The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4577: , the attacker

Somewhere down town…

He attacked the Winged Investigator's car, and successively killed the driver, four Winged Guards, and the Winged Investigator's group, covering their whereabouts all the way, and returned to their secret stronghold through the alleys.

Then the door was closed, and as the internal light dimmed, the man who had shown astonishing combat power in the previous battle with the winged guards, who could be called a big kill, turned around, grabbed a companion behind him, and threw him away. He pressed hard against the wall beside him.

At that moment, the muffled sound of the body hitting the wall shocked the rest of the companions.

"Hey! Who made you move your hand?!"

Accompanied by this anger, the people who fled back together were all shocked. Their boss's face was full of suffocation, so that most of them didn't even dare to breathe.

"Before we left this time, I should have told you very clearly, we are just going to see the situation, just in case, no one is allowed to act rashly without my order! You are taking the words of labor and management as shit. Did you let it go?!"

The man's ferocious appearance made the young man who was pressed against the wall unable to move, flashed a trace of fear on his face, but in the end, the other party still stiffened his neck and growled...

"The winged people are damned! I'm not wrong!!"

As soon as those words were uttered, the man's forehead suddenly burst into a blue vein.

"You sabotaged the original plan, rushed up rashly, attacked the Wingman investigator's carriage, involved all of us, and made our group of brothers have to follow you to take risks!"

As soon as the man said these words, many people present who had planned to say a few words for the young man fell silent.

Because this is indeed the truth. When the young man suddenly rushed up, everyone was shocked, and it also made them confused.

When some people saw him rushing, they thought it was the boss who gave the order, so they immediately rushed after him.

As a result, without the premise of no such plan, they temporarily fought with the wingmen on the street.

At that point, the basket has already been stabbed, and the rest of the people will undoubtedly fail.

At this moment, even the young man who had fought against the man was obviously a little weaker.

In the end, he was a companion who had a good relationship with the young man, and he bravely stood up...

"Boss, although Lei Zi was a little impulsive, everyone is fine anyway. Now that he has been scolded, Lei Zi should also know that he was wrong, so let him go this time."

The other party's mud and mud is still working together, at least everyone else has accepted it.

Even if I really want to say it, Lei Zi's words really speak to their hearts. They are all their relatives and friends who were killed by the wingmen. In addition, the wingmen oppressed them on weekdays. They all wish that the winged people would die directly.

This time they killed the winged man, and even killed an official. Although they didn't say it, they were undoubtedly very happy.

In addition, everyone really has nothing to do, so I actually don't have much anger towards Lei Zi in my heart.

Unexpectedly, the man who was called the 'boss' by everyone did not eat this set at all.

"It's okay! The investigator of the winged man was attacked and killed by us in the street. Do you think that the winged men in Shangcheng will just let it go? They will definitely investigate this matter to the end! Originally, once the inspector died, we Even if the revenge is revenge, it will be fine to return to normal life, and now, we are in big trouble!"

In this group of people, obviously not many people like to use their brains.

Now that the man said it, after being stunned for two seconds, many people finally reacted slowly, and their faces gradually changed.

Indeed, their great enemy is the inspector. In order to kill the inspector and avenge their relatives and friends, they are all ready to die.

Originally, the inspector died, but they still survived smoothly. This is the best of both worlds, and it can't be better.

As a result, Lei Zi did this, which was equivalent to pushing them to the edge of the cliff, who had already achieved their goals and were safe!

They really hate winged people, and they are indeed willing to risk their lives for revenge.

But in a strict sense, the investigator has no grudge against them! Just for the sake of venting the unhappiness and disgust in your heart, risking your own life? This is too worthless.

After figuring this out, the eyes of many people looking at Lei Zi began to become subtle.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to stalemate, at this moment, a voice sounded.

"What have you been arguing about since just now?"

With the sound of this voice, everyone's eyes turned to the fence on the second floor, and at this moment, a young man with a yellow face and thin skin, who looked obviously malnourished, appeared there.


Looking at the emaciated young man, the anger on the angry man's face suddenly subsided a little.

"Alu, didn't I let you have a good rest? Why did you come out?"

"You guys are so noisy, how can I still sleep?"

While speaking, the young man who was called A Lu had already walked down the stairs.

"Tell me, what happened to UU reading"

Facing A Lu's questioning, the man sighed, and then quickly explained the matter to the other party.

After listening, A Lu's brows wrinkled obviously.

Then his eyes fell on Lei Zi...

"Lei Zi, you've done something bad."

Among the crowd, the young man named A Lu was the thinnest, and he looked like a sick seedling, as if a gust of wind could knock him down.

But none of the people present dared to underestimate each other.

Not only because his strong brother, who is particularly capable of fighting, is their boss, but also because they know that in this whole plan, the person who will help them make suggestions and take revenge on the inspector is the one in front of them. deer!

Although their eldest brother also has a certain brain, but in fact there is no way to compare with his younger brother A Lu.

If you offend the boss, they will be beaten to death or half to death at most, but if you offend Ah Lu, you might not even know how you died!

Reiko is undoubtedly aware of this.

Now that A Lu's eyes swept over, Lei Zi suddenly felt flustered.

"Alu, I..."

Lei Zi obviously wanted to defend himself, but was interrupted by A Lu raising his hand.

"Okay, Lei Zi, you don't need to say anything, I know it all."

Listening to Alu's slow words, Lei Zi just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

I never thought that, in the next second, A Lu pulled out the sharp sword he had snatched from the winged guards from his brother Bao Xiong, and stabbed Lei Zi's chest with a sword!

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