Today is the day when the fourth brother finished filming. Xu Ru'an wanted to go over to see the fourth brother and Zhou Chenmu, so Xu Zerui sent him to the crew.

Originally, Xu Ru'an wanted the third brother to send him over so that he could create a chance for the third brother and Zhou Chenmu to get along, but the third brother had an important lawsuit to deal with, so he let the sixth brother take on this task.

"Xu Zerui? Why are you here?"

Meng Fan had a scene with Xu Mochen today, and he had just changed into his costume and was waiting on the side.

"You are...Meng Fan? Are you also in this crew?"

"Why, it’s not possible!"

Xu Ru'an looked left and right, and both of them had a sour face.

"Sixth brother, it turns out that you and Brother Meng Fan know each other?"

【As expected, when love rivals meet, their eyes turn red. I hope the two female protagonists' lickers don't fight in the theater, otherwise tomorrow's news headlines will be exciting.

Xu Zerui heard An An actually called Meng Fan a licker, and looked at Meng Fan with disdain.

"What do you mean by looking at me like that? I haven't even started to dislike you, but you're actually starting to dislike me!"

"Humph, that's your illusion, you'd better hurry over there, the director seems to be calling you."

Of course Meng Fan heard the director calling his name, but he and Xu Zerui have always been at odds, so every time they meet, they would look at each other in the face and then argue for a few words.

Seeing that Meng Fan had gone to film with his fourth brother, Xu Zerui turned around and asked An An:"An An, what role does Meng Fan play in this drama?"

"Brother Meng Fan is the second male lead. Although he looks lazy, he still acts well. Brother Four and Sister Chen Mu have praised him."

"What! A guy like him can be the second male lead, that's ridiculous!"

"Sixth brother, you and Brother Meng Fan seem to be very familiar with each other, are you friends?"

"Who is his friend! An An, I, your sixth brother, am not happy with your composition of our relationship."

It turned out that Xu Zerui and Meng Fan were college classmates, but their performance in school was completely different. They both studied the same major, but Xu Zerui was a top student, while Meng Fan was a school bully. They didn't know each other at school, but they both fell in love with the school belle at the same time and even had a fight for her.

In the end, neither of them won the favor of the school belle, and the school belle instead turned around and threw herself into the arms of another junior.

As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. Both of them attributed the reason why they didn't catch up with the school belle to each other, so they didn't get along with each other, and they would definitely say a few sarcastic words to each other when they met.

After listening to the narration of the sixth brother, Xu Ru'an couldn't help but sigh.

【They fell in love with the same person at the same time when they were in college. It turns out that they have the same preferences and tastes, otherwise why would they both like the heroine Su Lengyan?】

【You two are both love-struck lovers, which is very accurate. You two are like-minded! It's a bad fate!

Xu Zerui was immediately upset when he heard An An compare him to Meng Fan, that annoying guy.

"An An, stop communicating with that annoying guy. He is a gangster. When he was in college, he often fought with gangsters from other schools. He is not easy to mess with. I don’t know what he is thinking. He actually came to the entertainment industry to become a star. I think he must not have many fans."

"Sixth brother, but I heard that Brother Meng Fan is a traffic star, with a lot of fans, and he is quite popular."

【Is Sixth Brother jealous of Brother Meng Fan? Why does this sound so sour?】

"Humph! Those fans are blind to like that guy. How can he compare to your sixth brother? If I debut, I will definitely beat him!"

Xu Ru'an was speechless. Should he remind him that the annoying guy he was talking about was standing next to him, staring at him with big eyes?

"An An, tell me, who is more handsome, me or him, your sixth brother?"

"Sixth brother, I don't think there's any need to compare, you're all handsome in your own way"

【After all, different people have different preferences. I would offend people if I voted for anyone. Only children make choices. A smart kid like him would definitely think both of them are handsome! Xu

Zerui was not going to give up. Today, he had to get the answer he wanted from An An.

"An An, am I still your favorite Sixth Brother? Of course you have to choose me, I am the most handsome, what is Meng Fan? He is an idol, but an object of vomiting!

Seeing that Sixth Brother was getting more and more outrageous, and Brother Meng Fan's eyes were getting more and more angry, Xu Ru'an decided to withdraw from the battlefield.

If you can't afford to provoke him, he can always run away!

""Sixth brother, I saw Sister Chenmu, I'll go over and say hello first."

An An turned around and walked towards Zhou Chenmu with small steps. After walking a few steps, he turned his head and kindly reminded her,"Sixth brother, don't talk about people during the day and don't talk about that stuff at night. Be more careful in the future.""

"What the hell is this? An An, what are you talking about? Why are you getting more and more naughty?"

"So I am the object of vomiting, Xu Zerui, then what are you? I haven't seen you for so long, and you are still as rude as ever!"

Hearing the sudden voice beside him, Xu Zerui froze.

It was at this moment that he finally understood what An An had just said.

Xu Zerui was a little embarrassed now. He was caught on the spot for saying bad things about others behind their backs. What should he do? He was a little anxious and waited for answers online.

"Ahem, why am I so impolite? I was just discussing life with An An, please don't get me wrong."

As long as you don't feel embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed.

"I heard from Leng Yan that you helped her a lot?"

"Huh? No way, you really hooked up with Su Lengyan!"

So An An said that he was a bootlicker like herself?

"What the hell! Can you please use polite language? I am pursuing"

"Haha, I wish you can get your beauty soon."

If Meng Fan likes Su Lengyan, take her away quickly. It would be best if he could fight with Xia Yifan. The two of them would fight each other. Then Xia Yifan would have no time to trouble our Xu family.

This can be regarded as Meng Fan, the annoying guy, doing something that made him satisfied and happy. Maybe he would even thank him!

"Are you serious?"

"Nonsense, what else?"

"Are you so kind? I heard that you like Su Lengyan, too, don't you? Otherwise, why would you help her?"

"Huh? You misunderstood. I have no interest in this woman. Please take it. Thank you."

"I thought we were going to fall in love with the same person again this time. Are you sure you don’t like her?"

"I am very sure and certain, what do you think of me? Do I have such bad taste? Would you like that kind of woman?"

"So now you are saying that I have bad taste?"

Meng Fan's voice became much colder, and Xu Zerui realized that he had said the wrong thing again.

"Forget it, if you don't like it, then don't like it. I feel relieved."

After saying this, Meng Fan was called over by the director to continue filming.

"No, why does what he said sound weird?"

Xu Zerui couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

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