Speaking of the favor Xu Zerui had done for Su Lengyan before, that is, to let her cousin come to be Xu Zerui's assistant, the assistant did become one, but this assistant was not the assistant who followed Xu Zerui.

Xu Zerui kept him in the base, and his main job was to handle some trivial chores.

Xu Zerui also specifically instructed him to stay in a small cubicle office in the base to work, and the more fragmented, unimportant and more work the better.

Chen Wenbin thought that the work was simple and the salary was high at first, but after a month, he found something wrong, but in order to complete the task assigned to him by that person, he could only continue to wait and see what happened.

Three months later, he was going crazy!

Every day when he came to the base, he dealt with the piles of documents. After finally handling them all, he had to help run errands for other people in the base. At the end of the day, he hardly took a breath.

What's more important is that he hadn't seen Xu Zerui since he met him during the interview. In addition, he had no access to the important documents and information of the base, so he couldn't complete any of the things that person asked him to do.

The person had lost patience waiting, and the money he promised to give him was about to expire.

Chen Wenbin began to get anxious, so he chose to take a risk. While everyone went back to rest and no one was at the base in the middle of the night, he sneaked into the data room and Xu Zerui's office and searched around to see if he could find anything useful.

Of course, it didn't matter if he didn't find anything useful, because the person gave him a forged document, and he just needed to secretly put the forged document in Xu Zerui's office.

The person had already arranged that people from relevant government departments would come to conduct a surprise inspection tomorrow, and Chen Wenbin would just have to pretend to be an ordinary employee who knew nothing.

The content of the forged document involved Xu Zerui's hacker alliance base, secretly betraying the country and endangering national network security.

So as long as the relevant government departments found this document, Xu Zerui would definitely be taken away for investigation and involved in a big lawsuit.

Little did he know that the moment Chen Wenbin sneaked into Xu Zerui's office, Xu Zerui knew it.

Because his office was equipped with the most advanced secret cameras, and no one else knew about this except the military advisor of the base and himself.

Chen Wenbin's every move was recorded.

"The big fish is finally caught. It's worth my patience for so long."

Xu Zerui called the military advisor and told him that the plan had officially started and everything was going according to plan.

The next day, Xu Zerui found Xu Ru'an who was watching a movie with Mo Yaoyao.

"An An, do you want to go watch a good show with Sixth Brother?"

"Sixth brother, Sister Yaoyao and I are already watching a movie, do you want to join us?"

"NO The good play that Brother Liu is talking about is not the movie you are watching now, but a real-life version of a good play starring real people!"

【Is Sixth Brother's brain crazy again? He is so abnormal this early in the morning. Should we ask Auntie Lin to make Sixth Brother something to nourish his brain? They say that what you eat nourishes what you eat. Why don't we ask Auntie Lin to make Sixth Brother a dish of brain flower? Sixth Brother will probably like it. 】

Xu Zerui almost fell down on the spot, mainly because he still couldn't beat An An's amazing rant.

"An An, do you still remember Su Lengyan's cousin Chen Wenbin? You said before that you don't like him because he is ugly."

Xu Ru'an tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally remembered

"Oh, you mean that bad uncle?"

"That's right, it's him. Today, Brother Liu will take you to the base to watch his performance."

"Sixth brother, I won't go. An An thinks he's too ugly and not good-looking at all. I'd better watch this movie with sister Yao Yao. At least the male lead is quite handsome."

【I don’t want to tell Brother Liu that the leading actor of this movie is Brother Meng Fan, otherwise Brother Liu will be angry again.

Xu Zerui moved closer to the tablet screen and found that the leading actor was Meng Fan.

"An An, you actually rejected the invitation of your beloved Sixth Brother just to watch this annoying movie? You also said he was handsome, An An, do you no longer love Sixth Brother?"

Xu Zerui covered his face and hugged An An, crying loudly.

But his acting was so bad that even Mo Yaoyao, a little girl, could tell at a glance that he was pretending to cry, and it was really fake.

"Sixth brother, if you really want to beat Brother Meng Fan, An An thinks you should go and study acting skills."

"Well, An An is right, brother Ze Rui, your crying is too fake."

Xu Ze Rui was not only complained by An An, but also by little sister Mo Yaoyao.

He covered his heart and fell on the sofa in disbelief,"You...are you still my brothers and sisters? I am your sixth brother! How can you help an outsider! Sixth brother, I am so sad!"

People like Xu Ze Rui are both inexperienced and like to act.

Xu Ru'an and Mo Yaoyao looked at this silly and pretentious brother helplessly.

"An An, why don't you go with him? Otherwise, he always plays such a lame trick in front of us, and I, your sister, feel uncomfortable."

Mo Yaoyao has been in the Xu family for a while. Because the people in the Xu family are very kind to her and take good care of her, she is no longer as reserved as when she first came, and has become much more cheerful.

"Sister Yaoyao, I understand. I'll listen to you and take this stupid brother away."

"Well, An An, you can go without worry. I will watch the movie carefully. When you come back, I will tell you about the wonderful parts of the movie."

"Okay, thank you Sister Yaoyao, I will take good care of Sixth Brother, don't worry."

The conversation between Xu Ru'an and Mo Yaoyao did not avoid Xu Zerui at all, so he heard it clearly from beginning to end, so he was hit a hundred times.

"Hey, you two, your Sixth Brother is still here. Is this really okay for you? You will lose me!"

【Alas, Sixth Brother didn't even think about it. Sister Yaoyao and I did it on purpose. 】

As expected, An An's complaints were the most lethal.

Xu Zerui felt like he was about to vomit blood. His internal injuries were serious.

He felt uncomfortable, but he could still bear it.

"In that case, An An, let's go, the show is about to begin, I'm afraid you'll regret it if you miss it, Sixth Brother assures you, this show is really exciting."

Xu Zerui drove his newly bought sports car, which was An An's favorite blue color.

Xu Ru'an's eyes lit up when he saw the sports car,"Wow, Sixth Brother, this car is so beautiful!"

"Right, Sixth Brother has good taste, right? This is the latest sports car. It was just brought back yesterday, and An An is the first person to sit in it!"

Xu Ru'an jumped for joy when she heard this, and couldn't wait to climb up

"Okay, let’s go!"

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