The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4795: , ghost cut (6)

The intervention in front of Tamamo made Miyamoto Shingen's attention directly diverted.

Swinging the sword in his hand, while destroying the red demon thunder in front of Yuzao one by one, Miyamoto Shingen's eyes full of scarlet blood light directly locked in front of Yuzao and launched a thunderous counterattack!

Crisis Instinct Alert! Yuzao's face changed suddenly, but the magic of magic did not stop because of this. The nine tails swept behind him, bringing forth an amazing demonic wind. While preventing Miyamoto Shingen from approaching with the tyrannical wind pressure, Yuzao The former self also rode this demonic wind and quickly distanced himself from Miyamoto Shingen!

Under the outburst of demonic power in front of Tamamo, the speed of this demonic wind was really impressive, causing Doji Ibaraki on the other side to look shocked.

Although Ibaraki Doji has long known that Tamamozen is a powerful and powerful top-level monster, but to be honest, I am afraid that only those old monsters in their Hundred Ghost Empire who have lived long enough have really seen Tamamomae's full power.

Besides, even he has never seen it.

Once upon a time, Douji Ibaraki did not have doubts whether this guy in front of Tamamo might just pretend to be superficial and his strength is not strong at all.

And now, this suspicion has undoubtedly been completely overturned.

As a big demon, Tamamozen's strength is genuine.

But if this method alone can easily get rid of Miyamoto Shinxuan's pursuit, then the word 'Kikikari' back then would not be enough to make a hundred ghosts panic...

Sure enough, just as the raging demon wind was blown up, it was instantly smashed by a scarlet blade!

Through the gap opened by the sword light, Miyamoto Shingen, who was like a ghost, directly turned into a scarlet streamer and passed through the hall!

In the blink of an eye, he was killed in front of Tamamo.

As a big demon who had seen Onikiri's true strength, Tamamozen himself obviously didn't think that with that little demonic wind, he could get rid of Onikiri's pursuit.

Therefore, after the demon wind was set off, the fox demon's mind power cooperated with the nine tails behind him, and swept towards Miyamoto Shingen who was killed by the wind.

In an instant, on top of Yuzao's front nine tails, the red demon thunder was entangled, bursting with astonishing power.

At the moment of locking Miyamoto Shingen's trace, Yuzao's front and back nine tails, like nine terrifying steel guns carrying thunder and lightning, blocked all angles, and launched a death attack directly towards Miyamoto Shingen!

I don't know if it is because of the blessing of the demon thunder, the attack of the nine tails in front of Yuzao is extremely fast.

Changed to the previous Miyamoto Shingen, I am afraid that he will not be dismembered again by this thunder-wrapped nine-tailed steel gun.

However, at this moment, after being smashed to pieces by Doji Ibaraki with the Profound Truth of Ghost Fist, Miyamoto Shingen, who has been reorganized, does not know what happened to him. That whole fighting action, or fighting consciousness, is actually An earth-shaking change has taken place. Compared with before, it is like a different person.

But there is no doubt that he has become stronger!

Now facing the nine-tailed steel spear in front of Tamamo that was trying to kill him, Miyamoto Shingen's hand slashed with lightning bolts from the tachi. The gun parried as much as possible.

At the same time, relying on the gap formed by the attack of the nine-tailed steel spear, Miyamoto Shingen's ghostly-like movement technique erupted again.

I saw that he followed the gap and quickly approached Yuzao.

Tamamo Qian was still backing away, trying to keep the distance, but in terms of speed, she was no match for Miyamoto Shingen at all. Even if she had a nine-tailed steel gun and sniped it, she still couldn't change the relationship between the two of them. The distance, the reality that was shortened in an instant.

During this process, Ibaraki Doji was not watching a play, but everything happened too fast.

Before his black flame demon armor was smashed by Miyamoto Shingen, he launched an attack in front of Tamamo, and then before Miyamoto Shingen killed him in front of Tamamo, the whole process itself happened in an instant.

Now Miyamoto Shingen and Yuzao are too close to each other, making it difficult for him to shoot.

However, according to Tamamo-san's temperament, he naturally prepared a retreat for himself in advance.

During the continuous retreat of Tamamo before, a large number of monsters suddenly emerged from Tamamo before and behind, directly blocking Miyamoto Shingen's only path.

These monsters are in a very strange state, and they obviously did not follow their own will to slaughter them, but were controlled.

Needless to say, it was the little fox demon summoned in front of Yuzao who controlled these monsters in order to block Miyamoto Shingen's advance with the bodies of these monsters at this time.

In the face of a large number of monsters coming towards him, Miyamoto Shingen swung the sword in his hand to kill them, as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

Although there was no way for these controlled monsters to stop him, what could not be changed was that Miyamoto Shingen's dashing speed was slightly affected.

And for a big monster like Tamamozen, this is enough!

Yuzao Front, who had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, directly brought the speed with the magic, and opened the distance in one breath.

At the same time, Ibaraki Doji, who seized the opportunity, rushed to kill him immediately.

But what Ibaraki-doji didn't expect was that Tamamo-mae, who had successfully opened up the distance by taking this opportunity, did not stop there, but fled into the distance without looking back, wrapped in a gust of demonic wind!

This situation surprised Douji Ibaraki. Obviously, before this, Douji Ibaraki really did not expect that a dignified generation of monsters would do such a thing, and he didn't even say a word.

Looking at the back of Tamamo running away, Ibaraki Doji wanted to scold his mother at this moment.

But then his face changed suddenly when he remembered something.


As soon as the **** in front of Yuzao escaped, wouldn't the target of Guiqi be transferred to him immediately?

However, before he could think about it, Ibaraki Doji saw a red light flashing in front of him, and the Onikiri ignored him, turned into a dazzling red streamer, and headed towards the one who ran away. Tamamo before chased and killed it!

Looking at the red light that disappeared at the end of his line of sight in a blink of an eye, although Ibaraki Doji didn't know what was going on, he had to admit that before and after seeing the other party go after Tamamo, he couldn't help but feel in his heart. of relief.

After he reacted, Ibaraki Doji was both ashamed and annoyed at the change in his mood just now.

Of course, this sentiment didn't last long.

Because soon, another problem was placed in front of his eyes.

Is he going to chase after him?

If it was changed before, Ibaraki Doji should have thought about it, and he would have chased him immediately.

But now the situation is obviously different. A series of events have caused a subtle change in his mentality...


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