The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 254 No simple plan and Bain’s return (please

Chapter 254 ‘No Simple Plan’ and ‘The Return of Bain’ (Please subscribe)

After sorting out all the memories in his mind, a deep look flashed in Chen Mu's eyes.

"The wizarding world's plans may not be as simple as I see."

Sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the wizard tower, Chen Mu muttered to himself.

After combining the memory of this real body simulation with the memory of the previous reincarnation simulation, Chen Mu discovered something that he had not discovered before.

Before, he could see things very vaguely because he didn't know enough.

But things are different now. After experiencing this reincarnation simulation, Chen Mu has a deeper understanding of the future of the wizarding world.

After all, in the reincarnation simulation, he watched the destruction of the wizarding world with his own eyes.

Chen Mu also knew the inside story.

But after experiencing this real body simulation, Chen Mu found that it didn't seem that simple.

The purpose of the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world does not seem to be to bring order to the world?

After all, the incarnation of world consciousness behind the scenes of the wizarding world knows a little too much.

Whether it is the true spirit body of the true spirit world or the world master of the Canglan world, the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizard world seems to understand something.

If this is the case, then it is impossible for the incarnation of world consciousness not to know that it is almost impossible for the wizarding world to complete the world identity.

So why did the incarnation of world consciousness choose to do this?

There are definitely reasons for this that Chen Mu cannot see.

Chen Mu couldn't think of this before because he thought that the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world didn't know much.

But that's not the case.

The fact is that the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world knows much more than Chen Mu imagined.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu frowned slightly.

There must be something else that he hasn't considered.

At this moment, Chen Mu's thoughts were spinning rapidly, considering all possible factors.

After all, he was born in the wizarding world, and all of this is closely related to him.

Chen Mu must attach great importance to his own future.

"Mansur seems to be acting strangely at the point where the wizarding world is about to be destroyed."

After a while, Chen Mu suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

In this real body simulation, Chen Mu still noticed something that he had not noticed before.

That is Mansoor, the only eighth-level wizard in the wizarding world.

As an eighth-level wizard in the wizarding world, Mansoor did not appear at the moment when the wizarding world was destroyed.

If Mansour became a transcendent the moment he became an eighth-level wizard, then why did Mansour take action when Canglan Realm launched the first wave of offensive?

He could completely leave the wizarding world directly.

Why bother?

Chen Mu was thinking in his heart.

This is obviously not normal.

Chen Mu was no longer completely unfamiliar with detached people at this time. After meeting and communicating with the Zero Realm Master in the reincarnation simulation, Chen Mu was already very familiar with the concept of detached people.

As a transcendent person in the wizarding world, Mansour has already transcended the wizarding world.

Now that they have transcended, there is no need for Mansur to take action as soon as the Wizarding World is invaded by the Canglan Realm.

After all, there will still be considerable risks in that case.

Moreover, Mansour only took one shot and gave up halfway, but did not take action at the more critical moments later.

Could it be that the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world had planned for millions or even tens of millions of years just to delay the destruction of the wizarding world for hundreds of years?

Chen Mu thinks this is impossible.

After all, the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world is definitely not a fool, and he definitely has a reason for doing this.

"Unless Mansoor is at the point where the wizarding world is about to be destroyed, he can no longer control his body."

Chen Mu said to himself.

He suddenly made a bold guess.

Combined with all the previous clues, this guess is probably what Chen Mu guessed.

Chen Mu's guess is very simple.

That is the Mansour who transcended the wizarding world and left the wizarding world. Perhaps he is no longer the real Mansour.

That Mansur may have become the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world.

If you think about it this way, it can also explain why the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world spent tens of millions of years planning.

Because he is not planning the world character of the wizarding world at all.

The world personality of the wizarding world is just a gimmick, an illusion that appears on the surface.

The real thing may be that the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world is planning his own transcendence.

Just think about it, the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world is not the world consciousness in the wizarding world.

How could he be so selfless?

As long as you are human, you will have selfish motives.

What's more, this kind of old monster has lived thousands of times longer than Chen Mu.

Therefore, Chen Mu guessed that all the plans of the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world were for himself.

As the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world, normally he can never leave the wizarding world.

Just like the small world master in the Canglan Realm, normally he cannot leave the Canglan Realm.

But this is normal, there are always exceptions.

Just like in the Canglan Realm, if the Realm Master can become a transcendent, then he can go anywhere in the world ocean, and even go to other realms.

The same goes for the wizarding world.

If the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world can become a transcendent person, then he will naturally be the same. The world is so big that he can go anywhere.

But there is a very critical question, that is, how can the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world become a transcendent person?

Normally, it is impossible for the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world to become a transcendent person.

After all, if you want to say who in the wizarding world has the deepest fate entanglement with world consciousness, it is estimated that even a seventh-level wizard cannot compare with the incarnation of world consciousness.

Because fundamentally, the incarnation of world consciousness is born in world consciousness.

This is different from the Realm Lord in Canglan Realm.

The Realm Lord in the Canglan Realm is just the incarnation of world consciousness, while the one in the Wizarding World is the real incarnation of world consciousness.

Therefore, the difficulty for this incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world to become a transcendent person is even many times higher than the difficulty for the world master in the Canglan Realm to become a transcendent person.

But it's just like what the Ling Realm Lord in the Canglan Realm said to Chen Mu.

Anyone has the possibility to become a transcendent person.

The way to become a transcendent person is different for everyone.

So is it possible that this incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world became a transcendent person by replacing Mansur?

Thinking of this, Chen Mu's frown eased slightly.

Because he felt that his guess had great possibility.

