Chapter 518 Mysterious Woman (second more seeking subscription)

There are gaps between the giant columns that are uprooted from the ground. Su Li followed Xu Xuehui and walked deeper along these gaps.

As he continued to walk in, Su Li slowly saw that between these columns, occasionally there were pipes hanging down.

The tube was also made of a certain material he didn’t know about. The thickness was different. It dropped from the countless rotating gears above, fell to the ground, and then extended along the ground to the front end.

When Su Li saw the surface of these pipes, there was a faint sneer, which was the sound of terrifying energy fluctuations in the air.

Looking at these falling pipes, Su Li suddenly understood that these pipes were carrying incredible energy.

Perhaps it is the energy conveyed by these tubes that maintains the rotation of the tens of millions of gears above.

Compared with the cylinder and the number of gears in the tens of millions, the number of energy delivery pipes that fall down is not too much, one in every other area, but the accumulation becomes more, and the pipes that fall down will eventually be concentrated. When they came together, more and more pipes slowly gathered together.

These concentrated pipes are all extending towards the end, just like snakes.

Following the pipe extending from the ground all the way forward, the cylinders appearing around it became denser and denser. The two slowly needed to drill through the gap between the cylinders. Now Su Li was also full of curiosity, he wanted to see Look at where these energy-transporting pipes will eventually lead to, and where is such a huge amount of energy that keeps these billions of gear machines running.

In the end, they followed the pipes on the ground and found the source of these energy transmission pipes.

The floor of this huge and boundless palace was paved with cyan material. Zuri didn’t know what material it was, but I could feel it. This material was extremely hard.

So all the previous buildings were in dilapidated condition, but this huge palace was the only one to see no damage.

At this moment, a huge gap appeared on the cyan ground, and the energy-carrying pipes extending from all directions extended from the ground into this gap.

Su Li opened his third eye. Although he could not capture the information of these cylinders, gears and tubes, under the observation of his third eye, he could clearly see that there was unimaginable terrifying energy coming from here. Below the gap, along these pipes, it is transported in all directions.

He is now completely certain that the gear machines above are relying on these energy to maintain operation.

Below this huge gap, like an unfathomable abyss, there is no way to go here, unless they slide down these energy transmission pipes, but the energy contained in these pipes even feels terrifying in Zurich and dare not dare. It’s easy to get close, let alone climb these tubes and slide down to see what happens.

He could only get close to the edge of the gap in the ground, opened his third eye, and looked down carefully, trying to see what it was that was sending energy to these tubes and gear machines.

There was a cloud of darkness below, but fortunately, the third eye he had could already see through the darkness. Looking down, I suddenly saw a huge and extremely pale face, looking up at him directly below.

Su Li was taken aback when it happened suddenly, and his face suddenly changed.

Xu Xuehui was also observing, her eyes widened, and then she stared blankly, as if she was stunned, as if seeing something that made her feel incredible, as if she was full of panic, and her whole body was trembling slightly.Su Li took a deep breath, opened the third eye, and observed carefully again. With the preparation, he was not frightened again this time, but carefully looked down.

Finally, he saw the tip of the iceberg from the gap, and finally saw clearly, under the gap, there really is a huge face.

This face is as pale as paper, and there is no trace of blood. You can only vaguely see the appearance of a vague woman, but this face is too big, from the eyes of Su Li, it is just this face. The size surpasses Longqiu Mountain.

Under this face is her body. From Su Li’s point of view, he can’t see the whole picture of this woman’s body, but with such a huge face, how huge is her body? At least it can be calculated in kilometers or even 10,000 meters.

Those pipes extending in like a giant python, all the way down, are inserted into the forehead, nostrils, ears, mouth, neck, shoulders, body of this huge woman…

The whole body was densely packed, filled with thousands of pipes.

The horrible energy was born from this woman’s body, and then it was sent out endlessly along these tubes, supplying the tens of millions of gear machines, maintaining their operation.

This woman with a body as large as a mountain is the energy source that maintains the operation of these countless gear machines.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Su Li couldn’t believe what he saw before him. Under this huge palace, there is an abyss. In the abyss, there will be a huge and incomparable woman hidden. The more terrifying thing is undoubtedly from this. The woman’s body is filled with tubes, so that the energy source in her body is constantly being channeled out.

This huge woman was used as energy to maintain the countless gear machines in this palace.

Xu Xuehui looked down blankly, as if she was stunned. Slowly, a mist of mist gushed out of her eyes.

She seemed stunned and stunned again.

Su Li looked at the huge face below. The eyes of this face were closed and motionless. It seemed to be dead, and it seemed to have fallen into a long sleep. The only certainty was the energy fluctuations in her body. Exhaustion, that terrifying energy, is almost endless.

The more Su Li looked at the huge face of the woman below, the more terrified he felt. Finally, he finally took a deep breath. This breath was so cold to the bones that all his spine rose up with chill. He turned his head and looked at Xu Xuehui.

Yes, the appearance of the woman appeared below, almost exactly the same as Xu Xuehui’s face.

It’s almost like Xu Xuehui when she grows up.

Looking at Xu Xuehui’s face, then looking down at the huge face that appeared below, and seeing the pipes inserted into it, Su Li felt cold all over.

“Xue…Xuehui…” Su Li felt her body a little stiff, watching Xu Xuehui’s head down and looking down silently, couldn’t help but call her.

It seems that she heard Su Li’s voice, Xu Xuehui raised her head, and Su Li realized that she did not know when, two lines of teardrops appeared on her face.

“It’s… painful… lonely… dark… desperate…”

Xu Xuehui’s lips moved slightly, and her voice became a little strange. She was moving away and approaching, intermittently, her eyes were dull, as if there was no longer a trace of emotion.

