The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 233 Reincarnation in the Canglan Realm and the End of Simulation (Please subscribe

Chapter 233 ‘Reincarnation in Canglan Realm’ and ‘End of Simulation’ (Please subscribe)

The next moment, Chen Mu's consciousness instantly appeared in the familiar reincarnation space.

Consciousness appears after the reincarnation space.

Chen Mu subconsciously focused his attention on the light clusters representing the world in the center of the World Sea.

Chen Mu already has a goal for which world to choose for this reincarnation simulation.

And the world that Chen Mu wants to choose to reincarnate in is one of the worlds in the center of the World Sea.

The next moment, Chen Mu focused his gaze on a blue-white light group.

The world represented by this light group is very close to the true spiritual world where Chen Mu was reincarnated last time in the world sea.

These two worlds are almost adjacent to each other.

And this blue-white light group is the world that Chen Mu decided to reincarnate in this time.

That's right, the world represented by this blue-white light group is the Canglan Realm.

The Canglan Realm almost meets all of Chen Mu's needs for reincarnation simulation.

The first point is that Canglan Realm is a world located in the center of the World Sea. It is a large world that can be compared with the True Spirit Realm.

This world is countless times bigger than the wizarding world.

Even the final destruction of the wizarding world was caused by the direct action of Canglan Realm.

In such a big world, there is definitely a way to solve the entanglement of fate.

It is just estimated that this method is not so easy to obtain in Canglan World.

The second point is that Chen Mu's consciousness at this time is already a little too strong.

The power of consciousness has far exceeded the power of realm.

Therefore, Chen Mu can no longer choose to reincarnate into the true spirit world.

After all, if he were reincarnated into the true spirit world again, the increase in consciousness after ending the simulation would put a load on his body.

Under this premise, Canglan Realm is undoubtedly a better choice.

After all, Chen Mu knew very little about the Canglan world at this time, and he was not sure how long he could survive in the reincarnation of the Canglan world.

Chen Mu's understanding of the Canglan Realm only limited to what he knew from his real body simulation.

Moreover, Canglan Realm will take action to destroy the Wizarding World in the future, so Chen Mu must have a deeper understanding of Canglan Realm.

It is never too early to be reincarnated into a new world.

After all, after choosing to reincarnate, everything starts from scratch.

A new starting point, of course, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Of course there is another more important reason.

That is, Canglan World is a world ruled by humans.

Different from the true spirit world, people in the Canglan world also have the form from birth to death. They are not in the form of a true spirit body, but a real human form.

Becoming Chen Mu of another species would be strange, but becoming human Chen Mu is still very familiar.

After all, except for the two reincarnation simulations of the reincarnation of the true spirit world, the other reincarnation simulations of Chen Mu were all reincarnated as humans.

In the reincarnation space, Chen Mu sorted out his thoughts.

The next moment, Chen Mu had a thought in his mind.

This consciousness quickly approached the blue-white light group representing the Canglan Realm.

After a moment, Chen Mu's consciousness completely merged with this blue-white light group.

Chen Mu's consciousness also fell into darkness at this moment.

In the sea of ​​​​the world, a white light that no one could see flew towards the Canglan Realm at an extremely fast speed.

This white light flew across the world barrier of Canglan Realm and merged into the world.

During this process, no existence found any abnormalities.

Even the world consciousness of Canglan Realm, which operates instinctively, did not react at all.

The protection of the simulator can ensure that Chen Mu will not be noticed by any existence every time he reincarnates.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, ten years had passed.

This ten years is the time after Chen Mu successfully reincarnated into the Canglan Realm.

This reincarnation simulation is the same as the previous reincarnation simulations. Chen Mu inherited all the previous memories the moment he was born.

Now Chen Mu, because of the power of his main consciousness, the separate consciousness is much stronger than before.

This may be why he no longer has to experience the mystery of the womb.

"The gap between this world and the Canglan Realm I know is a bit too big. Could it be that I am not in the Canglan Realm now?"

In a simple small courtyard, Chen Mu was lying in the courtyard basking in the sun.

His eyes were slightly closed, but Chen Mu was thinking in his mind.

