Chapter 562 Third Talent

Now, it started on its own, seeming to treat this dark heart as its prey, desperately devouring it.

What shocked Su Li was that the dark heart formed by the power of the dark origin could not escape the attraction of this third talent force. It was continuously entering the body through his right hand, and then was continuously sucked by the third talent. Went in.

With the absorption of a large amount of energy from the Heart of Darkness, it was the first time that there was only a wisp of the third talent that seemed to be breathless.

Su Li can clearly feel that in own body, there is an unimaginable power, like a giant, slowly waking up.

This is the potential hidden deep in his body, turned into the third talent, and he is constantly awakening because of the power of the heart of darkness.

For a long time, Su Li knew that to awaken his third talent, he needed enough energy, but he didn’t know what energy was needed or where to find the energy that could awaken the third talent.

Unexpectedly, entering this dark refining ground today, passing this seventh level, and the rewards obtained, this dark heart is actually crooked, swallowed by his third talent, and his third talent energy is awakening.

This dark heart seems to be transformed into a living thing, like a self-conscious, struggling desperately. On the palm of Zuri’s right hand, it is constantly twisting, and there are strips of slender black tentacles, like a tentacled one. The octopus monster looks very strange.

Su Li was secretly surprised when she saw that, the more she discovered the message that Bai had just captured with the “peep rune”, which reminded herself to be careful of the reason for being backlashed by the power of darkness.

This so-called heart of darkness, I am afraid that it contains evil intentions at all. It can even be said that its essence is a kind of creature in darkness. Become a puppet of the origin of this darkness.

Thinking that because he had the third talent, he was able to restrain the heart of darkness, and then he escaped, and Su Li was shocked in a cold sweat behind him.

If you don’t have the third talent, at the moment when you have just grasped the heart of darkness, I’m afraid it will turn against the object and merge into your own body.

All the previous rewards are okay, but how can the seventh level rewards be so sinister? Or is there a problem with the previous rewards?

I carefully sensed all the rewards I received before, but I didn’t sense any problems. Except for a dark dragon ring that can barely be related to darkness, other things whether it is teleporting crystals, life-giving spear scrolls, or attribute conversions. Neither crystal nor fusion crystal has anything to do with darkness, so there should be no problem.

He has a faint feeling that his mysterious and unknown third talent is extremely powerful. If there are problems with the previous rewards, I am afraid that this third talent has already been activated. Now he can only be interested in this dark heart, which seems to represent So far, only this dark heart has a problem.

A thought suddenly popped into his mind, could it be that own third talent is actually a special ability, can you tell which things hide hidden dangers that are disadvantageous to him? And then swallow it?

If you really have this special ability, it means that you don’t have to worry about which treasures you get will hide some hidden dangers, and then you dare not use it.But Zuli feels that own third talent is not just that simple, there should be more functions.

Now he hopes that the third talent can absorb enough energy and fully manifest, so that he can completely understand what this third talent is.

In a short period of time, the Heart of Darkness shrank by a fraction, and its struggle became more violent. Almost at this moment, Su Li suddenly felt a strong source of pure darkness again.

This power seemed to appear suddenly, and it instantly filled the entire huge room. The surrounding walls seemed to be unable to withstand this power, and there was a gurgling sound, and the original fine lines on the ground immediately turned into crevices. , And the slits are constantly extending and expanding, and the entire huge room seems to be bursting by this force.

Su Li was in it and felt an indescribable horror. His third talent was suppressed by this sudden source of darkness. The power that bound the heart of darkness seemed to be torn through a gap, and he was struggling violently. The heart of darkness suddenly got out of trouble, drilled out of the gap, and flew up with a scream.

At this moment, his mirage suddenly opened automatically, and with a squeak, the stone tool flew out of it and turned into a brilliant divine light, smashing into the dark heart that had just risen in the sky.

