Chapter 560: The Last Winner (The First One)

With a harsh sound, the horrible light slashed the two dark tentacles that were drawn head on. The terrible power shook, and the dark tentacles exploded with the power of darkness, which shook Zuli’s arms numb.

You must know that he possesses nearly a million catties of great power, coupled with these dozens of special abilities, what level of power this power has reached, and his arms numb by these two dark tentacles, you can imagine what the power of this dark tentacles has reached. Kind of level.

Then, he saw Xuanhua’s body flew out sideways.

He was in “Infernal Rage”, his combat power Ascension had reached the intermediate level of “Super”, but now, he couldn’t resist the dark tentacles around him. With a “boom”, he summoned the dark gate. He was drawn by three tentacles and collapsed. Then, his body was hit by one of the dark tentacles, and he rolled and flew out in the air, beginning to break apart.

His gift of immortality is working, making his body heal.

The Xuanhua who fell out was full of shock. He can now be sure that the power of each of the dark tentacles’ attacks can rival him in the state of “Infinite Rage”, which means that the strength of these dark tentacles can be Compete with the 12-level “super” intermediate powerhouse.

In this huge room of level 6, there are hundreds of dark tentacles, which means hundreds of “super” mid-level powerhouses. Such strength is too heaven-defying, Xuanhua feels not to mention him. It’s impossible to rush past now, even if you upgrade a few more levels, I’m afraid it’s impossible, unless you reach the level of the guide, with the huge advantage of 20, it is possible to successfully pass the level.

“Too abnormal.” Xuanhua thought silently, and then saw that Su Li was knocked out by two dark tentacles, no longer hesitating, took out the teleportation crystal, started to activate, and prepared to leave here.

He has reached the limit for being able to enter the sixth level. If he stays, not only is it impossible to pass the level, but he may even lose his life here.

As a hidden career with dual talents, a talented person, and a promising future, he is naturally unwilling to ruin himself here.

Su Li was as shocked as Xuanhua at the moment.

He felt that the dark energy bursting out of the dark tentacles, the power contained in almost every one was not inferior to his attack.

Now the “Power of Sacred” cannot be used. With his strength, nearly a million catties of power, more than a dozen special abilities merged into one, and he was slashed by the Red Moon Dragon. He was struck by two dark tentacles. His Red Moon Dragon Slash bounced back, his arms shook sharply, and dark tentacles drew sideways behind him.

Shocked, Su Li launched the “King of the Dragon’s Ghost Step”, and then launched the monarch skill, Dragon’s Wrath.

A huge dragon phantom descended, two dragon claws protruding out, roaring if there is nothing, then the three dark tentacles pulled down together, carrying the strength of the dark energy, even the dragon’s wrath Was suppressed.

With a “pop”, the dragon’s fury was shattered, and Su Li couldn’t resist it, and was overwhelmed by the terrifying dark energy. He fell out of the sky and hit the wall behind with a loud noise.

While falling down the wall, he saw the teleportation crystal in Xuanhua’s left hand glowing. He activated the teleportation crystal and was teleporting away.

Su Li is a little unwilling to reconcile, this sixth level is so terrifying, if you can successfully pass the level, you will surely be able to get better rewards.But when Sacred’s power was ineffective, with his current strength, he really couldn’t surpass the fifty-meter distance and pass through the iron gate at the end.

These hundreds of dark tentacles are really terrifying. It can be said that the dark energy carried by each dark tentacles is not weaker than the power he currently holds.

Although his current strength is not enough to break through the blockade of hundreds of dark tentacles and break into the iron gate, it does not mean that he has no chance. Although Sacred’s power is invalid, he still has stone tools.

When Xuanhua was wrapped in the white light of the teleported crystal and began to leave here, he fell heavily to the ground, but he was relieved. Finally, he was left alone, and he could use stone tools without any scruples.

With a movement of his mind, the mirage was opened, his right hand was loosened, the Red Moon Dragon Slash was abandoned, and the stone tool was taken out of the mirage.

Without the power of Sacred, the invincible state, although stone tools can burst out infinite divine light and destroy everything, but he also needs to withstand unimaginable terrifying power, but he is already prepared.

