The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 253 Return to reality and end of real body simulation (please order

Chen Mu naturally didn't know that Zero Realm Master appeared in his Realm Master Space when his body dissipated.

After all, his consciousness was completely plunged into darkness at this time.

Time passed slowly, and the white light flying out of Canglan Realm flew into the reincarnation space.

Within the reincarnation space, Chen Mu's consciousness returned to consciousness.

The next moment, before Chen Mu had any thoughts in his mind, his consciousness was kicked out of the reincarnation space.

After his consciousness left the reincarnation space, a familiar mechanical voice sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

[The reincarnation simulation is over! 】

[Reincarnation simulation memory has been successfully retained! 】

[It is detected that the host will not be affected by the reincarnation memory. The memory protection function of the simulator is not turned on. Do you want to turn it on actively? 】

[It is detected that the host is a ‘realm master’. Do you want to keep changing the rules to adapt to the wizarding world? 】

"Do not enable memory protection."

In reality, Chen Mu heard the mechanical voice in his mind and thought.

Memories in reincarnation simulations are completely retained in reality.

Chen Mu did not take the initiative to activate the protection of memory.

After all, the simulator detected that he was not affected by the memory of this reincarnation simulation, so there was no need for Chen Mu to do anything extra.

In the wizard tower, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, Chen Mu looked thoughtful.

At this time, he was considering whether to retain the 'World Master' in this reincarnation simulation to adapt to the rules of the wizarding world.

This was the first time that Chen Mu hesitated after the reincarnation simulation ended.

After all, this reincarnation simulation is different from any previous reincarnation simulation.

This time, the reason why he could become the Realm Lord was because he took a shortcut.

Moreover, becoming the world lord of the small world in the Canglan Realm actually means becoming the incarnation of the world consciousness of the Canglan Realm.

This is not a realm that Chen Mu truly obtained through normal practice, but more like an identity that was directly given to him.

It was because of this that Chen Mu felt so hesitant.

After all, he didn't know if something unexpected would happen after the reservation.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mu finally chose to keep the cultivation of the 'Boundary Lord'.

After all, this situation may still happen in the future, and Chen Mu can't choose not to keep it every time.

In that case, what's the point of reincarnation simulation?

Since he can keep the modifications and become a state that adapts to the rules of the wizarding world, Chen Mu has nothing to worry about.

Chen Mu would not refuse the opportunity to improve his strength.


At this moment, Chen Mu had a thought in his mind.

The next moment, his consciousness instantly appeared in the spiritual sea.

At the same time, a transparent light group emitting white light appeared in his spiritual sea.

The moment Chen Mu's consciousness saw this ball of light, a strange memory appeared in his mind.

After a while, Chen Mu's consciousness returned to reality again.

In reality, a look of surprise appeared on Chen Mu's face, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough, the situation this time is somewhat similar to the previous reincarnation in the true spirit world."

After digesting the memory, Chen Mu thought to himself.

Realm Lord is indeed not a realm, World Lord is more like an identity.

In the wizarding world, if Chen Mu uses the power of the Realm Lord, he can even become a real Realm Master and return to the Canglan Realm.

It's just that even if he mobilizes the power of the world lord, Chen Mu only has the identity of the world lord.

After all, he is in the wizarding world at this time, and it is impossible to mobilize the power of destiny in the wizarding world just by virtue of his status as the world leader.

Even if he keeps and adapts to the rules of the wizarding world, he is not the master of the wizarding world after all.

If he can really become the world leader of the wizarding world, what about the original incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world?

"Another kind of power that cannot be mobilized in reality."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Chen Mu didn't need to think about it to know that if he directly mobilized the power of the world master now, he would definitely be discovered by the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizard world.

After all, there is suddenly a world leader from another world in the wizarding world, which is not normal no matter how you think about it.

What's more, the wizarding world is not a simple world.

The planning in the wizarding world has already begun, and now it is a critical node.

At this point in time, Chen Mu would naturally not take risks in reality.

Of course, it doesn't work in reality. Chen Mu can try it in text simulation.

After all, a text simulation opportunity is not particularly precious to Chen Mu, and he can save it once in half a year.

