Chapter 559 The Origin of Darkness

When encountering such an opponent, it is no wonder that these people fled back through teleportation, which also made them worry about the four people who were still there.

Mo Liudao glanced at Luo Zhanjian among them, thinking that he had reached the fifth level with the “medium” combat power, which is really rare, but now there are so many people, he is not good to ask in public, and can only wait after this mission is over. He understood clearly again in private.

“Now the remaining four people, No. 2 Suli, No. 13, Xuanhua, No. 14 Liu Jie, and No. 25 Wei Bingying, the final winner will only come from these four.”

“I guess there is nothing wrong, Xuanhua must not have to run.”

“Who said that, didn’t you listen to what they said just now? I heard that No. 2 Su Li performed better than Xuanhua.”

“Does this need to be said? That must be Xuanhua deliberately hiding her strength.”

“Cut, you still hide your strength at this time? Lie, you treat him as Sage, don’t fight for fame and fortune!”

Everyone was talking here, and in that huge house, after one minute, the dark creatures that still existed suddenly exploded automatically, and the whole room was suddenly enveloped by the power of terrifying darkness.

Fortunately, all four of them killed the dark creatures and were protected by the power of darkness. They were unharmed in this terrifying power of darkness.

If you don’t kill the dark creatures and stay here at the moment, then there is only a dead end.

Immediately afterwards, a message rang in the four people’s minds, prompting them to kill the dark creatures in the final ranking.

However, they only know their own rankings and do not know the rankings of others.

“First place, reward, teleport crystal.”

Su Li sensed the message in his mind and obtained a teleporting crystal. Once used, the special effect of this crystal is that once it is used, it can be moved out of hundreds of miles in an instant. It is a one-time lossy treasure, and it is a random location. , I don’t even know where I will be moved.

Xuanhua sensed the message in his mind and determined that he was second again. He glanced at Su Li silently.

Although he didn’t know which place Su Li was in, he could guess it. Since he was second, he must be the first.

After a few levels, all of them were second, Xuanhua felt a little depressed.

At this moment he finally began to doubt, could it be said that he is really inferior to him?

After receiving the own reward, a message rang in the four people’s minds, allowing them to pass through the iron gate at the end and enter the sixth level.

The fifth level has been so difficult, six people have been eliminated in a row, but now this sixth level has no idea what else is there.

The four people passed through the iron gate one after another and entered the sixth level.

The sixth level is exactly the same as the previous five levels. It is still the huge room that looks a bit gloomy. The only difference is that when they entered, they saw a large number of thick black tentacles hanging down from the top of the huge room. .

These black tentacles, like giant pythons, hung down from above and landed on the ground, covering the entire huge room, looking very strange.

Everyone looked at the weird scene in front of this, and they were a little surprised.

This time there was almost no sign, the black tentacles hanging in front of them suddenly squirmed, like giant pythons, suddenly came alive, with a terrible aura, volleyed towards them.

The speed of each black tentacles was amazing, producing a sonic boom, and in an instant, they arrived in front of them, and with their current skills and eyesight, they all produced a dazzling feeling.

All four of them were taken aback. The black dragon sword in Wei Bingying’s hand almost instinctively slashed forward. He let out an angry shout and opened a black circular circle behind his back. A large number of spells appeared in the circle. , This is the power of his treasure “Dark Charm”.

Liu Jie holds the staff of the samurai god in her right hand and a small scroll about a foot long in her left hand, which is her treasure “mythical scroll”.

At this moment, I did not hesitate to open the mythological scroll, but I saw that this small scroll extended out, with a large number of ancient spells and monster portraits painted on the surface. At this moment, these ancient spells were rising, and a large number of monster portraits came alive and struggled. Want to climb out of this scroll.

Wei Bingying can become the top powerhouse in the “superior” combat power of the same level. In addition to his talents and treasures and a very good equipment, he also has top combat talent and awareness.

And Liu Jie, in essence, her fighting consciousness is average, not top-notch, but she can become the top powerhouse in the “superior” combat power, relying solely on the powerful talents and treasures she has mastered.