Having been born in this world for ten years, it is naturally impossible for Chen Mu to understand everything.

At least regarding this world, Chen Mu is no longer blind and completely unfamiliar.

Based on Chen Mu's current understanding of the world, this world is not even as good as the wizarding world.

Because there is no extraordinary existence in this world at all, and this extraordinaryness is reflected in all aspects.

To put it simply, there is nothing similar to extraordinary energy in this world.

This extraordinary energy can be understood as spiritual power or the like.

After Chen Mu was reincarnated into this world, he tried to practice all the extraordinary cultivation methods he had mastered.

But without exception, these extraordinary practices cannot be practiced in this world.

That's right, all of them, including the paths of physical cultivation such as the path of knights and the path of warriors.

Rather than saying that this world is an extraordinary world, it is better to say that this world is a world similar to Chen Mu's previous life, the Blue Star Ancient World.

It is also possible that Chen Mu knew too little about the world at this time, so such cognitive problems occurred.

Chen Mu also thought so, so Chen Mu was not in a hurry at this time.

After all, he has only been reincarnated into this world for ten years now, and his understanding of this world is still too shallow.

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time."

In the courtyard, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

He stared at the giant sun hanging in the sky, thinking slightly in his heart.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, thirty years passed by in an instant.

Daqian Kingdom, Sihai City, Taiji Pavilion.

Chen Mu sat cross-legged on the bed, holding a book in his hand.

The books were obviously old and the pages were yellowing.

But Chen Mu still turned the pages of the book slowly, keeping his eyes on the contents of the book.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu gradually turned the book to the last page.

Chen Mu carefully looked at the contents of the last page of the ancient book. After a short period of time passed, Chen Mu slowly closed the ancient book.

After closing it, Chen Mu put the ancient book aside.

Chen Mu's expression did not change at all, he just stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his eyebrows.

Thirty years have passed, and Chen Mu now looks like a middle-aged man.

In this world, just like in the wizarding world, the life span of ordinary people is only one hundred and fifty years at most.

At this time, Chen Mu was already forty years old and had entered middle age.

Thirty years have passed, and Chen Mu has been able to confirm that this world is a world similar to the Blue Star Ancient World in his previous life.

This is no longer a question of perception.

Because at this time, Chen Mu had almost 90% understanding of the world he was in now.

As for why Chen Mu has this confidence, it is because of his current status.

Now he is the national master of Daqian Kingdom.

As for the books about this world, Chen Mu had read them all three years ago.

After all, the Kingdom Library of Daqian Kingdom retains the most comprehensive collection of books in the world.

The so-called Canglan world where Chen Mu was reincarnated turned out to be marginal.

At this time, the Daqian Kingdom where Chen Mu was located had explored the edge of this world thousands of years ago.

This world is completely a world where the sky is round and the earth is round.

Moreover, this world is very small and has nothing in common with the Canglan world in Chen Mu's imagination.

In terms of size alone, this world is not even as big as the Wizarding Continent, the largest in the wizarding world.

So much so that Chen Mu didn't even need to practice the extraordinary path to become a person with extraordinary power. He just used some tricks to become the national advisor of the largest country in the world.

To put it simply, to Chen Mu, this world is not like a world in the center of the world sea, but like a novice village.

"How could this happen? I am sure that when I reincarnated into the world, I chose the Canglan Realm."

"This place, no matter how you look at it, cannot be the Canglan Realm."

On the bed, Chen Mu frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

"Is this world not the real Canglan Realm, but just a small world similar to a secret realm in the Canglan Realm?"

This thought came to Chen Mu's mind again.

This idea has appeared in Chen Mu's mind countless times in the past few decades.

As for why you have this idea, it is too simple.

Because no matter how you look at it, the world Chen Mu is in now has nothing to do with the Canglan Realm.

"If I really reincarnate into a world similar to the secret realm of Canglan Realm, how will I get out?"

Chen Mu felt a little troubled in his heart.

Because this is almost a dead end.

The reason is that there are no extraordinary beings in this world.

As long as there is a trace or a clue, Chen Mu can easily detect it based on his identity at this time.

