The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 232 The entanglement of fate and two thousand years (please subscribe)

Chapter 232 ‘Fateful Entanglement’ and ‘Two Thousand Years’ (Please subscribe)

The real body simulation is over, and the memories in the simulation are retained as usual.

This real body simulation did not bring a particularly big improvement to Chen Mu's realm.

After all, practicing meditation in the real body simulation is actually the same as starting a text simulation and then retaining the improvement of the realm.

But this real body simulation gave Chen Mu a deeper understanding of the future of the wizarding world.

Compared with text simulation, the biggest advantage of real body simulation is that Chen Mu can retain all the memories he has experienced over thousands of years.

Chen Mu could only retain three memories for each text simulation.

This is the biggest difference between physical simulation and text simulation.

What's more, the power of entering the river cave to understand the rules in the real body simulation can also be retained in reality.

In the wizard tower.

Chen Mu, who was sitting cross-legged at the center of the formation, tried to mobilize the power of the rules he understood.

Sure enough, compared to before experiencing this real body simulation.

At this time, Chen Mu's understanding of the rules once again improved to a new level.

If he were to simply understand the rules in reality, it might take thousands of years.

And for these thousands of years, he had to do nothing and keep understanding the rules, so that he could make such a big improvement.

A real body simulation saved Chen Mu a thousand years of time to understand the rules.

"At this time, it is still too difficult for me to change the future destiny of the wizarding world."

Thinking about the experience in the real body simulation, Chen Mu thought to himself.

I have to say that what he thought before was still a bit too simple.

That is why Chen Mu thought that even if the wizarding world was destroyed, he could survive alone.

After all, if he was more powerful, he could leave the wizarding world and go to other worlds at any time.

After all, in the entire world sea, the wizarding world is not the only world.

But after experiencing this real body simulation, Chen Mu realized that his idea was still a bit too naive.

During this simulation, Chen Mu discovered something that he had noticed before but did not pay too much attention to.

That is, as his understanding of the rules becomes deeper and deeper, his involvement with the wizarding world seems to be getting deeper and deeper.

Not just because of the perception of the rules.

The understanding of the rules only made Chen Mu experience this feeling earlier.

It is not the understanding of the rules that directly determines the fate of Chen Mu and the wizarding world.

This situation can also be said to be that as Chen Mu's realm improves higher and higher, his entanglement with the fate of the wizarding world becomes deeper and deeper.

In fact, Chen Mu was not deeply entangled with the fate of the wizarding world at this time.

It was only because Chen Mu's understanding of the rules exceeded his wizard level that he could clearly feel the impact of the entanglement of fate.

If we say that when the wizarding world is destroyed in the future, Chen Mu will not improve at all as he does now, and he will still be at the level of a fourth-level wizard.

So even if the wizarding world is destroyed, it will not have much impact on him.

But this is impossible.

Because Chen Mu has such a powerful plug-in for the simulator, how could he not improve at all for thousands of years.

Unless he is already dead at the point where the wizarding world is destroyed in the future.

So this kind of if does not exist.

But if at that point in the future when the wizarding world is destroyed, Chen Mu will have greatly improved compared to now.

At that time, he might have been a sixth-level wizard, or even a seventh-level wizard.

The higher his level, the more entangled he will be with the fate of the wizarding world.

When he became a seventh-level wizard, Chen Mu could even borrow a little bit of world power from the wizarding world.

But that also means that he is completely tied to the wizarding world.

This is also the reason why seventh-level wizards are basically invincible in the wizarding world.

Because once you become a seventh-level wizard, you can borrow the power of the wizarding world.

The great power of a world, even a small amount of power, cannot be compared to the power of an individual.

In the wizarding world, there are almost no existences that can stabilize seventh-level wizards.

Of course, in theory, such a person exists, that is, an eighth-level wizard.

And what if Chen Mu was completely tied to the fate of the wizarding world.

So if the wizarding world is destroyed, the impact on Chen Mu will be huge.

This impact may even directly threaten Chen Mu's life.

Even though this situation may only occur after a thousand years, Chen Mu still cannot slack off at this time.