Now he, the 2.8-meter-high Heavenly Demon body in the strongest state, is more than capable of enduring several times more than when he used the stone tools last time, and he also has the “Resurrection Crystal” and the “Life Giving Scroll”. , Can hold the impact force he needs to withstand the moment he uses the stone tool.

The stone tool was taken out, watching the dark tentacles on the face drew frantically, watching Xuanhua disappear in a white light, Su Li stood up, holding the heavy stone tool tightly with his right hand, the surface was countless as thin as hair. Blood vessels emerge.

Su Li felt connected with the stone tool, and the stone tool became an extension of his body.

The power of the stone tools is too strong, and Su Li does not want to be exposed. His current strength is not enough to keep the stone tools, so when everyone was there, he didn’t dare to use them casually.

There was a long howl, and at the moment when the dark tentacles were drawn frantically, the stone tool finally shook, blasting out a burst of light.

The divine light was dazzling, shot out from the stone tool, and hit the blood-stained wall on the other side.

With a “boom”, the entire ground shook violently, and the terrifying power of this stone tool shook the entire dark refining field. In the next instant, the power of the dark origin shrouded here was activated to protect the dark refining field.

Su Li controlled the stone tool and slashed it horizontally in front of him.

The divine light swept past like a horse, and wherever it swept, the dark tentacles began to fly away.

Each of these dark tentacles is extremely powerful, comparable to the mid-level powerhouses in the 12th-level “super”, even Xuanhua can only fight with the first in a six-second “uninterrupted frenzy” state, except for this. Besides, he couldn’t deal with even a dark tentacle, but facing the divine light of the stone tool, he was vulnerable to a blow, and shattered like paper.

Su Li smashed this stone tool. Although the power that burst out was unmatched, he also endured an unimaginable impact, which was far beyond the limit he could bear now.

Originally, he thought that his strength Ascension had evolved to a two-meter-eight Heavenly Demon body in an over-limit state. It was several times stronger than the last time. Maybe he could barely hold it for a second or two, but he couldn’t think of the surging power from the stone tool. He tore his Heavenly Demon body in an instant, and numerous cracks appeared on the surface of his body in an instant.

Moreover, the power that the stone tool exploded this time was far greater than the last time he used it to attack the beautiful woman Lu Xue in the inner city.

Perhaps because of the influence of the dark source power that is flooding this space, the power that the stone tools exploded this time was far beyond imagination. Su Li knew that he was not good, and immediately launched the “Resurrection Crystal”.

His two-meter-high Heavenly Demon body collapsed and shattered in an instant, but in the incredible power of the “revival crystal”, he recovered in an instant, and the most shocking thing was that the power of this stone tool impacted him. His body had no effect on the other treasures he possessed, except for the teleport crystal he had fused, which suddenly shattered with a snap.

“what happened?”

Su Li was shocked, and there was no time to think about it. After the stone hit, he was busy letting go, opened the mirage, and threw it in.

Although it was only a second before and after, his “revival crystal” had already used up most of the energy, and now only less than one-third of the energy remained. It is estimated that he can use it again, which is about one second.

Putting away the stone tools, Su Li took a breath and looked in front of him. The hundreds of dark tentacles hanging down all disappeared. With the power of the stone tools, just sweep it horizontally. Wherever the light goes, all the dark tentacles Both shattered and disappeared, and on the unbreakable walls on both sides, there were dazzling cracks. Obviously, the light strike of the stone tool not only destroyed the hundreds of dark tentacles in front, but also shook the walls on both sides to reveal cracks.

Thinking of the power of the source of darkness that he had just sensed at that moment, Su Li faintly understood why the stone tools had just appeared to be extraordinarily violent. Perhaps it had something to do with the power of the source of darkness. Just this strike, not only the stone tools destroy the dark tentacles, but even faint darkness. The power of the source has also collided with the power of this stone tool.

Obviously, the walls on both sides are protected by the power of dark origin. Stone tools cannot completely destroy them, but cracks have appeared. From this point of view, the two sides seem to be evenly matched, and it is not easy to say who wins and loses.

The most shocking thing for Su Li was undoubtedly that the teleportation crystal in his body was shattered by the power of the stone tool.

