Suddenly, Liu Luoxi looked at Xu Ru'an in a trance.

Xu Ru'an saw the way Liu Luoxi looked at him, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Liu Luoxi's eyes brightened when he looked at Xu Ru'an.

"An An, why don't you be a little actor in my new song MV!"

Xu Ru'an and the others were stunned. They didn't expect Liu Luoxi to come up with such an idea.

"Luo Xi, stop joking, everyone knows that the little actress in your new song MV is a girl."

When Xu Ru'an heard this, he immediately felt that Liu Luoxi was too outrageous. He was a man, and he wanted to ask him to act in the MV. There must be something wrong with his eyes!

"It doesn't matter at all. All the clothes and costumes in my new song's MV are ancient style anyway. An An is still young. Even if he wears those clothes, you can't tell whether he is a boy or a girl."

As he said, Liu Luoxi took out his mobile phone, opened a few photos in the album, and put them in front of Xu Ru'an and others, letting them see the clothing image designs he mentioned.

After Xu Ru'an and others saw it, they all looked at him with eyes that said,"Are you stupid

?" Liu Luoxi felt a little guilty when they looked at him,"What's wrong? Is there any... problem?"

Xu Ru'an didn't want to talk anymore

【This is called not being able to tell the gender of a child? Does this little prince of love songs really have an eye problem?】

【Look at these image designs, so pink and tender, with two buns on the hair, it is clearly a dress exclusively for girls!】

【Who are you trying to fool here! I may be young, but I am not stupid, how could I agree to play this role! 】Xu Ruan was very resistant. How could a handsome guy like him play such a role!

Xu Mochen wanted to laugh, but when he saw the confused look in his friend Liu Luoxi's eyes, he held back and explained to him helplessly.

Although Liu Luoxi understood what Xu Ruan meant, she still disagreed.

"I don't think it matters. Even if it's pink, it doesn't necessarily mean it's for girls. I like pink, but I'm a boy."

After saying that, he opened another album and showed it to Xu Ru'an and the others.

Every photo was of Liu Luoxi wearing pink.

Xu Ru'an had to admit that pink clothes were a perfect match for Liu Luoxi. Not only did they not make her look effeminate, but they also looked handsome in a different way.

【Well, I have a preconceived notion. Pink does suit him and he looks handsome.】

"I'm sorry, Brother Luoxi, An An didn't mean anything else, I just don't want to dress up as a woman."

Xu Mochen also helped An An apologize to Liu Luoxi,"Yes, Luoxi, don't get me wrong, we didn't mean anything else."

Liu Luoxi didn't mind at all,"It's okay, I don't mind, An An, Brother Luoxi, I really sincerely invite you to star in my new song MV. If you don't like this color of clothes, I'll ask my agent to negotiate with your godmother to see if it can be changed."

After thinking for a while, Xu Ru'an nodded.

"Okay, Brother Luoxi, you are my fourth brother’s good friend, and my godmother is the costume designer for your new song MV, An An, I will help you once."

After hearing this, Liu Luoxi was very happy.

"Great, I'll contact my agent now and tell him about it."

Liu Luoxi turned around and walked aside to make a phone call.

He Youtong always respected the decisions made by her children, so she didn't interfere too much in this matter.

She unpacked the clothes that Chu Yaxin gave to An An, took out the clothes and looked at them, and was a little surprised.

This is a blue ancient style dress with hand-embroidery on it, and it is embroidered with a cute little panda eating bamboo leaves.

The fabric of the clothes is elegant and soft, and it feels very comfortable to touch. After Xu Ru'an saw it, her eyes lit up and she loved it.

The box is also equipped with decorative accessories and small bags that match the clothes, shoes, hats and so on.

""An An, go and try it on right away. You will look great in it. Mom will take a picture of you and send it to godmother and dad!"

Xu Ru'an nodded in agreement while holding the clothes, and followed He Youtong upstairs.

With the help of He Youtong, An An changed into the whole set of clothes.

He Youtong looked at the cute and handsome An An, and his eyes turned into the shape of hearts.

He hugged An An and praised her non-stop,"Oh, An An, little baby, such clothes are so suitable for you. Your godmother is worthy of being a well-known designer. She has a good eye. In the future, mom will ask your godmother to make more such clothes for you."

An An blushed at being praised by his mother. Of course, he thought so in his heart, and he also liked this style of clothes.

He Youtong took his mobile phone and kept taking pictures, and the flash kept flashing.

Later, Xu Ru'an felt embarrassed by being photographed, so he stopped her, and she ended the shooting.

"Come on, An An, let's go downstairs and let your fourth brother and the others see it too."

Of course, He Youtong sent all the photos she had just taken to the family group for everyone to appreciate.

The family group is now buzzing with excitement, mainly because everyone saw An An's cute appearance and couldn't help but give her all kinds of compliments in the group.

Yaoyao even saved the photos and forwarded them to Xia Chuling with one click. After all, she has now reached a cooperative relationship with Xia Chuling. As for what kind of cooperative relationship it is, she is keeping it secret for the time being, so as not to be known by the brothers who are obsessed with their younger brothers and go crazy.

Although she herself is also obsessed with her younger brother, she is not an ordinary sister who is obsessed with her younger brother.

After Xia Chuling received the photos Yaoyao sent him, her eyes were full of amazement, and she already had a lot of ideas in her mind.

As for what the ideas were, that's another story.

When An An was led downstairs by He Youtong, Xu Mochen had the same reaction as He Youtong in the room on the second floor.

He hugged An An and kissed her on the face again and again

"Oh, my baby An An, so cute!"

""Hey! Fourth brother, your saliva is all over my face!"

An An avoided the kiss of the fourth brother with disdain.

Liu Luoxi had finished the call at this time, and turned around to see Xu Ru'an's dress.

"An An, you are so beautiful, it really suits you!"

Liu Luoxi was more determined to find An An to shoot his new song MV.

"An An, I have discussed it with the agent, and he has agreed. He will go to talk to your godmother now."

After that, Liu Luoxi also took a lot of photos of An An and sent them to his agent.

And He Youtong also sent the photos of An An to Chu Yaxin.

Because of An An's photos, Chu Yaxin and Liu Luoxi's agent reached a consensus and made new arrangements for Liu Luoxi's new song MV.

Xu Ru'an also confirmed that she would participate in Liu Luoxi's new song MV performance, and the time was set for three days later.

Liu Luoxi's official website also issued a notice. Although some fans were dissatisfied with the change and postponement of the performance, after seeing the subsequent explanation statement, they expressed their understanding and greater expectations.

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