Since Xu Ruan was restless in the car, even if his mouth was blocked and his hands and feet were tied, it did not prevent him from moving around.

Hu Wancheng felt annoyed, so he asked Wang Cuilian to knock him out.

When Xu Ruan woke up, he found himself in a dark and quiet place. His mouth was still blocked and his hands and feet were tied tighter.

Xu Ruan knew that it was his biological mother Wang Cuilian and her boyfriend Hu Wancheng who tied him up.

These two people did this just to use him to ask the Xu family for money. Judging from the way they acted, they should not hurt him for the time being.

But when Xu Ruan thought that the Xu family would lose a sum of money for these two disgusting people, he was very unhappy.

He wanted to save himself, but he couldn't do anything now. It was pitch black here, and he couldn't see anything clearly, and it was impossible to find anything useful here.

At this moment, his stomach made a rumbling sound. Damn it, he was hungry, but looking at the current situation, it was estimated that the two people would not prepare food for him. Could it be that he was going to starve to death here?

On the contrary, Xia Chuling was enjoying a sumptuous dinner with Xia Yifan.

Xia Yifan seemed to be in a good mood tonight, and Xia Chuling noticed this.

He was very puzzled. His adoptive father seemed to have hidden something very important from him, but he always listened to Xia Yifan and unconditionally supported and obeyed any decision made by Xia Yifan, so he pretended not to know.

However, this time was different from the past. Xia Chuling had a very uneasy feeling. He had a strong premonition that this matter might be related to An An.

After eating dinner absent-mindedly, Xia Chuling sent Xia Yifan out the door.

Xia Yifan said that he still had work to deal with, and he asked Xia Chuling to go to bed early.

"Uncle Xia, don't forget, you promised to help find An An."

Xia Chuling hesitated, and finally reminded Xia Yifan.

"Of course I didn't forget, Chu Ling, don't worry."

At Xu's house, Xu Yufeng and his friends took the surveillance video of the kindergarten back home. Luo Yiyi was also taken to Xu's house, and Luo Aihua was notified to come and pick her up.

"Wait a minute, why do these two people look so familiar?"

Xu Qingfeng looked at the two people who took Xu Ru'an away in the surveillance video, and he seemed to have seen them somewhere.

Xu Hanwen recognized them,"Dad, have you forgotten that on the day of the auction, An An's biological mother and his mother's boyfriend"

"Yes! They are the two of them. How dare they kidnap An An?"

Xu Hanwen also felt regretful. He shouldn't have let those two go so easily last time. If he hadn't shown mercy to the woman because she was An An's biological mother, An An wouldn't have been kidnapped by them today.

"Lao Liu, can you find out where these two people went in the van?"

"Sure, I've asked the guys to search the entire internet for the route of the van."

It's just a bit time-consuming, Xu Zerui was afraid that the two would harm Xu Ru'an.

Xu Yufeng saw Xu Zerui's concerns,"Sixth Brother, don't worry, the two of them should want to use An An to extort money, so An An will not be in danger for the time being, you just focus on finding out where they are."

Xu Zerui nodded, his hands quickly operating on the computer keyboard.

At Xu Hanwen's request, the police station was also searching for Xu Ru'an and the others' whereabouts with all their strength.

Just as the Xu family was trying every means to find An An, Wang Cuilian and Hu Wancheng were meeting with Xia Yifan.

"Mr. Xia, what do you mean? Didn't we agree that if we bring Xu Ru'an to you, you would give us some money?"

"I did say that, but what I meant was to bring the person out to me without anyone noticing. But you actually alerted so many people at once. Now not only the Xu family is looking for you, but even the police and the Luo family are looking for you."

"What? How? We……"

"You are really stupid. Don't you know that even if it is a back door, the kindergarten has installed cameras for the safety of the children?"

More importantly, they should never be seen by his adopted son Xia Chuling.

This time the matter has become a bit serious. Xia Yifan can't take risks, otherwise the plan he had arranged before will be ruined.

"This matter is your own fault, it has nothing to do with me, you want me to give you money? That's impossible, I'm already very kind by not asking you to take back the money I gave you before, you can take care of yourself."

Xia Yifan stood up, straightened his clothes and continued:"By the way, remember not to mention my affairs to anyone, otherwise I will make you live a life worse than death."

This time, Wang Cuilian and Hu Wancheng lost more than they gained, they didn't get any benefits, and they also caused a lot of troubles later.

"Wancheng, what should we do now?"

"Humph! Since that Xia won't give us money, we'll ask the Xu family for it. Anyway, Xu Ru'an is still in our hands. Seeing how nervous they are about Xu Ru'an, they will definitely be willing to give money in exchange for Xu Ru'an's"

"But now we are wanted by the police, how can we get the money? Even if we get the money, how can we escape later?"

"What are you afraid of? Xu Ru'an is the best bargaining chip in our hands. Now that things have come to this, there is no turning back!"

Hu Wancheng gritted his teeth and said viciously:"At worst, if we die, we will take Xu Ru'an with us!"


Wang Cuilian was stunned. She thought Hu Wancheng was simply crazy. She didn't want to die, and she didn't want to go to jail!

"Wancheng, why don't we surrender ourselves and let An An go? He...he is still a child."

Wang Cuilian felt a little bit reluctant. She was also afraid that things would get worse and worse. By then, it would be too late to surrender herself.

"Turn yourself in? Impossible, you are dreaming! We kidnapped someone, and we will go to jail if we turn ourselves in! And don't you think about the Xu family? Will they let us go easily this time? We will die anyway, so why not take a risk, ask the Xu family for some money, and run away!"


Before Wang Cuilian could finish her words, she was slapped by Hu Wancheng.

"If you want to go and die by yourself, I won't stop you, but I warn you, don't think about betraying me and letting me die with you, otherwise I will kill you now!"

Wang Cuilian covered her aching face and closed her mouth.

Hu Wancheng saw that she had calmed down, so he pulled her into the car,"Let's go and see how Xu Ru'an is doing now."

Hu Wancheng brought food to the abandoned warehouse where Xu Ru'an was imprisoned.

As soon as the door opened, they saw Xu Ru'an huddled in the corner, motionless.

Wang Cuilian was terrified,"Wancheng, that child won't...……"

She couldn't say the word"dead". Hu Wancheng was also very nervous.

He hurried forward to check on Xu Ru'an. Fortunately, he still had a pulse, but Xu Ru'an's complexion was a little abnormal.

His breathing was a little rapid and his face was red. Hu Wancheng touched his forehead and knew that he must have a fever.

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