But the problem is that there is no trace of extraordinary beings in this world.

And if you can't become a transcendent, you can't leave this seemingly secret world.

"Do we have to work hard to get reincarnated into the real Canglan world?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

Now, his vision is completely restricted.

This reincarnation simulation can be said to have very little effect on Chen Mu.

After all, if he wants to reincarnate into an ordinary small world, there are a lot of worlds for him to choose from in the reincarnation space.

And at this time, Chen Mu had no idea how many small worlds like this there were in the Canglan Realm.

If there are many such small worlds, then Chen Mu may really have to rely on slim luck if he wants to be reincarnated into the real Canglan world.

Of course, at this time, Chen Mu was not completely sure that the world he was in now was not the real Canglan world.

What if this world is the Canglan Realm hundreds of millions of years ago?

This possibility is also possible.

But Chen Mu thinks this possibility is very low.

After all, even if hundreds of millions of years had passed, the world Chen Mu was in now would not have become that powerful.

Not to mention turning into a big world comparable to the real spiritual world.

I can only say that it is possible, but unlikely.

How can we determine whether this world is the real Canglan Realm or just a small world under the Canglan Realm?

The method is also very simple, that is to reincarnate in the Canglan world again.

If Chen Mu is still reincarnated into this world, then there is a high possibility that this world is the Canglan Realm.

It's just that Chen Mu didn't discover the real secret of this world.

If not, but reincarnated into another small world.

This means that Chen Mu's guess is correct. There are many small worlds with subordinates in Canglan World.

And these small worlds all belong to the Canglan world.

Theoretically speaking, if Chen Mu chooses to be reincarnated into the Canglan Realm, he may be reincarnated into any small world under the Canglan Realm.

"If it is true as I suspect, then it will be too difficult to be reincarnated into the main world of the real Canglan Realm."

"After all, I don't know how many small worlds like this there are in Canglan Realm."

"If there are tens of thousands, wouldn't it be almost impossible for me to reincarnate into the main world?"

Thinking about the possibilities, Chen Mu thought to himself.

And he doesn’t know anything about Canglan World at all now.

It is even possible that there is no main world in Canglan Realm at all, but only countless worlds of different sizes.

Just like the wizarding world, there is no main continent in the wizarding world, there are only wizarding continents and sub-continents of different sizes.

But even though there is no main world in Canglan Realm, there are only countless small worlds.

There should be something in common between different small worlds.

Just like the Wizarding Continent in the wizarding world, although it is piece by piece, people from different Wizarding Continents can also travel to another Wizarding Continent.

Of course, this premise is that nature has extraordinary power.

It's like being a wizard yourself.

It is naturally impossible for an ordinary person to connect two different wizarding continents.

The same is true in Canglan World. It is naturally impossible for an ordinary person to travel between two different small worlds.

But the problem is that the world Chen Mu reincarnated at this time does not have any traces of extraordinary power.

This also shows that he cannot become a transcendent at all.

And being unable to become a transcendent means that he cannot leave this novice village.

This creates an endless loop.

Time passes slowly, this time, it is a hundred years.

In a blink of an eye, a hundred years passed.

Daqian Kingdom, the capital of the world, is on the top floor of Taiji Pavilion.

At this time, Chen Mu was already very old, but his eyes were still sparkling.

There was a middle-aged man standing next to Chen Mu.

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Mu with respect in his eyes.

After a while, the middle-aged man still couldn't hold it back and spoke to break the silence.

"Teacher, I believe what you said, but I still feel that there cannot be other worlds outside this world."

Hearing this, Chen Mu did not reply, nor did his eyes stay on the middle-aged man.

After a while, Chen Mu seemed to suppress all the thoughts in his mind temporarily.

Chen Mu turned his gaze to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded helplessly and said:

"Teacher, don't worry, I won't modify the national motto you changed."

Hearing this, Chen Mu nodded slightly.

The next moment, Chen Mu's body gradually began to dissipate under the middle-aged man's shocked gaze.

Until a white light that no one could see flew out of Chen Mu's body and flew out of the world through time and space.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much~

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