The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4555: , check and balance the lower city

Internal strategy, after Luo Ji became the new boss, they stopped engaging in gangs, and now they have reorganized the original gang into the 'Scarlet Group', making money and developing with peace of mind .

The people under his command have had a good life, and naturally have no complaints about it, but it doesn't matter what the external strategy is.

It is obviously not a good choice to negotiate business with those guys who are not very smart and only know how to fight and kill.

Under normal circumstances, direct action is the most efficient way.

Not to mention the surrounding forces, it is not a matter of one or two days to think about them. Recently, they have frequently appeared near their sites, eyeing them.

What is more troublesome at the moment is that the layout of the various sites in the lower urban area has been determined.

Although over the years, the various forces have tried each other, and there have even been a lot of frictions, but this large-scale chaos has really never happened.

Obviously, the bosses of the various forces also know in their hearts that the current pattern of the Xiacheng District is affecting the whole body.

Once someone starts the incident first, a super chaotic fight will most likely directly affect the entire Xiacheng District. At that time, who can guarantee that he will have the last laugh?

The bosses of the various forces are obviously not so stupid yet, and they will not take this risk easily.

At the same time, this problem also makes Wade start to get into trouble...

Originally, you said, 'Who are we going to kill next? ’ This is probably the one that Wade is best at dealing with.

But Wade is undoubtedly aware of the current situation, which makes him feel unable to move.

And just when Wade was struggling with who should start the operation first, Luo Ji, who had been leaning on his office chair from start to finish, spoke up...

"The current situation is due to the checks and balances between the various forces, and such a check-and-balance relationship is formed because the strength of all the forces is half a catty, and there is no particularly strong force."

Luo Ji's words made Wade nodded subconsciously. This is indeed the case with the various forces in the lower city. At the same time, this is also the most troublesome place.

On their side, although Luo Ji and the others have a few fighting strengths, the overall fighting strength should be considered relatively strong among the various forces in the Xiacheng District, but once there is a big chaos, only a few people who can fight will not be able to. Just can't care.

Wade's headache has always been this problem.

But Luo Ji didn't seem to show much headache.

"This matter is easy to deal with, as long as the balance of power between the various forces is broken."

Speaking of which, Luo Ji's conversation changed...

"However, this early bird must not be ours."


Needless to say, Luo Ji already had a plan in mind, but it would take some time to implement it.

Until then, they will naturally continue to develop their own, and cannot let other forces see the clues.

On a new day, Li Ke, who has been concentrating on the business on the garbage mountain side, is about to go back with a group of younger brothers after a simple day's work.

As a result, after walking to the checkpoint, a winged soldier came over...

"You, yes! It's you! Come here, the adults will summon you!"

This sudden situation caused several younger brothers behind Li Ke to be in chaos all of a sudden.

Due to the social status of the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, there is a general fear in the hearts of the winged people and the human beings in the Xiacheng District.

In comparison, Li Ke was very calm.

After signaling the younger brother behind him to wait for him, Li Ke followed the winged soldier to the guard room unhurriedly.

After seeing Li Ke come in, Capa directly signaled his subordinates to retreat.

As soon as the door was closed, as the person in charge of the garbage mountain at the South City Gate, Kaparna's obviously lowered voice rang out...

"The Inspector is watching you."


Although Li Ke had already guessed that something was wrong before he came in, after learning that they were being watched by the inspector, Li Ke's brows still had a few more subtle folds uncontrollably. .

After learning about the whole situation, he simply said goodbye to Capa, Li Ke quickly returned to their group base, and then told Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan about this.

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In the Xiacheng District, although the law and order is sparse, it does not mean that no one is in charge.

At the same time, it is impossible for the winged people to hand over the management power to human beings.

In this way, there is an existence called the 'Inspector'.

The actual responsibilities of the other party are similar to those of the police chiefs of many science and technology side universe countries. They hold a force in their hands and are specially responsible for supervising the human beings in the lower city.

If there are human beings in Xiacheng who want to make trouble, then the inspector will come forward and be responsible for settling the matter.

But most of the time, this inspector basically doesn't care about the human beings in Xiacheng District. As long as he doesn't cause him any big trouble and cause trouble, then he is to a large extent the human beings in Xiacheng District. self-inflicted.

Although the positions are different, in essence, this inspector is actually similar to Capa, and they are all sent to Xiacheng to eat and wait to die.

Some people may be surprised that this is also responsible for supervising the lower city, it sounds like a high status.

But it is not the case, UU reading www.uukanshu. com To give a simple example, on the premise that all your relatives and friends live well, dress brightly, and have decent jobs, you are the only one who is a supervisor in a dirty garbage dump, and you are with you all day long. Trash stay together, change you, will you feel good?

In the eyes of the wing people, this so-called Xiacheng District Inspector is almost the same thing.

There is no doubt about the information that Kappa brought them. After so long, no matter how unhappy Kappa was at the beginning, they are all on the same boat now.

If they were screwed, Capa would have to follow.

On the other hand, if they lived a comfortable life, then Kapa would lead the ten silver coins every month, and they would not know how well they lived.

Under this premise, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were psychologically prepared for the fact that they were targeted by the inspectors.

After all, their 'Scarlet' reputation is getting louder and louder in the lower city.

Even if the Inspector doesn't care about the lives of humans in Xiacheng District, he is still staying in Xiacheng District. After the reputation of 'Scarlet' has grown to a certain extent, the Inspector does not want to know.

But they didn't make trouble, and now that the inspector is staring at them, it will definitely not do anything good.

In the end, it's all about the money.

But unlike Capa and the others, sometimes it has to be admitted that although they are all assigned to the lower city, there are still high and low levels of status and strength.

And this Inspector is undoubtedly the highest-ranking wingman in the Xiacheng District.

This gives the opponent an advantage! Far from Kappa they can compare! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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