Chapter 517 Ghost Mother-Child Puppet (first one)

Xu Xuehui thought for a while before saying: “Some are like…Ghost Mother-Child puppets.”

“Ghost Mother-Child puppet?” Su Li looked at Xu Xuehui. It was the first time he heard the name.

Xu Xuehui said, “Legend, there is a special treasure…”

“It was carved from the remains of…the ghost Mother-Child…there is the power of the ghost Mother-Child god…”

“A pair of ghost mother and ghost couple…”

The more Su Li heard it, the more disturbed he said, “What special ability does this ghost Mother-Child occasionally have?”

Xu Xuehui tilted her head slightly, as if she was reminiscing about the abilities of this ghost Mother-Child puppet in her mind.

After thinking for a while, he continued: “Guizi puppets are carried with you, while Guizi puppets are stored somewhere.”

“If the person carrying the ghost puppet suffers an accident, as long as the ghost mother puppet is not destroyed…”

“This person can survive.”

Su Li took a breath at hearing this.

Now he can be sure that the devil puppet that turned into fly ashes just now must be carried by the beautiful woman. Although under the destructive energy of the stone tools, she and the devil puppet were all destroyed in ashes, but As long as the ghost mother puppet exists, she will come back to life again.

“No wonder… I didn’t get her spiritual source. It turns out that she didn’t really die.” Su Li’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He was able to kill the beautiful woman just now. It can be said to be very lucky. If you do it again, the beautiful woman would have too many chances to kill him.

Now his methods and hole cards are completely exposed, including Xu Xuehui’s special abilities, it is impossible for a beautiful woman to give Xu Xuehui a chance to stop her.

Now it’s not just him who is in danger, including Xu Xuehui, I’m afraid this beautiful woman will not let it go after she recovers.

Thinking of this beautiful woman using the mysterious ability of the ghost Mother-Child puppet, once she comes back to life again, I’m afraid she will come to kill herself and Xu Xuehui in the first place.

“If she reappears, I’m afraid she won’t be as careless as before. She can make a sudden move, or even use sneak attacks. With Xuehui and I’s abilities, it’s impossible to guard against…”

The more Su Li thinks about it, the more he feels terrified. With the strength of a beautiful woman, if she really suddenly attacked, she and Xu Xuehui would not have any chance to resist.”This ghost Mother-Child puppet… is very precious… rare… Unexpectedly, she will have…” Xu Xuehui muttered, as if she was talking to Su Li, and she seemed to be muttering to herself: “Her identity ……not simple……”

“Xuehui, we are in big trouble.” Su Li took a deep breath, calming herself in the chaos. Although his power is insignificant compared to a beautiful woman, his character is never reconciled. Stand alone.

When Xu Xuehui heard what he said, she seemed to think of something, and raised her head and said: “She wants to live…it takes time…”

Su Li’s heart moved, and said: “How long does it take for her to survive?”

“Complete recovery… from half a month to a month…”

Listening to Xu Xuehui’s answer, Su Li breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did he realize that even with this ghostly Mother-Child puppet, it would take half a month to a month for a beautiful woman to fully recover. It is not possible to recover completely immediately.

“The shortest half a month, the longest one month… Then we still have time.”

Su Li’s heart renewed a strong fighting spirit, just as this beautiful woman fully recovered in the shortest half month, and then found herself to get revenge, then she still has at least half a month, and even more. More time to prepare.

The biggest gap between him and her now is the level difference. As long as he raises the level of Ascension, it can be said that even if he does not borrow the power of the stone tool, he is not afraid of her at all.

The evaluation of this beautiful woman in the same level is only “first-class”. She and the top-level “superior” in the level have been killed. If she can also be promoted to a level 20 Sacred knight, Zuri has Absolute confidence can defeat this beautiful woman.

Su Li has seen it in the two fights with this beautiful woman. Although she possesses top-notch talents and treasures, and even holds a variety of treasures, her combat talent is really not satisfactory. It is said that it has the best configuration, but it cannot fully utilize the capabilities of this configuration.

It’s like a driver, obviously driving a top-notch sports car, but the car skills are really miserable.

However, how long does it take to be promoted to a Sacred knight at level 20? Right now, the shortest time for me is only about half a month. Where can I be promoted?

Su Li’s eyes were glowing, and he knew that the only thing he could do now was to do all possible crazy upgrades. As long as the level went up, even if the beautiful woman really appeared again, he didn’t need to be afraid.

After confirming the situation of this beautiful woman, and he still had at least half a month or even a month to prepare, Su Li calmed down.

After resting for a while, their physical strength slowly recovered, and then both of them stood up and looked at the giant cross and the crown giant nailed to it again.

Su Li opened the “third eye” to observe and wanted to capture some information, but unfortunately, there was no response. Even the “third eye” could not capture the slightest information.

Xu Xuehui took the stone rune and walked up. She touched the stone rune to the wound on the crown of the giant’s chest and was stained with the blood surging inside.

It is strange to say that the blood of this crown giant contains terrible energy, but it does not resist Xu Xuehui and the stone runes she is holding. Instead, the blood is flowing into the stone runes endlessly.

Soon, the original dilapidated stone rune pattern slowly recovered, and the surface was faintly shiny and flowing. It seemed that this key, which was claimed to be able to open the real dungeon, had been completely restored.

After the last bit of blood flowing in the body was completely absorbed by the stone runes in Xu Xuehui’s hand, the corpse of the crown giant nailed to the cross began to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These rotten flesh and blood turned into rainbow light, spreading in all directions, just like the rainbow phenomenon in the death of the legendary Taoist master.

Su Li watched quietly, watching the crown giant finally turned into a giant skeleton, this skeleton still maintains the posture of being nailed to the cross, even the crown on the head seems to be fused with the skull, still wearing On that skull.

