"Haochen, it seems that you really like that person. I really envy him for making you like him so much."

Song Zhuqing sighed,"Haochen, actually I fell in love with you at first sight, so I asked your friend to arrange a blind date between you and me."


Bai Haochen looked at Song Zhuqing in surprise. He didn't expect the real situation to be like this.

"Haochen, it's nice to be friends with you. If the person you like doesn't like you or rejects you, can you consider me?"

Before Bai Haochen could speak, he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"You'll never have this chance."

"General Manager? Why are you here?"

When He Youtong saw Xu Yufeng arrive so quickly, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Her boss finally got it. Although the object of his enlightenment was a man, it was also gratifying.

【Wow! Why is Big Brother here? Did he also follow Assistant Bai secretly? It turns out that Big Brother also likes Assistant Bai! 】

Xu Ru'an would never have thought that the reason why Xu Yufeng appeared here was because of He Youtong's tip-off.

"Who are you? Are you the one Haochen said he likes?"

"I am."

Xu Yufeng sat down next to Bai Haochen with an expressionless face.

Bai Haochen was so shocked by Xu Yufeng's appearance that he was speechless.

"Judging from your expression, it seems that you also like Haochen, otherwise you wouldn't say that I have no chance"


【Big brother, are you being frugal with words? Why do you always say one or two words at a time? Can't you say more?

Xu Yufeng even forgot that his mother and An An were sitting behind them. An An's complaints were still as funny as ever.

He Youtong, as a mother, understood her son. She had already seen that her eldest son was shy, so he was frugal with words, but she would not expose him.

"Miss Song, right? Sorry, Assistant Bai is my person, Miss Song, please don't worry about it."

When Bai Haochen heard Xu Yufeng say that he was his person, his face turned red, as if it was burned by fire.

"Alas, it turns out that you two are in love with each other. I thought I still had a chance."

"No, you don't stand a chance."

"I know, I'm just sighing."

【Big brother is awesome! Congratulations, big brother, you finally got a handsome man! But there is still a problem, that is, how should I call Assistant Bai in the future? Sister-in-law? But Assistant Bai is a man, isn’t it not appropriate to call him that? He

Youtong, who was drinking water, almost spit out tears. She really hadn’t thought about this problem. Indeed, she didn’t know how to call him that. Under normal circumstances, she should call him daughter-in-law, but just as An An said.

Assistant Bai is a man, isn’t it not appropriate to call him daughter-in-law?

The mother and son were struggling with the issue of address.

Xu Yufeng drank a sip of tea in annoyance.

"That's my cup, sir.……"

"Hey, it's okay. I don't mind."

"Yes, Haochen, that is actually an indirect kiss. People are so happy, what are you afraid of?"

Song Zhuqing teased Xu Yufeng without any embarrassment. Bai

Haochen's face turned redder,"Zhuqing, don't say anything more.……"

"Haochen, you are so cute when you are shy, I am attracted to you again!"

Hearing this, Xu Yufeng held Bai Haochen's hand,"Miss Song, Haochen and I have something to do so we have to leave first, I will treat you to dinner, please enjoy."

Song Zhuqing knew that Xu Yufeng cared about what she just said, she smiled slightly,"Okay, I'd love to have someone treat me, congratulations, lovers finally get married"

"Thank you."

Seeing Xu Yufeng pulling Assistant Bai out of the restaurant, He Youtong and Xu Ru'an also paid the bill and left the restaurant

【I really want to know what stage the relationship between Big Brother and Assistant Bai is at. That’s great. After Big Brother and Assistant Bai start dating, there shouldn’t be anything for the male lead to do, right?】

【Great! Another crisis has been resolved. Next up is the fourth brother and the little assistant sister. I don’t know if it will be as smooth.

He Youtong also thought so. The fourth brother is about to become a scumbag, and her grandchildren are getting worse. The more I think about it, the worse I feel.

The two of them instantly lost interest in continuing shopping.

"An An, let's go home. Mom suddenly doesn't want to go shopping anymore."

"Yes, Mom, me too."

So the two of them went out for a long time, and when they returned, they had nothing. Xu Qingfeng thought they forgot to bring money, so they came back without buying anything.

When they got home, He Youtong felt angry when he saw Xu Mochen reading the script.

【Fourth brother, why can't you learn from the eldest brother? The eldest brother and Assistant Bai have finally gotten married, and you are still reading the script here. Shouldn't you go to the assistant sister to talk about the important things in life? 】

This time He Youtong stood on Xu Ru'an's side, and she glared at Xu Mochen with disdain.

Xu Mochen certainly didn't miss An An's accusation against him, but he didn't understand what An An meant by the eldest brother and Assistant Bai getting married. Could it be that the eldest brother and Assistant Bai are together?

But didn't An An go shopping with her mother? How did An An know about the eldest brother and Assistant Bai?

【Hey, fourth brother, you must fight for your dignity! We can't lose to the eldest brother. You and the assistant sister have already cooked rice. Think about your son and daughter!

What the hell! Why did An An keep complaining about him after coming back from shopping?

"Lao Si, are you free?"

"Mom, I'm very busy. I'm going to join the crew tomorrow and I need to memorize my lines."

"No, I think you are very free, so when are you going to bring your girlfriend home to show your mother?"

"Huh? Mom, are you kidding? I don't have a girlfriend, how can I bring her home to show you?"

"Go find her! And do you think I will believe that there is no woman around you? I shouldn't have agreed to let you enter the entertainment industry. The news has come out before, saying that you had an affair with your assistant! I am afraid that you will suddenly tell me that you even have a child."

After hearing what He Youtong said, Xu Mochen, who felt guilty, tore up the script.

"Mom, how is it possible? Didn't we clarify the news? Sixth brother helped me find evidence. It was all done by Tang Wan'er and Yang Lele's mother."

The news that day was only on the air for one day before it was solved by Xu Mochen. After all, Xu Zerui's hacking ability is not just talk. He quickly found evidence that the two had teamed up to frame Xu Mochen.

In the face of strong evidence, the two could not deny it and could only admit defeat and accept legal sanctions.

"Xu Mochen, I tell you, no matter what, I have taught you since you were a child that if you do something wrong, you must bear the consequences yourself and cannot evade the problem. Do you understand?"

Xu Mochen nodded repeatedly in agreement. For some reason, he always felt that his mother seemed to have something else in her words.

【That's right, mom is so right, fourth brother, please, quickly find the assistant sister to make it clear, you are a man, you have to be responsible, An An really doesn't want you to become a scumbag! 】

Xu Mochen almost yelled, he really is not a scumbag!

But he had to admit that he really had to quickly make it clear with Xu Jingwen.

So Xu Mochen called Wang Hao���, and asked him to arrange for Xu Jingwen to join him as an assistant tomorrow.

【Well, the young man is teachable. Let the assistant sister follow you. I will always find a chance to talk to her clearly.】

【I will take action when necessary, Fourth Brother, don't worry, I will protect your happiness! 】

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