Tomorrow is the day when Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an join the crew. He Youtong is worried that her fourth son can't take good care of Xu Ru'an, so she nags Xu Mochen at home all day.

Finally, Xu Qingfeng can't stand it anymore,"Wife, tomorrow is the day when An'an joins the crew. Do you want to take An'an for a walk and see if there is anything you need to prepare for An'an?""

"Yes, your dad is reliable this time. An'an, mom will take you to the mall to buy some things."

Xu Mochen saw that his mother finally stopped nagging him, and looked at his father gratefully.

So, He Youtong and Xu Ru'an set off in parent-child outfits.

Xingchen High-end Department Store.

Xu Ru'an was very glad that He Youtong did not book the whole place like Xu Mochen did, but went shopping like an ordinary customer.

"An An, do you want to buy anything?"

"Mom, An An doesn't know either. Let's take a look first."

"Okay, let's start from the first floor and slowly move up!"

At this time, Xu Ru'an saw a familiar figure in front of him.

【Hmm? Isn't that Assistant Bai? Why is he here at this time?

Today is a working day. Normally, Assistant Bai should be working in the company, right?

Following Xu Ru'an's gaze, He Youtong also saw Assistant Bai. She was also very curious. Shouldn't Assistant Bai be working in the eldest son's company at this time?

【It seems that Big Brother is not around. Could it be that Assistant Bai ran away secretly without Big Brother's knowledge?】

【It seemed that Assistant Bai was heading towards the western restaurant on the second floor. Did he have an appointment to meet someone there?】

【Did he make an appointment with the male lead? Or someone else? Does Big Brother know about this?

Xu Ru'an was thinking about this by himself, and didn't notice that He Youtong was holding him and quietly following Assistant Bai.

When Xu Ru'an reacted, he found that He Youtong took him into the western restaurant on the second floor and sat down in the seat behind Assistant Bai.

"Mom, why are we here? Are we here to eat?"

【Could it be that Mom came with Assistant Bai? Did she also discover Assistant Bai?】

"An An, Mommy suddenly feels hungry, let's eat something before going shopping"

"Oh, OK."

Maybe it was just a coincidence, so Xu Ru'an didn't think much about it.

He Youtong ordered a bowl of thick soup and bread for himself, and a small cake and milk for An An. Not long after, someone came to Assistant Bai

's side. It was a young and pretty woman. She sat opposite Assistant Bai and began to introduce herself:"Hello, Mr. Bai, I am the blind date introduced by your friend. My name is Song Zhuqing"

【Ah? So Assistant Bai is here for a blind date? But isn't the person Assistant Bai likes the eldest brother? Why did he agree to a blind date? Did the eldest brother reject Assistant Bai, so Assistant Bai was sad and agreed to the blind date?】

【How can this be! How can my eldest brother's official couple be broken up? Even if the one who broke it up is my eldest brother, I won't allow it!

Xu Ru'an was unhappy and decided that if Assistant Bai and this woman named Song Zhuqing fell in love on the blind date, he would go over and sabotage it!

He Youtong was also shocked. She had learned about the eldest brother and Assistant Bai from An An before, and she had accepted the fact that the eldest brother and Assistant Bai were in love.

Now Assistant Bai is here on a blind date, what about her eldest son?

So He Youtong also decided that she would also wait for the right time to go out and cause trouble!

"Hello, Miss Song. I'm sorry. My friend asked you to go on a blind date with me without my consent. Actually, I already have someone I like, and I... don't like women. I like men, so... I'm sorry, I can't go on a blind date with you. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

After Song Zhuqing introduced herself, Bai Haochen apologized immediately and directly told her the reason why he couldn't go on a blind date with her.

Song Zhuqing was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"So that's how it is. It's okay. I don't mind. We don't have to date after a blind date. We can just be friends."

After hearing Song Zhuqing say that she didn't mind, Bai Haochen was not so nervous anymore.

The two ordered something and planned to eat and chat.

【Fortunately, Assistant Bai still likes the eldest brother, and their CP has not been broken up, which is great!】

【But the eldest brother is too unreliable. He actually let Assistant Bai go on a blind date with someone else. Doesn't he know that it can easily turn into a husband-chasing crematorium?

He Youtong almost laughed out loud. Chasing husband crematorium, she really didn't know where An An got so many interesting words.

But on second thought, she also felt that the eldest brother was too careless and unreliable.

So He Youtong secretly took a photo of Assistant Bai and Song Zhuqing happily chatting and eating, and sent it to Xu Yufeng.

Soon Xu Yufeng's message came.

【Mom, where did you see that?】

【you guess?】

【Who is that woman?】

【Blind date, they had a great time chatting, the blind date went well, your assistant is very good, I guess you will have a girlfriend soon】

【As his boss, you should learn from him and find someone to settle down with as soon as possible. It's rare that Assistant Bai has a date, so don't always ask him to work overtime with you.】

【You should be considerate of your subordinates and give them more time to spend with their girlfriends, okay?】


He Youtong laughed. The word"impossible" conveyed a lot of meaning.

Was it impossible to give Assistant Bai time to be with someone he was dating? Or was it impossible for Assistant Bai to have a date? Or was it impossible for Xu Yufeng to let Assistant Bai date someone else?

He Youtong knew that his eldest son was anxious, so he sent him a location, and then continued to help Xu Yufeng.���Feng Haohao looked at Assistant Bai.

Xu Ru'an didn't know what He Youtong had just done. He had been concentrating on eavesdropping on the conversation between Assistant Bai and Song Zhuqing.

"Haochen, does the person you like know that you like him?"

"Actually, I am not sure. I did something wrong to him before and confessed it to him. Who knew that he already knew it and knew that I had my own difficulties, so he did not blame me and helped me."When

Bai Haochen thought of what happened some time ago, he felt guilty and touched.

He felt guilty because he deceived Xu Yufeng and helped outsiders to deal with Xu Yufeng. Fortunately, he was not wrong in the end and chose to confess to him.

What touched him was that Xu Yufeng did not blame him, nor did he hate him or fire him. Instead, he let himself stay with him and continue to work. In the end, he helped him pay for his sister's surgery, transferred his sister to his brother's hospital, and paid off the professional nurse to help take care of his sister.

Bai Haochen was very grateful to Xu Yufeng. Because of this, Bai Haochen wondered if Xu Yufeng treated him so well because Xu Yufeng also liked him.

But he was not sure, because there was a big distance between them. Would Xu Yufeng really like him?

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