The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4576: , prepare early

Back in Xiacheng, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan undoubtedly knew in advance of the bad news that Father Weilun was about to bring them back.

At the same time, before that, they had already made some guesses in their hearts.

After all, the gun is the first bird.

This Holy Light Holy See Nation is already suppressing human beings.

For the wing people, it is best for all the people in the lower city to be stupid, and they can be the bottom labor force. The emergence of the Scarlet Group is undoubtedly not in line with this theme of the wing people, and they have been suppressed. , is basically a matter of time.

It's just that Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's previous ideas were to try their best to gain more development time for themselves, and to accumulate strength silently, so as to improve their own confidence.

Needless to say, their original plan was disrupted.

But if you want to say how big the problem is, it's not really.

Because according to the current power of the Scarlet Group, and considering their influence on human life in the lower city, it is not an exaggeration to say that their group has now controlled the entire lower city.

So the only impact right now, to put it bluntly, is to speed up and advance some of their plans.

Don't be in a hurry, it's useless.

After waiting for Father Weilun to come back from Shangcheng District, looking at Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, Father Weilun looked embarrassed.

For Father Wei Lun, this matter is really hard for him to talk about.

The Scarlett couple made a huge contribution to their missionary work in the lower city, and now, he actually wants to tell the other party that because their Scarlett group is developing so well, he will be brought out and killed as an example?

And the person who proposed this idea and intends to do so is the highest authority in this city, that is, the bishop of the church...

This kind of thing, even in Father Wei Lun's view, is completely unreasonable.

Taking a deep breath, Father Wei Lun, who was mentally prepared, called Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan to the table.

"It's really hard for me to tell you about this, but I have to tell you..."

While speaking, Father Weilun told Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan what he had learned during his trip without reservation.

Needless to say, after listening, both of them looked incomprehensible and sluggish. After that, the 'Mrs. Scarlet' covered her face with her hands and rushed into her husband's arms with a crying voice.

"Why is this happening dear, what did we do wrong? Why did the Lord punish us like this?!"

In this regard, Luo Ji also cooperated tacitly in the face of Ye Qingxuan who was in a rage.

Although he didn't speak, he was in a very good state. The appearance of holding Ye Qingxuan and closing his eyes in pain made Father Wei Lun, who had already made psychological preparations in advance, feel anxious.

Looking at the two people embracing each other, Father Weilun bluffed twice. At this moment, he couldn't even utter a single word.

And it was during this process that Ye Qingxuan, who was crying while covering her face, took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, and looked at Father Weilun with a complicated expression.

Those eyes and expressions actually made Father Wei Lun, who has always been calm and had a clear conscience, feel that for the first time, he didn't dare to look directly at the other party.

He thought Luo Ji would yell at him, but in fact he didn't.

I saw Luo Ji leaned slightly towards him, and then made a sound...

"I'm sorry to bother you during this time, Father."

After speaking, Luo Ji stopped talking, hugged Ye Qingxuan directly, and walked outside the church.

In the current situation, if Luo Ji cursed him a few words, he would feel a little better, but now it makes him even more uncomfortable.

At this moment, his belief in God did not waver, but his trust in the 'church' and those senior clergy began to waver, but he was helpless.

Compared to Father Willon, who was caught in pain and self-blame.

Ye Qingxuan, a little showman, was already burying her head in Luo Ji's arms when Luo Ji hugged her and turned around and walked out of the church, and she would wink at Luo Ji from time to time.

It can also be seen from this that Ye Qingxuan's mentality is still relatively good under this situation of being disturbed by others.

The two who had left the church rushed in the direction of the headquarters of the Scarlet Group after boarding the carriage.

At this moment, the Supervision Bureau in Xiacheng District is in a mess due to the successive accidents, so Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan don't have to worry about being in trouble at this time.

In fact, at the moment, Luo Ji has also deployed miniature reconnaissance robots to monitor the Supervision Bureau and the situation of the suspension bridge connecting Shangcheng and Xiacheng. If something happens, he will definitely be aware of it at the first time. .

However, the number of miniature reconnaissance robots he has on hand is really limited.

On weekdays, he didn't stare at the suspension bridge, but now he wants to stare at the suspension bridge, he can only screen out one of the other monitoring targets, and call the machine over.

For Luo Ji, who has an individual master brain, can weigh the pros and cons in the most intuitive way, and calculate data, this is not a problem that needs to be tangled.

Not to mention the current situation, it is necessary to stare at the suspension bridge.

Because over there in the upper city, it is possible to send troops over at any time.

Although their Scarlet Group's security force is already quite large, considering the combat power, it is still unable to compare with regular wingmen soldiers.

Once the other party transfers a large force and directly adopts the means of force suppression, then their security force will undoubtedly lose.

If you want to win, you can only let Luo Ji and Ye Feixing take action.

But once the two of them make a move, it will basically only cause them more trouble.

Therefore, in this confrontation, if they want to win, they must avoid a large-scale confrontation.

For this, they have long thought about it. In other words, at the beginning, they could not solve the problem with large-scale force, and they did not have the strength and qualifications. UU Reading

As such, although the situation has changed, their plans do not need to change, they just need to be adjusted slightly.

Back at the group headquarters, the first thing Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan did was to gather their confidants, including Wade, to give a brief explanation of the matter.

Once the matter was announced, although everyone present was nervous, they did not act too surprised.

To be a confidant, in addition to ability, the more important thing is the fit of ideas.

Take Wade, for example. Wade knew from the beginning that it would be a matter of time for them to do this and become enemies of the wingmen.

After the announcement in the confidant backbone group, the next step is undoubtedly to prepare to announce this matter within the group.

Before that, everyone still has to do some preparations.

But don't get too nervous.

Winged people have been squeezing them all the year round. Human beings in Xiacheng, while fearing the winged people, naturally have their dissatisfaction in their hearts.

As for the members of the Scarlet Group, the group has allowed them to live a life of well-fed and warm clothes, and they are naturally loyal to the group, so there is actually no need to worry about it within the group.

The backbone confidants of the group have already understood this matter, and the next step is the official announcement for the group.

Of course, before that, they still have to make some preparations.

During the preparations within their group, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan undoubtedly had something to do.

Go see the culprit who messed up their good things over and over again!

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