Her treasure “Mythology Scroll” is the top treasure. Once opened, the terrifying ancient spells and monsters are resurrected, and they immediately begin to tear the drawn dark tentacles.

Compared with Wei Bingying and Liu Jie, Xuanhua’s performance is even more amazing.

Behind him, suddenly a huge dark door opened. This is his treasure “Gate of Darkness”, and the blade of ignorance in his right hand swung out in the air at the same moment.

Standing in the “Dark Gate”, he pinched his left hand, which was one of his two talents, the “dark contract”, and he volleyed out.

Compared with the performance of the three of them, Su Li’s response method is simpler, directly activating the overrunner, entering the Heavenly Demon real body state, activating the power of Sacred, and entering the seven-second invincible state.

Messages appeared in the four people’s minds. The sixth test is very simple. They are to rush into the iron gate at the end under the defense of these countless black tentacles, even if they win.

With his seven-second invincible state, with his speed, he can easily rush through the fifty-meter distance in seven seconds and enter the iron gate. It can be said that this level looks extremely difficult, but for having an invincible state For Zurich, it was extremely easy.

If this test is a very difficult test, then the ability that Zuli now masters is equivalent to cheating.

The power of Sacred had just been activated, and seeing the tentacles flicking frantically, Su Li suddenly felt something wrong.

At just this moment, he felt that this space was flooded with an invisible mysterious power. This power seemed to be a kind of dark power, but it was the purest dark power among them. It seemed to be all the dark powers between heaven and earth. The origin of is the highest existence.

As soon as his Sacred power was activated, he sensed this source of dark power, which in turn triggered the suppression of this source of dark power, and actually suppressed his Sacred power back.

Su Li took a breath of air, and instantly understood that this sixth level was completely different from the previous one. There was a special dark source power looming here, suppressing all possible cheating situations.

And his Sacred power was suppressed and could not be used.

The invincible state could not be opened, and Su Li had no time to think about it, and he let out a roar, instantly opening the “Devil enchantment”.

At almost the same moment, he heard two screams.

These two screams came from Wei Bingying and Liu Jie.

These two are the top existences in the “superior” combat power, so they can reach the sixth level. They just faced the attack of the dark tentacle, and they did not hesitate to use the strongest means to counterattack, but it was terrifying. A scene appeared. The attack power of each of these dark tentacles surpassed the “superior” combat power and reached the “superior”.

The black dragon sword in Wei Bingying’s hand had just activated the monarch skill, and the dark dragon just appeared, it was drawn by two dark tentacles and burst into pieces. Wei Bingying’s top treasure “dark spell”, the countless spells Rupilian rushed out, forming a huge dark circle in front of him. Before he could burst out real power, he was exploded by a dark tentacle.

“How is it possible?” Wei Bingying couldn’t help widening her eyes, revealing a look of horror. This is definitely a force crushing. The power contained in this dark touch has surpassed the “superior” and reached the real “superior”. Levels, moreover, there is more than one.

How does this make him resist?

The dark tentacles drew over, and instantly shattered the monarch skills and dark spells he had played. His talent “activation” had not yet been displayed, and he was hit hard on the back.

This strike directly cracked his body, really starting to break from the chest.

Wei Bingying let out a horrible roar, his eyes widened, and immediately activated the crystal transmission. At the same moment, he activated a life-saving treasure that he possessed. As soon as it was activated, it immediately turned into a huge mask, protecting him in it, and he was broken. The body recovered in this light shield, and then the teleporting crystal began to glow.

This life-saving treasure is a one-off, Wei Bingying regards it as a treasure, but he has to use it at this moment, otherwise he will die here if he can’t wait for the teleporting crystal to take effect.

The huge light shield emitted by this life-saving artifact hit the dark tentacles three times, and it was smashed. At the same moment, the teleported crystal played a role, turning into a light, and disappearing here with Wei Bingying.

Liu Jie’s experience is similar to that of Wei Bingying.