The crown giant became a giant skeleton wearing a crown.

When Su Li saw the stone cross faintly glowing, he felt that the stone tools he had stored in the mirage suddenly reacted faintly, as if he had some reaction with the cross.

This made him slightly awe-inspiring. Is there a certain connection between this stone tool and this cross?

It’s just that this reaction didn’t last long. The light on the surface of the cross quickly disappeared. Xu Xuehui took the completely restored stone rune, bypassed the cross, and started to walk deeper.

Su Li took a deep look at the crown giant who was still fixed on the cross, and understood that the giant bone could be maintained on the cross. It should be the power of the cross that played a role. Otherwise, the bone should be the same as the bones of the bull head and horse face. The same, fly ashes and vanish.

“It seems… it still hasn’t been completely relieved… Its identity is very unusual.”

Su Li groaned, followed Xu Xuehui, rounded the cross, and walked deeper.

For such giant bones and crosses, he stayed away, knowing that these are the existences that he cannot touch now.

In the end, the two walked out of the palace where most of them had been cut off. After they walked out of the palace, a more magnificent palace appeared in front of them.

The palace is kept intact, and there is no trace of damage to it.

It’s just that this palace is so huge, it’s so huge that Zuli can’t see it in full. All he can see is the tip of the iceberg from the palace facing him.

Going up, I can’t see the top, I don’t know how high the palace is, because after about a hundred meters, it was swallowed by dark clouds. To the left, it was also over a hundred meters later, and it was swallowed by the boundless darkness. The same, only the exposed corner that he can see now is more than a hundred meters high, and the left and right lengths are more than two hundred meters.

And all of this may be just a corner of the palace, and Su Li doesn’t know how huge the palace is.

“How can there be such a huge palace in this world? How can people live in such a palace?”

Su Li looked up in shock. Even if he opened the “third eye”, he couldn’t see through the dark clouds above, nor could he see the boundless darkness on both sides.

Compared with the huge size of the palace, the palace gate in front of the two of them is quite normal and not so exaggerated. The gate facing the palace is about fifteen meters in height and more than ten meters in width. Such gates were originally considered to be very huge. , But compared with this huge palace, the gate of this palace is too small, completely disproportionately small.

The palace is blue in color, and I don’t know what material it was built of. No damage is visible on the surface. There are two stone gates that are also blue in front of it.

The stone gate was tightly closed, and there was a palm-sized slot in the center, which coincided with the stone rune pattern in Xu Xuehui’s hand.With this trough as the center, countless small grooves extend in all directions, densely packed like a huge spider web, covered with these two giant stone gates.

Xu Xuehui took the stone rune and looked up at the slot in the center of the giant stone gate, then handed the stone rune in her hand to Su Li, and then pointed to the slot.

Su Limingbai stood up and jumped to a height of seven or eight meters in an instant. Holding the stone rune in his right hand, he accurately placed the stone rune into the slot.

As the stone rune pattern was put in, I immediately saw a faint light shining on the stone rune pattern. The light spread along the groove to the small grooves in all directions, and soon the surface of the two cyan stone gates became bright. With criss-cross white rays of light, a rumbling sound came from the two stone gates.

With the dull rumbling sound, the two cyan stone gates shook and shook, slowly shrinking to both sides.

The stone rune that had just been put in the center fell down again, and Xu Xuehui reached out to catch it, and saw that its surface looked much dimmed. It seemed that the two cyan stone doors had just been opened, which wasted a lot of energy inside.

Soon, the two cyan stone gates completely shrank into the walls on both sides, and Su Li immediately saw a huge column towering from the open stone gate.

Without knowing the situation inside, Su Li didn’t immediately walk in. He was watching carefully, but Xu Xuehui went straight in first.

Su Li can only summon the six-armed Devil phantom, and the guard is in the front to prevent accidents inside. Fortunately, the six-arm Devil phantom can resist it.

He followed Xu Xuehui in, and then he saw a huge space, how vast this space was, Su Li couldn’t describe it at all. He only knew that he could not see the surrounding palace walls, but what he could see. It is a vast and boundless space.

In this vast and boundless space, Su Li saw cylinders rising from the ground. These cylinders were built with no material whatsoever. The whole body was black, and the surface was faintly glowing.

Each column is extremely thick, and the thinnest diameter he has seen is more than ten meters.

The height was beyond imagination. Su Li looked up and found that these cylinders of varying thickness were all covered with gears. These gears were of the same size.

There are countless sky columns and countless gears of different sizes. From the top, they are densely packed. At first, Zuli can see some gaps between the gears, and finally they are so dense that he can’t see the end of the space above. How high it is, because it’s all blocked by countless overlapping and complicated gears.

These gears vary in size and rotate at different speeds, some are so slow that they seem to be static, some are so fast that there is only a phantom, and some are so fast that no phantom can be seen, because their speed has far surpassed that of Zurich. The limit that vision can capture now, so in his opinion, it is as if these gears do not exist.

The scene before him completely shocked Su Li. He did not expect that with this stone rune, he would open this so-called real descent into this palace, and what he would see was this shocking scene.

The ability and craftsmanship required to build such a place is beyond imagination and has reached the incredible Realm.

He could not imagine who created these cylinders and countless gears, and what kind of energy is keeping those gears continuously rotating, and that these cylinders and countless gears, in the end, What is the purpose you want to achieve?

Or, is all this that he can see in front of him is just the tip of the iceberg of some kind of machine?

If there is such a machine, then the size and complexity of this machine has completely exceeded his understanding.

Like Su Li, Xu Xuehui was looking up at everything in front of her in a daze. It took a long while before Xu Xuehui seemed to recover, and then continued to walk forward.

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