After all, it has something to do with him.

"If you can't change the future of the wizarding world, you can only start from other aspects."

Thoughts appeared in Chen Mu's mind from time to time.

The light blue light curtain suspended in front of him was also ignored by Chen Mu at this time.

It is impossible for Chen Mu to choose to survive for thousands of years and then choose to improve after the wizarding world is destroyed.

That is impossible.

After all, there were too many unstable factors in two thousand years.

If he didn't improve, Chen Mu didn't even know if he could live alone until the point two thousand years later.

But besides this method, are there any other methods?

Chen Mu was thinking in his heart.

Chen Mu now has two choices before him.

The first is that he still has two thousand years, and he can choose to try his best to change the future of the wizarding world within these two thousand years.

Let the future of the wizarding world no longer be destroyed.

In this way, he will not be affected by the destruction of the wizarding world.

After all, the wizarding world has not been destroyed, so how can he be affected?

The reason why he can't change the future of the wizarding world now is because he is only a fourth-level wizard.

When he becomes a sixth-level wizard in the future, he may have a chance to become a seventh-level wizard.

After all, there are still two thousand years left until the point where the wizarding world is destroyed.

In the two thousand years in reality, Chen Mu didn't dare to imagine how much improvement he could make with a plug-in for such a long time.

You must know that less than fifty years have passed since he traveled to this world.

And two thousand years is a full forty times that of fifty years.

Of course, Chen Mu didn't really want to choose this choice.

The reason is very simple. Why should he be asked to wipe the trouble caused by world consciousness?

If it weren't for Chen Mu's relatives in this world, Chen Mu wouldn't even consider this option.

After all, even if he changes the future of the wizarding world, who knows what the wizarding world's consciousness, which may or may not be the incarnation of world consciousness, will do again.

Unless Chen Mu can completely dispel the unrealistic idea from the world's consciousness.

The second option is that until the wizarding world is destroyed, Chen Mu will no longer practice meditation or comprehend the rules.

He would survive until that time and leave the wizarding world, and then start practicing again in other worlds after the wizarding world was destroyed.

At that time, Chen Mu might even be forced to give up practicing the path of a wizard.

After all, the wizarding world has been destroyed. If Chen Mu wants to continue practicing the wizarding path, he can only move forward by himself.

That kind of improvement is definitely not as fast as practicing on the shoulders of giants.

Therefore, Chen Mu would not choose this option.

So is there any way to get the best of both worlds? Chen Mu was thinking in his heart.

"There are still too many things to consider at the moment. There is no need to think about it so much. After all, I still have at least two thousand years."

"Is there any way that I can improve my realm without getting deeply entangled with the fate of the wizarding world?"

Thoughts popped up in his mind from time to time, and Chen Mu thought about ways to break the situation.

If you ignore the big premise.

Let’s not talk about big ideas like changing the world.

What Chen Mu has to do at this time is to improve his realm while also not being so entangled with the fate of the wizarding world.

The best thing to do is that even though he is already a seventh-level wizard, his entanglement with the fate of the wizarding world is still the same as when he was a fourth-level wizard.

If he could do this, then he wouldn't have to forcibly restrain himself from improving his realm.

Even if the wizarding world is really destroyed in the future.

Chen Mu can also take his relatives and leave the wizarding world without being affected.

However, this idea is excellent, but Chen Mu has no idea how to do this.

After all, he only discovered the fateful entanglement between him and the wizarding world during this simulation.

If Chen Mu had to think of a way to get rid of the entanglement of fate at this time, he couldn't think of it.

Even though Chen Mu searched the memories in the true spirit world, there was no relevant memory.

This may also be related to the fact that Chen Mu has not deliberately understood the secrets in this area before.

After all, before this, he didn't know that as the realm improves, an individual will have a deep entanglement with the fate of the world.

To put it more seriously.

In the future, if Chen Mu becomes a seventh-level wizard.

Then the wizarding world is not only a strong lair for Chen Mu, but also a castle where he is imprisoned.

But Chen Mu doesn't actually need a solid lair.

Compared with this, he actually values ​​freedom more.