It's not a bad idea to experiment with text simulations.

Of course, even if Chen Mu mobilized the power of the Realm Master in the text simulation and nothing abnormal appeared, Chen Mu would not take risks in reality.

Sometimes, it's better to play it safe.

After all, it is not impossible that the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world was afraid of his identity as the world master and did not take action rashly.

In fact, even if Chen Mu could mobilize the power of the Realm Lord in reality, it would not be particularly helpful to him.

The status of a Realm Master may bring great privileges in the Canglan Realm, but there is no such privilege in the Wizarding World.

The main reason is that Chen Mu's preserved world master realm has lost its most essential power.

That is the mobilization of the power of destiny.

In the small world of Canglan Realm, Chen Mu can mobilize the power of destiny in Canglan Realm.

But in the wizarding world, where could he mobilize the power of destiny from the Canglan world?

Moreover, there are very few wizards in the wizarding world who know about the existence of Canglan World.

Not to mention the number of wizards who know what a Realm Lord is, probably even less.

It is estimated that in the entire wizarding world, only a few wizards know what the world master means.

What's more, Chen Mu is not far away from the fifth-level wizard at this time.

Within ten years at most, Chen Mu can become a true fifth-level wizard in reality.

Level five wizards are among the most powerful beings in the entire wizarding world.

The limit of the wizarding world is the seventh level wizard.

The fifth-level wizard is only two levels away from the seventh-level wizard.

This is why Chen Mu doesn't care much about retaining the realm master.

The reason why he was reincarnated in the Canglan Realm after his third reincarnation simulation actually had little to do with whether he could become the Realm Master.

Chen Mu was already very satisfied with his harvest this time.

Reincarnation simulations cannot be perfect without any shortcomings.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu stopped thinking about it.

Chen Mu's eyes moved to the light blue light curtain in front of him.

At this time, the light blue light curtain was still suspended in front of Chen Mu.

The next moment, Chen Mu had a thought in his mind.

Black text began to appear on the light blue light curtain suspended in front of him.

[Number of text simulations: 1]

[Number of real body simulations: 1]

[Do you want to enable text simulation? 】

Looking at the black font that appeared in front of him, Chen Mu did not hesitate and started this text simulation with a thought.

"Turn on."

This text simulation was a text simulation that Chen Mu had deliberately preserved before.

The reason is naturally for this situation to occur at this time.

Since the reincarnation simulation ended successfully this time, there is no need to continue the text simulation this time.

After all, Chen Mu can accumulate two text simulations a year.

This text simulation can just be used as an opportunity for him to try and make mistakes after the reincarnation simulation.

The next moment, a string of black characters began to appear on the light blue light screen.

Chen Mu's eyes also stayed on the light screen and did not move away.

Chen Mu's expression did not change at all, as if these strings of black characters could not affect him.


[The simulation is over, please choose your reward! 】

【Keep realm】or【Keep spell】

【You can choose to keep three memories! 】

Chen Mu looked away from the last line of black words above the light screen.

The black fonts on the light blue light screen gradually began to disappear.

"Preserve the realm."

The text simulation ended, and Chen Mu chose to retain the realm.

After choosing to retain his realm, Chen Mu's spiritual world changed slightly.

After the mental sea fluctuated slightly, it gradually returned to calm.

After sensing the changes in the spiritual sea, Chen Mu made a thought and chose to retain the memory of the three years of this text simulation.

"Choose to keep the memories of sixty-one, sixty-two, and five hundred and forty."

The next moment, these three strange memories appeared in Chen Mu's mind.

After a while, three unfamiliar memories were completely digested by Chen Mu.

After digesting the memory, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes, and then concealed the light curtain suspended in front of him.

"Sure enough, mobilizing the power of the world master in reality will be noticed by the incarnation of world consciousness in the wizarding world."

After hiding the panel, Chen Mu thought to himself.

In this text simulation, Chen Mu chose to try to mobilize the power of the Realm Lord.

The result was as expected, just as Chen Mu thought.

In reality, mobilizing the power of the Realm Lord of the Canglan Realm will directly incarnate the gap in the world consciousness of the Wizarding Realm.