Only half of the heart of darkness was split by this divine light, and it was split into two. It suddenly seemed to lose all vitality and turned into two rainbows of black energy, which fell down and injected into his body.

The third talent deep in his body is like a giant whale absorbing water, and when it sucks, it sucks in all these two black energies and disappears completely.

Then, Su Li felt that own third talent became more alive, turning into a powerful energy, filling his body.

Just kidding, this third talent has swallowed all the dark heart that had just been manifested by a part of the dark source power. What a powerful force this is.

After the stone tool automatically sent a blow to split the heart of darkness, it lost its power, the divine light converged, and it fell heavily to the ground.

The original shock also disappeared, and the full and terrifying dark source power just disappeared completely.

Su Li picked up the stone tool that fell on the ground, and found that the surface had become a little darker.

There was a faint feeling in his heart that the stone tool just now seemed to have competed with the power of the source of darkness that had suddenly come. As for the way of fighting or who won or lost, he couldn’t guess.

The only certainty is that the sudden source of darkness has left, and the stone tools have become a little bleak.

As for the Heart of Darkness, which contained part of the original power of darkness, it was split by the stone tool, allowing his third talent to pick up the bargain, swallowing all of it, and turning it into own energy.

But even so, although his third talent has become more alive, he also truly felt the tyrannical power of this third talent for the first time, but this third talent is still “unknown”.

Su Limingbai, the third talent hasn’t fully manifested. What appears now is only the tip of the iceberg. It is conceivable that this third talent requires a huge amount of energy, and even this heart of darkness can only awaken a very small part of it.

“It seems that to fully awaken this third talent, the amount of energy required is simply unimaginable.”

Su Li put away the stone tool, and the moment he held the stone tool with his right hand, the strange feeling of blood and flesh came to his heart again.

This stone tool became more and more mysterious in his heart, and he had just taken the initiative to break through the mirage and split the heart of darkness, so that his third talent could successfully swallow the heart of darkness.

Although the third talent is not fully manifested, he already possesses terrifying energy. With a touch of Su Li, he can feel the rolling energy contained in this third talent. When his mind moves, these energies are like clouds and mist on his head. ascending rises.

Perhaps because it was the dark energy that was being swallowed, this cloud was as black as ink, and it looked like a black cloud tossing endlessly.

What is even more weird is that in the depths of the tossing black dark cloud, there is a vague shadow faintly, it seems that the true face of this third talent is this vague shadow.

Su Li has a feeling that one day this dark shadow will be completely revealed, then his third Kaifu will be truly complete.

Opening the mirage, looking at the heavy stone tool in his right hand, Su Li took it back into the mirage again.

For the so-called dark military training ground, for the first time a heart of suspicion was born.

“The base said that this time the Dark Refinery is to pick out the winners, and it will focus on cultivation in the future, but why is there such a terrible thing as the Heart of Darkness? If it weren’t for my third talent and stone tools, I’m afraid it has been This heart of darkness is swallowed, and if the base really wants to select talents and pick the strongest from them, why bother to bring us together and let us compete with each other, wouldn’t it be clear?”

Su Li groaned, thinking that in Nanjiang City, he waited for the nine major power alliances to compete with each other in order to compete for the first leader. It can be said that this method is quite fair and just, and who wins and who loses is clear at a glance.

And entering this dark refining field, even the guide can not observe the detailed process of their entry into this dark refining field, and even the dark power is involved. How weird it looks, this feeling does not seem to select the strongest among them. Rather than using them for cultivation, it seems that they want to test something.

With this idea, Su Li was awe-inspiring.

If so, what does the base want to use them to test?

What is their real purpose?

For this base, Su Li suddenly felt fear and alert.

Staying in this seventh level, Su Li did not rush to leave immediately. Anyway, the teleported crystal was destroyed. He didn’t know how to return for the time being. Fortunately, he kept a lot of food in the Mirage, just to prepare for the unexpected. Yes, he won’t starve to death for the time being, and with his current level of evolution, he doesn’t have to supplement food every day, even if he doesn’t eat for ten and a half months, he won’t die.

