Hu Wancheng felt that he couldn't delay any longer, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of An An, and then sent the photos to Xu Qingfeng.

Xu Qingfeng was furious when he received the photos, and immediately called back.

""Hu Wancheng, if you dare to touch An An, you will die!"

Hu Wancheng on the other end of the phone heard Xu Qingfeng's threat and sneered,"Mr. Xu, are you sure you want to talk to me like this? Your An An is in my hands."

In the photo, An An huddled in the corner, looking like she was asleep, but Xu Qingfeng was worried, worried that something had happened to An An.

"As long as you don't touch An An, you can have whatever you want."

Hu Wancheng breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had made the right bet. This Xu Ru'an was really important to the Xu family.

"Very good, I don't want much, one million for Xu Ru'an, I just want cash, I'll give you one night to prepare, is that ok?"

Hu Wancheng didn't dare to ask for too much, he wasn't afraid that the Xu family couldn't take it out, but they couldn't take too much cash, they were going to run away

"Sure, what's the exact time and place?"

"That's very straightforward. I will call you at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and then tell you the location. During this period, I hope your Xu family will not play tricks on me, otherwise you can just wait to collect Xu Ru'an's body."

Hu Wancheng hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Hu Wancheng was also a little smart. He took out the SIM card, broke it and threw it into the pool next to him, and then replaced it with a new card that he had prepared in advance.

The Xu family saw the photos sent by Hu Wancheng, and no one could imagine how scared and uncomfortable An An was now.

"Go and make arrangements quickly. When necessary, you can give them the money. An An's safety will be the priority."

Xu Qingfeng's face was as cold as ice. He asked Xu Yufeng to make arrangements. The Xu family had the money. As long as An An was safe, it didn't matter how much they gave. But if Hu Wancheng and the others hurt An An, not only would they not get the money, they would also make them live a life worse than death.

That night, the Xu family couldn't sleep well. They were all worried about An An's condition.

The next morning, Hu Wancheng called. After knowing that the Xu family had prepared the cash, he told the address of the abandoned warehouse and emphasized that only one person was allowed to go there with the cash, and they were not allowed to notify the police, otherwise he would not hand An An over to them.

So Xu Yufeng drove to the warehouse with the money, and Xu Hanwen also notified the police station and asked them to Also make corresponding rescue arrangements.

In an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs, Wang Cuilian saw Xu Ru'an murmured that he wanted to drink water. At this time, Hu Wancheng was smoking outside, so she quietly took a bottle of mineral water and fed Xu Ru'an a few sips.

Xu Ru'an's condition was not very good. He had a fever, and he had not eaten since yesterday afternoon. He was soft and had no strength at all.

Wang Cuilian actually felt sorry for him, but Hu Wancheng didn't let Wang Cuilian buy food and medicine for An An.

Now she could only give Xu Ru'an some water while Hu Wancheng was away.

After a while, Hu Wancheng, who had finished smoking, walked in,"Take him with you and wait on the grass in front of the warehouse. The eldest young master of the Xu family will come with the money soon."

Hu Wancheng glanced at Xu Ru'an,"I will drive the car to the front and wait for you in the car. You can hand him over to the eldest young master of the Xu family after you get the money. Do you understand?"

"Got it."

Wang Cuilian carried Xu Ru'an in her arms and walked out, coming to the grass in front.

Hu Wancheng also drove the van to the side, waiting for Xu Yufeng to appear.

Soon they saw a black car driving over, and Xu Yufeng got out of the car.

Seeing this, Hu Wancheng leaned his head out of the car window and shouted at him:"Master Xu, put the money in my car first. Remember not to play tricks. Your little brother An An is still in the hands of my girlfriend."

Xu Yufeng saw Wang Cuilian holding An An and standing not far behind the van, and still with a defensive look on her face. His heart tightened, and he could only do what Hu Wancheng said.

Xu Yufeng put several bags of cash into the van,"Now that the money has been given to you, can you return An An to me?"

"Go back to your car now and wait for my girlfriend to come over with An An's little brother in her arms."

Xu Yufeng wanted to rush over and snatch An An from Wang Cuilian's hands, but he was afraid that Wang Cuilian would do something bad to An An, so he could only listen to Hu Wancheng and go back to his car.

Xu Hanwen and the police had surrounded the place on the periphery. As long as they were sure that An An was safe, they would rush out and capture Hu Wancheng and the others.

Hu Wancheng waved to Wang Cuilian and the others. Wang Cuilian thought she could finally get in the car and escape, but Wang Cuilian never thought that Hu Wancheng had betrayed her a long time ago.

The next second, Hu Wancheng stepped on the accelerator without any hesitation and headed straight for the road outside.

His goal has always been the cash that Xu Yufeng brought, and Wang Cuilian was not interested in him at all. He never thought of taking her with him when he ran away. This woman would only get in the way.

Wang Cuilian was just a way for him to buy time. It wouldn't be long before he could flee abroad with the money. It would be better if she was caught. She would have to bear the wrath of the Xu family. Now that he had so much money, wouldn't it be better to find a woman prettier than her abroad to marry and have children?

Wang Cuilian was stunned by this sudden change and didn't react to what Hu Wancheng was planning.

At this time, Xu Ru'an woke up. He saw that it was the bad woman Wang Cuilian who was holding him, and he panicked for a moment.

Xu Ru'an felt that he had no strength, his body was limp, and his throat was dry and uncomfortable,"Let... me go..."……"

Xu Ru'an's hoarse voice made Wang Cuilian react,"Asshole! Hu Wancheng, you bastard, you actually plotted against me!"

Wang Cuilian couldn't believe that Hu Wancheng actually betrayed her and left her and ran away with the money.

Looking at Xu Yufeng who was approaching her step by step, Wang Cuilian finally burst into tears. Her legs went weak, and her arms around Xu Ru'an loosened, and Xu Ru'an fell to the ground with her.

Xu Yufeng hurried over, not caring about Wang Cuilian, but picked up Xu Ru'an with his big hands.

"An An, how are you? Are you hurt?"

Xu Ru'an's eyes instantly turned red when she saw her elder brother.

"Big brother... An An is scared... Woo woo……"

Xu Yufeng felt that Xu Ru'an's body was a little hot, and the little guy had some scratches on his body. He was afraid that he might have a fever due to the infection of the wound, so he quickly took Xu Ru'an into the car.

"Hello, second brother, I picked up An An, but he seems to have a fever. I'm taking him home now. Have you made all the arrangements?"

""Okay, we'll go back right away."

Because they were afraid that Hu Wancheng and the others might hurt An An, the Xu family had already made all the necessary preparations at home. Xu Xingyi even notified Li Yanru to prepare the medicine box and equipment in advance and went to Xu's house together, thinking that they would examine and treat Xu Ru'an at home after she was rescued.

As for Hu Wancheng and Wang Cuilian, they were handed over to Xu Hanwen and the police.

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