After all, this is not Chen Mu's unfounded guess, but a guess he made based on all previous simulations.

But guesses can only be guesses.

If Chen Mu wants to know whether this is the case, he still has to verify it.

But this time is different from before. This time his guess cannot be verified by just a random simulation.

After all, he is only a fourth-level wizard now. At the point when the wizarding world was destroyed, he probably wouldn't even be able to see Mansoor's face.

Not to mention verifying whether Mansour was replaced by the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world.

Moreover, Chen Mu actually didn't know much about Mansour. Counting the simulations, Chen Mu actually didn't actually face Mansour very often.

Even if Mansour was really replaced by the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world, Chen Mu would not be able to notice it.

But sometimes, a guess is enough.

As long as there is speculation, Chen Mu will be on guard.

His perspective on the future of the wizarding world will be clearer and more intuitive.

"Now that I think about it, there is a reason why the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world originally established the Sea of ​​Watch and created the watch meditation method."

In the wizard tower, Chen Mu did not move, muttering to himself.

Chen Mu has not forgotten that the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world was originally the ancestor of the white wizard in the wizarding world.

Of course, the incarnation of world consciousness may have other identities, but Chen Mu doesn't know it.

But this alone can verify Chen Mu's conjecture.

After all, the incarnation of world consciousness also practices the watch meditation method, and Mansoor also practices the watch meditation method, and their bodies are in perfect harmony.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu suddenly thought of himself.

He himself doesn't practice the watch meditation method.

But now it is impossible for Chen Mu to give up the path of the White Wizard and switch to other meditation methods.

Not to mention whether the meditation method will slow down the practice, the cost of just changing the meditation method is not something Chen Mu can bear.

Because at this time, he was only one step away from being a level five wizard.

Changing the meditation method at this time would have a too big impact on Chen Mu.

But Chen Mu didn't care much about these.

After all, it is impossible for him to be included in the plans of the world consciousness in the wizarding world.

Chen Mu's existence poses no threat to the world consciousness in the wizarding world.

After all, the world consciousness has now separated from the identity of the ancestor of the white wizard.

The watch meditation method was created by the ancestor of the White Wizard, but it was not created by the incarnation of world consciousness.

Although there is some contradiction, it is the fact.

Of course, it is impossible not to have any impact at all.

But at least until you become a seventh-level wizard, this impact is minimal.

When you reach the seventh level wizard, you may not need the watch meditation method anymore.

After all, at that time, what Chen Mu needs is his own transcendence method.

Watch Meditation itself does not have content beyond the seventh level wizard.

Even if there were, it wouldn't be of much help to Chen Mu.

After all, what Chen Mu needed at that time was to find his own way.

Of course, that step is still far away from Chen Mu at this time.

This distance can only be made up by time.

Fortunately, Chen Mu did not lack time at this time.

There are still thousands of years to go until the time when the wizarding world is destroyed in the future.

During this period of time, Chen Mu can accumulate countless simulation opportunities.

Simulation opportunities naturally represent the improvement of strength.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu stopped thinking about it and started practicing meditation.

Practicing meditation in reality is also a habit Chen Mu has developed.

After all, time passes very quickly when practicing meditation.

A meditation practice should take at least one year.

In one year, Chen Mu can accumulate two text simulations.

However, by practicing meditation in reality, the improvement in Chen Mu's mental power is very small.

After all, time is still too short.

In the text simulation, every time Chen Mu chose to retain his realm, at least he retained the spiritual power gained from hundreds of years of practicing meditation.

But in reality this obviously does not exist.

After all, Chen Mu has to stop practicing meditation every other year.

After just starting to practice meditation, within a moment, Chen Mu opened his eyes again.

A flash of understanding flashed in Chen Mu's eyes, as if he had remembered something.

The next moment, Chen Mu thought, and the Book of Truth in the spiritual sea floated in front of him.

Chen Mu actually knew what the message in the Book of Truth was without looking at it. After all, he had already experienced it once in the real body simulation.

However, Chen Mu still chose to check the message in the Book of Truth.

The next moment, after completing the inquiry, Chen Mu took back the Book of Truth into the spiritual sea.

At the same time, Chen Mu's figure moved and disappeared from the place.

When he appeared again, he was still in the Sea of ​​Watch, but no longer in his wizard tower.

Seeing Chen Mu appear, a smile appeared on Bain's face.

"Teacher, has your task been completed?"

Seeing Bain, Chen Mu asked.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Bain nodded.

"If it weren't for you, this mission might be dangerous."

Bain spoke, with a hint of sigh in his tone.

There was also a hint of surprise in his eyes when he looked at Chen Mu.

In fact, Chen Mu's guess was absolutely correct. In the end, even the fifth-level wizard who ended up in the battle for the masterless rule did not gain anything at all.

Because this ownerless rule does not exist at all.

"How do you know that this battle over the owner-less rules is not that simple?"

Bain asked, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

Hearing this, Chen Mu shook his head without changing his expression.

"I don't know either, it's just a guess."

"From what you say, the battle for the Masterless Rules didn't go well this time? What about the fifth-level wizard? He didn't succeed either?"

Chen Mu replied.

There was also a hint of curiosity in his rhetorical question, but this curiosity was deliberately revealed by Chen Mu.

After all, he knew earlier than Bain.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, Bain's expression showed no surprise. It seemed that Chen Mu's explanation was what he expected.

"There is no owner-less rule. This time it was completely an own incident."

"More than a dozen fourth-level wizards died, but in the end it was all in vain. No trace of the Masterless Rules was seen. Fortunately, I was not involved."

"There are still many wizards left in that void battlefield who cannot accept reality."

Bain smiled bitterly and said.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much~

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