“You must be calm. Since you can come in, you will be able to find a way to get out.” Su Li calmed himself down, believing that this dark training ground can be entered through the dark magic stone. There must be another way to leave, and it is impossible to rely on it. Only by teleporting the crystal can you escape back, otherwise it is totally unreasonable.Mo Liudao and the three of them sent crystals to them, just to allow them to flee back at any time in case of danger. It doesn’t mean that they want to go back, they can only send crystals.

“Based on this speculation, it is possible to pass through the relevant cards in this dark training place, and there should be an exit. It is just that this level is more terrifying than the next level. Strictly speaking, the sixth level cannot be passed, the seventh level. Let alone pass, if there is an eighth pass, then this eighth pass must be even more terrifying.”

Su Li needed to ponder and think, and decided to strengthen his own strength first before trying the eighth level.

Although I have stone tools to rely on, stone tools are not omnipotent.

Just like before using stone tools to deal with that beautiful woman, if Xu Xuehui hadn’t helped him, he wouldn’t be able to kill that beautiful woman even with a stone tool.

After all, no matter how powerful a weapon is, it needs to be able to hit the enemy in order to be effective.

Just now, the giant dark puppet was easily killed by himself. On the one hand, the strength of the giant dark puppet is naturally not as good as that of the beautiful woman, and on the other hand, it despises the owner. He did not expect that he had a big killer like a stone tool. The third is the most important thing. The dark giant puppet’s reaction ability is a little bit poor, and he couldn’t react at that moment, so he was hit.

If there are more terrifying dark creatures in the eighth level, with faster resilience, even with a stone tool, I am afraid that it will not be easy to hit the opponent.

Now he has successfully used part of the power of the third talent. It can be said that he has a qualitative Ascension on the original basis. In addition, the thing that can quickly Ascension his own strength is the three monarch-level ones. Attribute conversion crystal.

When he passed the sixth level before, he was ready to use it, but he encountered the dark giant before he could use it.

Now that he has passed the seventh level, and there is no restriction that he must enter the eighth level immediately, Zuli decided to stay and rest for a while, and at the same time take out an attribute conversion crystal, wanting to change the own equipment attribute to make up the dragon attribute. Of eight pieces.

Compared with armor, the probability of killing the monarch monster to explode jewelry is too low. It is necessary to switch attributes, naturally, priority is given to the jewelry that is difficult to obtain. After all, the armor type can also be obtained by killing the monarch monster in the future. The chance of getting jewelry is much greater.

Su Li now has four monarch-level rings. The necklace is only a rare quality and cannot be converted. These four rings are Dragon·Dark Dragon Ring, Thunder·Abyss Lord Ring, Dark·Great Ghost Soldier Ring, and Dragon· Ring of Black Purgatory.

Two of them were already dragon attribute rings. Su Li first took out the Abyss Lord’s ring with thunder attribute, and then placed it with the attribute conversion crystal he took out.

Sensing that the Ring of the Abyss Lord began to fuse with this attribute conversion crystal, a message immediately appeared in Su Li’s mind, reminding him to choose the attribute of the attribute conversion crystal.

This conversion crystal contains more than a dozen attribute energies, including nine element attributes, such as thunder, fire, ice, wind, light and darkness, and five special attributes. The dragon attribute is one of the five special attributes.

Su Li chooses one of the dragon attributes, and the remaining a dozen elemental energies will automatically dissipate, leaving only the dragon attributes among them. After that, the conversion crystal starts to extract the thunder attributes from the ring of the abyss master.

As the thunder attribute is extracted, the ring of the abyss master becomes dimmed and irrelevant, just like rusted scrap iron.

After all the energy of the thunder attribute in it has been drained away, the conversion crystal will fuse the remaining dragon attributes in it.

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