment was enough. .

Holding the stone tool tightly with his right hand, the “third eye” on his forehead completely locked the direction and trajectory of the dark dragon’s escape. With a long roar, the stone tool was waved out diagonally, and a dazzling divine light flew out like a horse, volleyed smoothly. The dark dragon who rushed out cut into it diagonally.

With a “pop”, the dark dragon uttered a desperate roar. The roar was only halfway out, and it stopped abruptly, exploding into two huge black mists, which turned into dark energy again and dispersed in all directions.

At the same moment, a message appeared in Su Li’s mind.


With this intermittent message, Zuri realized that in front of own, large pieces of fragments emerged. These fragments appeared from the dark cracks that were completely split above, and slowly fell down. Each fragment was like a chaotic rock. , The shape is different, and the size is different.

Su Li was opening the “third eye”, and immediately caught these chaotic fragments that were slowly falling down, and a message suddenly sounded from his mind.

“Name: Space debris, the space debris left over by the collapse of Minor World on one side, can be used to augment and complement the broken world and space.”

Receiving this message, Su Lifu reached his heart and immediately opened the mirage. With a leap, he began to load all these falling space fragments into the mirage.

There is a mirage in the phantom necklace he has, but the mirage is broken and the space is not large, even the floating island can’t be installed. At this moment, he suddenly realized that a lot of space debris fell from above, which could be used for expansion and repair. In the whole space, I don’t know where the opportunity is coming, and then install these chaotic fragments into the mirage.

There were thirty or forty chaotic-colored space fragments of varying sizes falling down from the cracks above, and Zuli put them into his own mirage.

After that, Zuli began to observe the mirage.

This mirage is a dilapidated Minor World, and there is not much space available in it now. Zuri masters the mirage necklace, which is equivalent to mastering the entire mirage, and can control everything in it through thoughts, so He can put stone tools in, and when he needs to use them, he can take out the stone tools with his mind.

In the mirage at this moment, there are hundreds of broken fruits, huge broken trees, a lot of rare quality equipment, and a lot of materials and food. Zuri will collect the stone tools again, and then, There are thirty or forty pieces of space debris that have just been collected.

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