The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4796: , ghost cut (7)

That **** in front of Tamamo actually sold himself without hesitation. This act made Ibaraki Doji resented, which is just one of the reasons.

And one of the more important reasons is that through the short fight before, Ibaraki Doji is very clearly aware of the gap between himself and the ghost!

Looking down at the black flame demon armor on his body, the chest armor was cut open by Onikiri with a knife before. Although he repaired the gap with demon power, Ibaraki Doji knew in his heart that his condition was approaching the limit.

The strength of the black flame demon armor on his body, even after being repaired, has dropped significantly, and it can't last long.

This battle was like a bucket of ice water for Ibaraki-doji, whose strength had improved by leaps and bounds after the previous breakthrough. .

After all, the act of that **** in front of Tamamo turning his head and running away already shows that the other party has realized that even if the two of them join forces, it will hardly be the reality of Onikiri's opponent.

Otherwise, according to Tamamo-san's temperament, he definitely wouldn't mind taking this opportunity to get rid of the hidden danger of Onikiri.

Taking this into account, if he catches up now, wouldn't he take the initiative to die?

Although he is brave, he is not stupid, and he will not be at such a level that he even rushes to die.

Thinking of this, Ibaraki Doji also made a decision, turned his head and left in the opposite direction.

At the same time, on the side of Yuzaoqian, like Yuzaoqian, a big monster with extremely powerful mental power, the perception ability is often very strong, and the speed of Onikiri's movement is so fast, the distance between the two sides is constantly shrinking, and Yuzaoqian does not want to perceive it. It's hard to get there.

"Damn it, was that idiot Ibaraki Doji killed instantly?!"

When he realized that Miyamoto Shingen was chasing him, the whole face in front of Tamamo suddenly sank to the bottom, and at the same time there was a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

Of course, she didn't think Ibaraki-doji would be Onikiri's opponent, but that idiot Ibaraki-doji is still quite sturdy for the time being. According to Tamamomae's expectation, even if he was stabbed unilaterally, he would be able to take a few more hits, right?

In the end, who would have thought that Onikiri would chase after her so quickly.

Considering the existence of Ibaraki Doji, this speed is simply unbelievable to Tamamo Mae.

I am afraid that even Tamamo-zen himself did not expect that compared to Ibaraki-doji, in Miyamoto Shingen's view, she is a more prioritized target to kill!

Riding the demonic wind, Yuzaoqian frequently checked the movements behind him, and at the same time used the fox demon's power to cooperate with the demon thunder, while moving at a high speed, he launched an attack on Miyamoto Shingen, trying to stop the opponent's approach.

Other means of attack, Tamamozen is not without, but in the face of a target with astonishing speed like Miyamoto Shingen, other means of attack are basically useless.

The interference in this way is still somewhat effective, at least it has affected the speed of Miyamoto Shingen to a certain extent.

And it was during this process that Tamamo-mae finally fully saw what Miyamoto Shingen looked like at this time.

I saw that Miyamoto Shinxuan's body was pitch black at this time, and his whole body was covered with cracks overflowing with red light. His eyes were full of scarlet colors, but in his pupils, he could see a black line of suspected bloodshot. lines.

Looking up, against the background of the white hair, what appeared in front of Tamamo's line of sight was a pair of black and red horns of evil spirits! It was built into this ferocious ghost with white hair, **** eyes, and scarlet killing intent!

In the Hundred Ghost Empire, 'ghost people' are different from monsters with a unified ethnic group such as tengu, kama itachi, fox demon, 'ghost people' does not refer to a specific race, but a special group.

The more common ones, like green ghosts, red ghosts, and even some wild little ghosts, actually belong to the group of 'ghost people'.

And the rarer ones, like Ibaraki Doji, and even the Ghost King Shuten Douji of their Hundred Ghost Empire, they are actually ghosts.

Under this premise, the 'Evil Ghost's Horn' can be said to be a more iconic ghost character.

But this "Evil Ghost's Horn" as an iconic feature is actually different, and there is no clear standard.

The position of the long horns is different, some are on the forehead, some are in the center of the forehead, some are on the top of the head, and some are also long on the side of the head.

In terms of quantity, some are single, some are a pair, and some are even more.

In addition, some are symmetrical, while others are long and short, or even completely different.

As for the specific styles of the 'Evil Ghost's Horn', it is naturally more numerous.

The appearance of the 'Evil Ghost's Horn' at this time is enough to prove Miyamoto Shingen's identity as a 'ghost person'.

This conclusion is undoubtedly contrary to the judgment she made before, but now, Tamamo Mae actually doesn't care about this issue at all.

She just wants to know now, how can she survive the current situation!

Fighting for speed, she can't be Onikiri's opponent at all, so if she wants to survive, UU read www. must find other breakthroughs.

With the flash of this thought, Yuzao's predecessor suddenly differentiated into many phantoms, each with the same length as her phantom clones, while condensing and forming, quickly fled towards different directions.

However, according to Onikiri's sharpness, Tamamo-mae wanted to deceive him through the phantom sorcery...

That can only be said to be too naive.

In fact, Yuzao Qian herself knew that this trick would probably fail to deceive the other party. The nature of her move was simply to try it out. Anyway, a small phantom magic trick, she would have no loss if she used it. At the same time, during the casting process, it will basically not affect her speed.

And the result of this casual attempt, no surprise, was a failure.

She could clearly feel that her body was locked tightly by the other party.

The speed can't be beaten, and the phantom clone can't deceive the other party, so now there is only one way left!

Thinking of this, with the complete explosion of Yuzaoqian's demon power, the fox demon's thought power seems to be overwhelming, sweeping towards Miyamoto Shingen.

At the same time, Yuzaoqian brought up the demon thunder in the sky, and cooperated with the offensive of the nine-tailed steel gun to break out again, trying to turn around abruptly and catch the opponent by surprise.

As everyone knows, Miyamoto Shingen, who was chasing and killing behind, was well prepared.

As soon as Yuzao Qian turned around, a scarlet sword light bloomed directly in front of her eyes.


In the roar, Yuzao's corpse was separated, a big head was thrown high, and the expression on his face was full of stunned sluggishness. Obviously, he didn't expect that death would come so suddenly, Miyamoto Shinxuan ruthlessly slashed with speed. Hit, and instantly took Tamamomae's life!


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