Chen Mu had actually considered this after retaining the 'World Master' to adapt to the rules of the wizarding world.

That's why he first simulated trial and error with words.

After all, it would not be Chen Mu’s style to try it directly in reality.

"The being in the wizarding world really had a plan, otherwise he wouldn't have locked my position in an instant."

Thinking of this, Chen Mu thought carefully about the entire process of this text simulation.

In this text simulation, although the world consciousness of the wizarding world noticed his abnormality at the first time, it did not take action against him in the first place.

It seems that he is regarded as the back-up man of Canglan Realm who has already been ambushing the wizarding world.

Therefore, Chen Mu can live for hundreds of years in this text simulation.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this text simulation will be over as soon as he reveals the abnormality.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mu temporarily suppressed some thoughts in his heart.

The text simulation is over, and there is no point in thinking about it anymore.

At least what Chen Mu wanted to know was already clear to him at this time.

"After this text simulation, I should be only one text simulation away from inscribing the eighth four-ring witchcraft in the spiritual sea."

Chen Mu no longer thought about the changes brought about by this text simulation, Chen Mu thought to himself.

At this time, although he is still far away from the mental limit of a fourth-level wizard.

But we are very close to inscribing the eighth four-ring witchcraft in the spiritual sea.

This also means that he is not far away from the moment when he becomes a level five wizard.

It can no longer be said that it is not far away, it can be said that it is very close.

After all, after the next text simulation, he is only one step away from the limit of the fourth-level wizard to inscribe nine four-ring witchcraft in the spiritual sea.

Besides, Chen Mu doesn't have to worry about the rules at this time. After all, he has already integrated into a masterless rule.

As long as he can practice to the limit of a fourth-level wizard, he can successfully become a fifth-level wizard.

The next moment, Chen Mu had a thought in his mind.

A black character appeared again on the light blue light screen.

Chen Mu's eyes moved towards the light curtain.

[Number of real body simulations: 1]

[Do you want to enable real body simulation? 】

"Turn on."

Chen Mu did not hesitate and chose to start the real body simulation this time.

Chen Mu has never had the habit of accumulating the number of real body simulations.

After all, timely use will help him the most.

The next moment, when the real body simulation was turned on, the light blue transparent light curtain suspended in front of Chen Mu disappeared.

Chen Mu's expression remained unchanged, and his figure disappeared into the wizard tower.

Time passed slowly, and eight hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

Nearly a thousand years have passed since Chen Mu started this real body simulation.

In the wizard tower, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and with a thought, he began to sense the changes in the spiritual sea just at that moment.

The next moment, a smile appeared on Chen Mu's face.

"The eighth witchcraft can be engraved in the spiritual sea. It is only one step away from the limit of the fourth-level wizard."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Without text simulation, this time with the real body simulation, Chen Mu had already raised the level of his mental power to a higher level.

Next, his spiritual sea is only one step away from the limit of a fourth-level wizard.

This step may be difficult for other wizards to take, but for Chen Mu who has a simulator, it only requires a few text simulations.

This real body simulation will take quite some time.

During this period of time, Chen Mu could just inscribe the four-ring witchcraft that had not been engraved in the spiritual sea before.

In this case, it can save him some time later.

Without leaving the wizard tower, Chen Mu slowly closed his eyes again and entered a state of practice.

Imprinting witchcraft is much faster.

It would take Chen Mu hundreds of years at most to engrave the three four-ring witchcraft in the spiritual sea.

Time passes slowly, this time, it is nine hundred years.

Nine hundred years have passed by in a blink of an eye.

In the wizarding world, there is a wizarding continent.

Chen Mu looked up at the sky and sighed slightly in his heart.

What was supposed to come has come, and the fate of the wizarding world cannot be escaped.

When a huge white light illuminated the dark sky, Chen Mu's body gradually turned into a shadow in the white light.

The Sea of ​​Watch, in the Wizard Tower.

[The real body simulation is over! 】

[The realm, magic, and memory have been preserved! 】

Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes, and two strings of black characters appeared on the light screen in front of him.

Thousands of years of memories in my mind became extremely clear at this moment.

ps: Thanks for reading, thanks for the monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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