The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4761: , Summit Dialogue (2)

Chapter 4762 Summit Dialogue (2)


This situation was undoubtedly completely beyond Ivan's expectations. He never thought that the Dark Iron Emperor Barry Rand, who had been clamoring to declare war at the domestic press conference before, had already passed away.


According to what I just learned, the other party probably died shortly after returning to his bedroom after the press conference.


This news should not be fake. As the representative of the Dark Iron Empire, Pompeii Rand may lie to him, but the Ye's Chamber of Commerce should not, and there is no reason to lie to him.


Under the circumstances that the Ye's Chamber of Commerce has confirmed, Barry Rand's death should already be a sure thing.


I have to say that the appearance of this news somewhat disrupted Ivan's original plan.


The scene fell into silence for a while, and Mia, as a mediator and witness, naturally would not let this state continue.


After confirming that the time was up, Mia let out two dry coughs, drawing the attention of the heads of the two countries to herself.


"The time is up. At one o'clock in the afternoon of the universe time, the summit meeting between the two countries initiated by the Dark Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom officially begins."


When the time came, Mia started the process.


Because this meeting will be used as evidence and the whole process will be recorded, so as part of the evidence, the process that should be followed has to be followed.


"The representative sent by the Dark Iron Empire is the first-in-line heir to the Dark Iron Empire, the Grand Prince Pompeii Rand, while the representative of the Elf Kingdom is the second-in-line heir to the Elf Kingdom. Prince Ivan Rust."


After briefly introducing the identities of both parties, Mia raised her hands...


"Now, please confirm whether you are able to conduct dialogue on behalf of the two countries."


"Confirm (confirm)!"


"Okay, the content of the next entire meeting will be recorded with holographic images throughout, as evidence in the future. Please also keep calm during the meeting and communicate carefully."


Speaking of which, Mia paused, then raised one hand and made an oath.


"I, Mia, as the secretary general of the Seven Star Alliance Committee, hereby swear that, as the mediator, notary and host of this meeting, I will uphold a fair and objective attitude and will never favor any party."


"In order to ensure the order of the meeting, and also to ensure that the two sides can communicate effectively, I will ask the two of you questions in turn throughout the meeting, and use the method of silence. Only when the question is answered, the silence will be lifted."


"At the same time, in the face of questions, please do not deviate from the question itself, and do not allow insulting remarks. If there is any need to supplement or raise objections, as the host of this meeting, I will leave both parties free time to speak. ."


After speaking for a long time, Mia's eyes swept over the representatives of both parties.


"Can the two of you have any objections?"


"No objection (no objection)."


"Okay, now the meeting officially starts, and the silence is on."


With the opening of the ban, after sorting out the documents in front of her, Mia's eyes first fell on Ivan.


"We first confirm the ins and outs of the whole thing, and according to the chronological order of the whole thing sorted out so far, I would like to ask Prince Ivan to speak first, starting from your decision to send the Black Iron Empire, and it is best to talk to the people at that time. ideas, and explain to a certain extent.”


While speaking, Mia lifted Ivan's ban.

Ivan didn't speak immediately, but took a deep breath first.


It is easy for Ivan to retell the situation at that time, but he needs to control his emotions first.


"Our country and the Black Iron Empire have always maintained good diplomatic relations before. After the accident in the Black Iron Empire, my father said that he would be a real friend who would give help in the snow, so he decided to personally send the Black Iron Empire to the Black Iron Empire during that sensitive period. , to show support for the Dark Iron Empire and to prove the friendship between the two countries..."


Speaking of which, Ivan, whose mood was obviously fluctuating violently, was already staring straight at Pompeii Rand with his eyes full of anger.


Combining the previous words, facing Ivan's eyes full of anger at this time, Pompeii Rand's mood was extremely complicated, and for a while, he didn't know how to deal with it.


Fortunately, Mia reminded me in time...


"Prince Ivan, please continue your statement."


Hearing the reminder, Ivan took another deep breath.


"I was against it at the time. Although I had no opinion on the decision to support the Dark Iron Empire, I opposed my father to go in person, but obviously, my objection was invalid. In the end, my father and our mission set off on time according to the determined date. Go to the Dark Iron Empire."


When talking about this, Ivan seemed to want to continue, but was interrupted in time by Mia.


"Okay, then I'll ask Prince Pompeii to speak, Prince Ivan, please adjust your mood."


Because after the mission left, Ivan didn't know much about what happened next, and his perspective had turned to the Dark Iron Empire.


Under this premise, if Ivan continues to speak, then the next speech will only bring obvious emotions, which is not beneficial to this meeting.


It's time to control the field at such a time, so that the meeting can go on more smoothly. This is what Mia has to do.


With Prince Ivan's side, the silence was activated, and the opportunity to speak quickly turned to Pompeii Rand.


Compared with Ivan, who is a little excited, as a dwarf with a natural personality, UU reading www. At this time, Pompeii Rand was surprisingly calm.


The root cause, to put it bluntly, is because of the death of Barry Rand, there is a transition.


Although there are people inside who speculate that it was the assassination of the Elf King that stimulated Barry Rand and accelerated his death.


But in fact, as I said earlier, Barry Rand's body has been getting worse day by day.


The impact of the previous online speech has brought a heavy blow to him, almost making him unable to recover.


In other words, for the death of Barry Rand, Pompeii Rand's heart was somewhat prepared in advance.


At that time, if Barry Rand was directly killed by someone, Pompeii Rand would have been furious.


But he actually died relatively quietly in his bedroom, which caused Pompeii Rand's emotions at that time, rather than anger, to be more of a grief of losing a loved one.


Pompeii Lande was heavy-hearted, but he was very calm throughout the speech.


In contrast, when he said that Barry Rand accused the Elf King of intending to assassinate, Ivan on the other side was obviously agitated.


However, due to the restriction of silence, Pompeii Rand's entire speech was not directly affected by this.


(End of this chapter)


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