Su Li looked in her eyes, her heart shuddered, and immediately raised her voice: “Xuehui!” At the same time, she stretched out her hand and grabbed her arm.

He just grabbed Xu Xuehui’s arm, Xu Xuehui shuddered cleverly, as if she had been awakened suddenly, with a loud voice, looked up at Su Li, confused, and said: “It’s terrible, I just had a dream.”

Seeing that there were still tears on her face, Su Li stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on her face.

Only then did Xu Xuehui know that she was in tears, and she didn’t even know when she cried.

“Girl, what dream did you have just now?” Su Li faintly felt that maybe this dream is very important and could see something.

Xu Xuehui shook her head and said: “I can’t remember too clearly…it’s terrible…like being in the dark, unable to move…it’s painful, and the whole body is…full of pipes…”

When she said this, she shivered cleverly, then lowered her head and murmured: “It’s like… has become like this…”

Su Li’s heart shook slightly. Obviously, Xu Xuehui also noticed the horrible sight below, and saw the filled pipe. She suddenly saw a huge woman who looked almost exactly the same as herself. What would it be? feel?

“Can we… help her?” Xu Xuehui suddenly raised her head, begging.


Su Li took a deep breath. Regardless of the relationship between the woman in the abyss below and Xu Xuehui, as long as she looks almost exactly the same as Xu Xuehui, he wants to help, but what should I do? Now he doesn’t even know if the woman below is alive or dead.

“Xuehui, do you know what we should do with her? Are these pipes to be ripped off?” Su Li said as he watched the countless pipes extending from the gap in the ground, endless energy was passing through. They are sent out.

It’s just that the energy contained in these tubes made Su Li also feel trembling. It is not easy to remove or cut off these tubes.

Xu Xuehui looked at Su Li and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll try it.”

Su Li told Xu Xuehui to retreat and moved a distance, and immediately entered the strongest Heavenly Demon state, incarnate as a giant with a height of 2.5 meters, and Su Li launched the “Sacred Power” to enter the state of invincibility for four and a half seconds with both hands. As soon as he stretched it out, he grabbed one of the tubes, raised the most powerful force in his body, let out a violent roar, and pulled it up forcefully.

There was a sizzling noise on the surface of the tube. It was conceivable that there was terrifying energy on this surface, and the energy conveyed in it was even more terrifying.

Even if Su Li is in an invincible state, he still feels a wave of terrifying energy transmitted from his own body like an electricity. If he is not in an invincible state, he will be wiped out at the moment of contact.

The strongest 670,000 kilograms of force in the body broke out, but his arms held this tube, and he didn’t even move.

“Give me—” Su Li roared, and the abilities he held in his body were transported out one by one, and ten kinds of abilities were quickly raised, plus 670,000 kilograms of power, and still couldn’t shake any of them.

Determined that the tube could not be pulled out with both hands, Su Li stretched out his right hand, and a burst of energy gushed out from his chest, transforming into the Red Moon Dragon Slash.Su Li grabbed the Red Moon Dragon Slash with his right hand and slashed towards one of the tubes in the air.

With a “zeng” sound, the Red Moon Dragon Slash was shocked and flew out before almost touching it, and could not hold it with Zuli’s powerful strength. If it weren’t for invincible state, his palm would have been torn apart. .

Watching Red Moon Dragon Zhan let go and flew out.

Su Li frowned and did not continue to make a move.

After four and a half seconds of invincibility disappeared, Su Li looked at these pipes, pondered slightly, then opened the mirage and took the stone tool out of it.

Carrying the heavy stone tool, Su Li didn’t use it immediately. He needed to wait for Sacred’s power to be able to use it again.

“I don’t know if this stone tool will cut this pipe.” Su Li’s only hope now is the power of this stone tool.

Xu Xuehui avoided one of the jet-black cylinders and looked at Su Li nervously.

Su Li stood in front of these tubes, inhaled gently, adjusted his breathing, holding a stone tool in his right hand, and when the one-minute cooling time of Sacred’s power expired, he immediately entered the invincible state of Sacred’s power again, and then his right hand was tight. Holding the handle of the stone tool.

The feeling of blood and flesh came to my heart again, and the stone tool was like a part of his body, an extension of his arm.

On the stone tool, bloodshots appeared one after another, and soon the whole stone tool was covered.

Feeling the surging energy in the stone tool, Su Li couldn’t help letting out a long scream, holding the stone tool in his right hand, and slamming down towards the pipe in front of him. This time, he was not only smashing into a pipe, but in front of him. This pile of big pipes gathered together.

With his long howl, the power in the stone tool was stimulated, and it burst out like a horse in an instant, turning it into a dazzling divine light.

The stone tool in Su Li’s hand is like an axe, sturdily split on one of the pipes.

This tube also contains extremely terrifying energy, and its surface is also covered with a layer of protective energy, which can’t be destroyed by ordinary people. Just now, whether it is pulled hard or chopped with the Red Moon Dragon, Zuli can’t make it. Minutes of damage.

But the power of the stone tool is almost impossible to stop, even if the energy transmission tube is chopped by the stone tool, the tube will be broken immediately.

The tube ruptured suddenly, and a burst of faint pink energy spouted out of it.

With a “boom”, the pink energy sprayed into an extremely thick cylinder. The cylinder shook violently. The upper gear immediately rang and cracked. Several of the gears were affected and immediately cracked. The gear shards fell down.

As the gear shattered, the entire palace shook violently.

Su Li did not expect that cutting one of the pipes by herself would cause such a drastic change. In an instant, the gears above one after another interacted with each other due to the violent shaking, and then they shattered.

The sound of chuckling chuckling was endless, and this huge palace was shaking violently, and Su Li was amazed to realize that cracks began to appear on the ground, and the unbreakable cyan ground also began to crack.

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