The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4760: , summit dialogue

Chapter 4761 Summit Dialogue

Of course Ivan knows what these ministers are thinking now.

In fact, the ministers who were excited just now and called to send troops to make the Black Iron Empire pay the price were basically from the military. It can be said that they themselves prefer to use force to solve problems, and they are typical of the main war faction.

Now that he brings up this point, it is not so easy for these stupid warriors to deal with it.

Of course, Ivan did not intend to grasp this point and pursue the victory. In terms of speech, it is not good for him to let these military ministers fail.

These ministers have hot personalities, and sometimes they know they are wrong, but they won't admit it with their mouths. Pushing them into a hurry may have the opposite effect.

Now they obviously have the intention of showing weakness, which means that the effect he wants has been achieved.

However, for the transmission of his own ideas, Ivan will not end there.

As I said before, Ivan is not a fool, on the contrary, he is very smart.

If it is said that over the years, his father has been letting him handle various government affairs, and Ivan only thinks that his father is training him so that he can better assist his elder brother Ajer in governing the Elf Kingdom in the future.

So before, my father said that he was the future of this country, and he took the initiative to ask him to personally envoy to the Black Iron Empire, and when he let him supervise the country and govern, Ivan had clearly realized that his father wanted him to succeed him!

To be honest, before this, Ivan always believed that after his father abdicated, the next elf king would be his eldest brother Ajel.

Ivan is not dissatisfied with this matter. At the same time, the two brothers have always had a good relationship, so he is also willing to be the right-hand man of the eldest brother Ajer and contribute to the future of the Elf Kingdom.

But after his father revealed this intention to him, Ivan was able to understand his father's thoughts.

According to his eldest brother's temperament and ability, this position may not really be suitable for him. In the future, like Uncle Philip, being a marshal should be more suitable for his eldest brother.

So considering this, if my father needs him to succeed him, Ivan also accepts it and is mentally prepared.

In this way, in the face of the current situation, he naturally has to do something to improve his approval rate.

"As an elf king, my father is kind. Regardless of his background, he values ​​every clan member and is willing to do his best to protect them. I don't think my father wants to see that we sacrifice the lives of those clan members at will! This is simply It's an insult and smear to his life!"

What Ivan said was basically the truth. All the elders and ministers here really knew exactly what kind of elf king Jason Rust was.

This also makes Ivan's words very convincing.

Of course, he didn't intend to say these things. He would also say something more realistic...

"In addition, our elves have a limited population, so the size of our troops is also limited. We have sent large-scale troops to join the expedition to fight against the Zerg in the new universe. Under this premise, if you want to fight against the black If the Iron Empire goes to war and sends troops to attack the border of the Dark Iron Empire, then the defense of our Elf Kingdom will inevitably be greatly weakened."

Speaking of which, Ivan's eyes swept across the faces of every elder minister present.

"It's obviously too dangerous to do so."

"But on the other hand, if we send troops to attack the border of the Black Iron Empire under the premise of ensuring the national border defense force, then the scale of the troops that will be sent will be too small, and the combat power may not be able to threaten the Black Iron Empire at all, and it will only be in vain. increased losses."

At this time, Ivan said this to tell the military ministers that he did not patronize his father's reputation, and he had also thought carefully about military operations.

In a few words, not only did the military ministers who were originally dissatisfied with him changed their minds, but also made other elders and ministers who had been on the sidelines before and did not express many opinions frequently looked at him.

Judging from the current situation, the Prince Ivan in front of them is probably a more mature ruler than they expected.

The incident between the Dark Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom undoubtedly attracted the attention of the entire known universe.

Next, the direct dialogue between the leaders of the two countries will also have a huge impact on the situation of the entire known universe.

Under this premise, both the Black Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom are currently members of the Seven-Star Alliance. When things get to this point, the Alliance Committee of the Seven-Star Alliance will naturally send mediators to mediate again.

The best candidate among them is undoubtedly the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

Not only because of the special status of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce in the universe, but also because the Ye's Chamber of Commerce has established branches in the capitals of the two countries.

However, out of prudence, and also out of the importance of this incident, Ye's Chamber of Commerce also specially sent Mia, the secretary-general of the Alliance Committee, as a mediator and a witness to participate in the whole process. dialogue between the two heads of state.

And because the meeting was online, with the intervention of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, it was easy to arrange and it was quickly arranged.

A minute or two before the meeting started, the holographic stereoscopic images of Ivan Last and Pompeii Rand entered the online meeting room one after another.

Ivan had to go first. After entering the online conference room, Ivan was expressionless, and nodded at Mia calmly.

Even if they had to completely turn against the Black Iron Empire, it would not affect their relationship and cooperation with the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

Obviously, Ivan still attaches great importance to the cooperative relationship with Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

The same goes for Pompeii Rand, who then entered the online conference room. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But in the process of Pompeii Rand and Mia nodding, Ivan's face darkened obviously.

"I should have said that I want to have a direct conversation with the Emperor Hei Iron!"

After doing such a thing, the Emperor Hei Tie didn't show up? This is not even the word 'disrespect' to describe it!

Ivan's reaction was undoubtedly what Pompeii Rand expected.

But before Pompeii Rand could speak, Mia's voice rang out in the conference room...

"Prince Ivan calms down. This is by no means negligent or contemptuous. As far as we know, His Majesty Rand passed away a week ago."


Mia's words made Ivan, who already had anger on his face, his expression froze there, and then he subconsciously turned his attention back to Pompeii Rand.

Feeling Ivan's gaze, Pompeii Rand nodded expressionlessly.

"Yes, my father, the previous emperor of the Black Iron Empire, passed away in his bedroom a week ago. The news has not been announced yet. However, as the representative of the Alliance Committee, Secretary-General Mia has confirmed pass."


(End of this chapter)

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