Although the myth scroll she opened is known as the top treasure, she never thought that the other party was so strong that it was so abnormal. It was like encountering a group of powerful men with “super” combat power. No matter how strong she was, she was only a “superior” Where can the strong resist?

With a scream, she was beaten and flew out in an instant, in panic, while activating the teleport crystal, she was busy using the talented god summoning.

A huge phantom of the god shot out from her body, protecting her in it, against the dark tentacles that followed.This huge phantom of the god shrank by one point every time it was attacked by the dark tentacles, but it did not shatter, but firmly protected Liu Jie’s body.

It is conceivable that Liu Jie’s talent is extremely powerful, able to display such a powerful ability when she was at level 11. In the future, with her level of Ascension, this talent will become more terrifying.

Because there are many talents, with the level of Ascension, it will be able to exert more and more powerful power.

For example, Su Li’s “Extra-Limited One” has the ability to combine each ability with Ascension. It seems that this ability is fixed and does not change with the level of Ascension, but it is actually used in practice. This is not the case.

For example, if he only mastered a special ability, or only mastered a spiritual source art, this kind of “extra-limited” can actually play a role is to combine this ability with the spiritual source art Ascension. For Ascension of the overall strength of Zurich, it is not too obvious.

But as he has more special abilities and more spiritual source art, this “extra-limiter” can make every special ability and every kind of spiritual source art obtain a level of Ascension. The combination of Ascension’s abilities makes it terrifying for the Ascension of Zurich’s strength.

It can be said that the higher the level of Su Li, the greater the Ascension of this “overrunner” to his overall strength.

Similarly, many people’s talents will have similar changes.

This Liu Jie is now only a level 11 shield knight. This god summoned to be able to hold the dark tentacles with a few consecutive blows. It is conceivable that her talent is powerful. With her Ascension, this talent will increase in the future. Become stronger.

Although he resisted the dark tentacles with a few consecutive blows with the summons of the gods, Liu Jie understood that his own strength was simply not enough to pass this terrifying fifty-meter distance. Faced with the dark tentacles with more than hundreds of them, let alone her. , She felt that even Xuanhua with “superior” combat power would not be able to break through.

It can be said that this sixth level is the death robbery. With their current strength, it is impossible to pass the test.

Soon, Liu Jie followed Wei Bingying and fled here with the teleportation crystal.

And Su Li and Xuan Hua are still insisting.

Xuanhua entered the six-second “infinite rage”, both of which are hidden classes. Su Li’s “Sacred power” was suppressed by the power of the invisible source of darkness and could not be used, but Xuanhua’s “infinite rage” could Cast.

Obviously, in the judgment of the source of darkness, Su Li’s “Sacred power” was equivalent to cheating and was blocked, while Xuanhua’s “Infinite Rage” was considered a reasonable ability and did not belong to the category of being blocked.

In the six-second “uninterrupted rage”, Xuanhua entered a terrifying rampage, and his combat power climbed infinitely. At this moment, his combat power reached an unimaginable level of horror. Two talents “immortal seal” Simultaneously with the “dark contract”, the dark door behind him continued to extend upward.

The blade of ignorance in his hand slashed out head on.

The two dark tentacles were chopped by the blade of ignorance. Among them, the power of the dark contract was fluctuating. The two dark tentacles were shaking endlessly, and they were blocked by his blade of ignorance.

In the midst of “infinite raging”, Xuanhua’s combat power at this moment has reached an unimaginable Realm, and even ordinary “super” can hardly match him.

If “super-class” is also divided into several levels, Xuanhua did not perform “uninterrupted rage” and belonged to the lower level of “super-class”, then Xuanhua at this moment also belongs to at least the middle-class of “super-class” powerhouses. level.

The power of Sacred in Zuri is ineffective and can only enter the most powerful state, pushing the devil muscles and the Heavenly Demon bones to an over-limit state, bursting out the strongest power, and mastering more than a dozen special abilities. An outsider, turned into a pure force, injected the Red Moon Dragon Slash, blasted a terrifying sword light that was over two feet long, and slashed out in the air.

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