The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4556: ,be prepared

Be prepared for danger in times of peace, this is the usual style of work for Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan.

For this inspector, they have already seriously investigated it.

Unlike Capa and the others, this Inspector's situation is undoubtedly more difficult.

The other party doesn't value his family, and even beats and scolds his wife and children, so family is not his weakness.

In other respects, the same is true, which makes it difficult for them to catch anything effective that can threaten each other.

Under this premise, as mentioned earlier, this inspector has a power in his hands to solve some troubles from the lower city at a critical moment.

And this force is usually responsible for protecting the safety of the inspector.

Of course, even with such a force, if Luo Ji and the others really wanted to do it, they would still be able to capture and even kill each other.

But the problem is, this way, the trouble can be big.

In any case, this is an Inspector after all, and his existence is completely different from the person in charge of a garbage mountain.

Once this inspector has an accident, the wingmen in power in the upper city may start to investigate the matter, and even start to turn their attention to the lower city.

In a situation like this, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan avoided it as much as they could, and they didn't want to face such troublesome things so quickly.

In this way, considering various factors, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had already tried to make contact with each other before this.

But unfortunately, the difficulty of meeting this inspector is completely different from meeting the person in charge of a garbage mountain like Kapa.

So far, they haven't even seen the Inspector's face.

However, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan could not believe that the inspector had no knowledge of this matter at all.

The fact that the other party is doing this now is nothing more than giving them horse power and arranging battles.

Coupled with the fact that there is news from Kapa now, they can understand the other party's mind clearly.

According to Ye Qingxuan's temperament, it is definitely impossible for her to wait obediently to be slaughtered.

"Since that inspector wants to play this game with us, it's best to be mentally prepared..."

After a night of silence, at noon the next day, two winged guards appeared on the streets of the black market.

This can be said to be a very rare thing.

Although in terms of job requirements, the guards of the Supervision Bureau regularly patrol the lower city every day.

But this kind of thing, everyone knows it, and it is rare to see the guards patrolling one day in this week.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

In the eyes of these wingmen, this lower city is like a cesspool. They don't want to jump into it, nor do they want to have contact with humans.

On weekdays, whenever they need to buy something or take a vacation, they will choose to go to the upper city, but never stay in the lower city.

At this moment, two winged guards who were obviously at work and wearing guard uniforms appeared on the streets of their lower city, and even came to a densely populated area. This kind of thing can only be said to be too strange. .

But the residents of Xiacheng didn't dare to watch the winged people, not to mention that these were the winged people's guards. They usually walked around when they saw these guards.

Sometimes, even just one more look can lead to a punch and kick.

Now that the two winged guards appeared, the human residents who were shopping on the Scarlett Commercial Street quickly fled to the side, lest they be unavoidable.

What's more, he simply ran out of this block and took refuge.

For this battle, the two winged guards are still very satisfied, which will make them feel their authority, and even feel a little proud of it.

But they did not forget the business.

On this Scarlet Commercial Street, the shops of Scarlet Group are really hard to find.

Because under the vigorous development of Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, one-third of the shops in this neighborhood are now opened by them.

Of course, the most famous of them is the Scarlet Tool Store, which also tends to have the most customers.

The two winged guards were still standing at the intersection, and they could see the crowd from a distance.

Then he frowned and walked towards this side.

"Get out! Get out of here quickly!!"

They obviously don't want to be in close contact with the human inhabitants of the lower city, as if they feel that there is something dirty on them that will infect them.

Before he even got close, he started yelling loudly at a considerable distance.

In this scolding, the frightened crowd soon found the two winged guards walking towards this side, and then made a backward movement and avoided both sides.

However, this time, before they could be proud, as the crowd separated, after seeing the figure standing in the middle of the crowd, the expressions of the two winged guards suddenly froze.

I saw the figure standing there, wearing a neat pure white robe, with the church symbol on it, allowing them to recognize each other's identity at a glance.

And it was at this moment that the other party's obviously dissatisfied gaze fell on them.

This made the two winged guards startled, and they didn't dare to linger at all, and hurried over.

"Father, why are you here?"

At this moment, it was none other than Father Willun who appeared at the Scarlet Tool Shop!

In the Holy Light Holy See country, the status of the clergy is very high. In the face of the priest, let alone the two guards, even if the inspector is here, they have to be polite.

Looking at the two winged guards who were so nervous that they almost didn't nod or bow at him, Father Weilun didn't get angry, but he didn't give them any good looks.

"Mrs. Scarlett here is a devout believer in our church. This time, Madam specially held an event and invited me to come over to tell my teachings and preach."

As soon as these words were said, the two winged guards began to sweat coldly on their faces.

According to this statement, what they did just now was considered to be sabotaging the mission! In the Holy Light Holy See country with religion as its core, this is a serious crime!

Thinking of this, the hearts of the two winged guards trembled.

Looking at the two winged guards with uncertain faces, Father Weilun probably knew what they were thinking...

"What are you two doing here?"

"No, no! We just received a notice that the crowd gathered here, so come and check the situation!"

"Yes, yes, if there is nothing to do here, then we will go first. Father, you continue to preach."

How dare these two winged guards say what the Inspector ordered? Seizing a chance, the two of them sang and hurried away. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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