“The teleporting crystal, the life-giving scroll, or Gun’s Tears fused in my body did not respond. Why did only the teleporting crystal shatter? It seems that the power of the stone tools is particularly directed at the teleporting crystal? Is there anything in this teleporting crystal? problem?”

Su Li was a little surprised.

Now that the teleport crystal is shattered, how do I return it?

In that huge dark space, Mo Liudao, Ling Yun, Xu Tianyu and others gathered around the mother crystal, not only them, but hundreds of people around it were full of tension.

Just now, Wei Bingying and Liu Jie came back here one after another, which means that now in the dark refining field, only Xuanhua and Su Li are left.

The winner will be the winner.

Seeing that Wei Bingying and Liu Jie were so horrified, everyone knew that they must have encountered an unimaginable horror.

Xu Tianyu glanced at Wei Bingying and sighed inwardly. Among the group of people he cultivated, Wei Bingying was the strongest. Now that even he has failed, he understands that this fight has nothing to do with him.

Although the upperman wants to find out the so-called son of luck, it is also related to the honor of their three guides. If the son of luck comes from the owner, they will feel the brilliance on the face, and even get the uppermost. Commendation, this is why Ling Yun feels proud of Xuanhua everywhere.

Although Xu Tianyu didn’t report much hope at the beginning, there was always a thought in his heart that he still had a little expectation of Wei Bingying. It was only when he saw Wei Bingying giving up and appearing in front of him that he completely gave up this idea.

Wei Bingying and Liu Jie returned with very ugly faces, and another light appeared immediately after them. Everyone’s heart tightened, and a thought came into their minds at the same time. Who will come out this time?Is it Su Li or Xuan Hua?

Not just them, even Mo Liudao and Ling Yun looked at this light in their hearts.

As the light converged, Xuanhua appeared from it.

There was an uproar in the surrounding people, and Ling Yun felt even more that his head had been hit hard, and there was some confusion in his mind for a while.

Xuanhua also failed?

The real son of luck is that Zuli can’t make it?

Mo Liu Dao’s head was also a little stunned. Xuanhua escaped before Su Li, which also made him a little bit stunned.

At this moment, Xu Tianyu suddenly stretched out his finger to the mother crystal: “The spot of light has disappeared!”

Listening to his voice, Ling Yun raised his head and suddenly found that all the light spots on the mother crystal had disappeared, and the whole crystal had dimmed.

“What?” Mo Liu’s Dao heart shook, Ling Yun suddenly understood, and shouted: “Then Su Li is dead?”

In this way, everything made sense. In the end, the four people, Wei Bingying and Liu Jie, fled back in advance, and then Xuanhua escaped safely, but Su Li was unable to escape and died. In that dark refining field, there is no doubt that the person who has been there for the longest time is Xuanhua, and the son of luck mentioned above can only be Xuanhua.

After thinking about everything, Ling Yun had a good idea, and suddenly felt that the qi in his chest was much smoother.

As for the death of Su Li, it was nothing to worry about. The important thing is to make sure that Xuanhua is the son of luck.

Ling Yun’s words spread far and wide, and many people felt tight. The faces of Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, and Ding Longyun who had gathered in the crowd suddenly changed. Jiang Shuijue couldn’t help but rushed out and shouted: “Impossible, no, Su Li. There may be something!”

Looking at the mother crystal, I noticed that all the light spots on it had disappeared.

The light spots above, only when the teleporting crystal is in the dark refining field, will the light spots appear on the mother crystal. Now the three of Xuanhua have used the teleporting crystals to escape back, so the light spots representing the three of them are already Disappeared, but Su Li did not appear. In principle, he is still in this dark refining field. Then, the light spot that represents him should appear on this mother crystal.

Now all the light spots have disappeared, and there is only one possibility, that is, Su Li is dead.

Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, and Xu Xuehui rushed out, watching the mother crystal dim and slowly falling down, Mo Liudao stretched out his hand to put the mother crystal away.

Su Li was dead, Xuanhua and others also fled back. This time the trial was over.

“No!” Jiang Shuijue suddenly stretched out her hand, trying to grab the mother crystal in her hand. She didn’t believe that Su Li would die. There must be something wrong with this mother crystal, she wanted to see clearly.

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