With a simulator, he definitely shouldn't be limited to just one world in the future.

The sea of ​​​​the world is so big, Chen Mu also wants to see it.

But how to get rid of the castle that imprisoned him in the future is still a question mark at this time.

At this time, although he couldn't think of what to do to make the fate between him and the wizarding world less entangled in the future.

But after he becomes a fifth-level wizard, he may be able to see it more clearly.

At this time, Chen Mu was no longer the little wizard who didn't understand anything before.

Chen Mu now has a deep understanding of the wizarding realm.

He knew very well that after he became a fifth-level wizard, he would be able to sense the destiny of the wizarding world.

At that time, his understanding of the power of destiny will definitely reach a new level.

Of course, it was impossible for Chen Mu to do nothing before this and just wait to become a fifth-level wizard to try his luck.

After all, even if he becomes a fifth-level wizard and perceives the river of destiny, he is not 100% able to find a perfect solution.

He must be responsible for himself, so Chen Mu will naturally not do nothing.

The next moment, Chen Mu temporarily suppressed the messy thoughts in his mind.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mu did not come up with a perfect solution.

But just because you can’t think of it now doesn’t mean you won’t be able to think of it later.

There is no solution, or he has too little experience.

Since Chen Mu could find that his entanglement with the fate of the wizarding world was gradually strengthening, then wizards with higher realms than him would definitely also find out.

This entanglement between the fate of an individual and the world is more like a forced restraint than a protection.

A wizard who can practice to the seventh level is already very powerful.

Under such circumstances, would a seventh-level wizard want to be restrained like this?

At least Chen Mu believes that most seventh-level wizards definitely want to get rid of this shackles.

Of course, it is also possible that Chen Mu is too short-sighted at this time. Maybe this fateful entanglement has other benefits?

But at least at this time, Chen Mu believed that, just for himself, this situation had more disadvantages than advantages.

Chen Mu doesn't want to practice in the wizarding world until death, at least he doesn't want to.

This may also be because he is not a stable person at heart.

Chen Mu believes that this kind of entanglement with the fate of the world may not only exist in the wizarding world.

The wizarding world is somewhat special, but after all, it is impossible to be special in every aspect.

Similar situations may occur in other worlds.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu suddenly remembered the variable in this real body simulation.

That is, after the Blood Sea Realm was devoured, some blood descendants remained.

Now Chen Mu remembered that in the real body simulation, among the blood descendants who survived after the Blood Sea Realm was devoured, it seemed that the strongest ones were only the fifth-level vampires.

Even most of them are fourth-level blood descendants.

Chen Mu didn't think there was any problem before.

But now Chen Mu feels a little strange.

After all, a world being swallowed up is actually the same as a world being destroyed.

If a world is destroyed, shouldn't the strongest people in that world be the ones most likely to survive?

But in the Blood Sea Realm, those who survived were some less powerful blood descendants.

Does this mean that even in the Blood Sea Realm, this entanglement in the fate of the individual and the world still exists?

Otherwise, how can we explain that when the world is destroyed, the surviving vampires are not the strongest vampires?

"If this situation also exists in the Blood Sea Realm, it means that this situation does not exist alone in the wizarding world."

"Since there is no solution in the wizarding world, will there be a solution in other worlds?"

Thinking of this, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

Even though the Wizarding World is on the edge of the World Sea, it's actually not a particularly big world.

There is no way out of this fateful entanglement in the wizarding world, which does not mean that there is no way in other worlds.

In the sea of ​​​​worlds, some worlds are larger than the wizarding world.

Just at this moment, Chen Mu had another opportunity to reincarnate and simulate.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu thought and focused his eyes on the light blue light curtain in front of him again.

[Number of reincarnation simulations: 1]

[Do you want to enable reincarnation simulation? 】


Chen Mu did not hesitate and started the reincarnation simulation.

Chen Mu really didn't believe that those powerful people in other worlds would not be able to get rid of the entanglement of fate.

As for which world he would be reincarnated into, Chen Mu already knew it in his mind.

There is a world that just offers the best of both worlds.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you~

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