"What did you say? How could this happen?"

"Don't you have a replacement? You know time is running out, why don't you find one for me?"

"I understand. You can contact other people and I will see if there is any other way."

Chu Yaxin felt even more headache after hanging up the phone.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"I'm sorry, little child. It's a rare occasion for us to get together, but I didn't expect that there were so many things going on here. I'm in no mood at all."

""Godmother, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Ru'an liked this godmother whom she just met today, so she asked.

Chu Yaxin sighed and began to explain to the two of them.

It turned out that she had another plan for returning to China this time, which was to increase the popularity of her independent studio.

When she returned to China this time, she had already reached a cooperative relationship with the little prince of love songs, Liu Luoxi.

Chu Yaxin will design exclusive costumes for Liu Luoxi's new song MV.

Originally, she had designed all the clothes to be used, and had already been approved by Liu Luoxi's team. She was just waiting for the filming of Liu Luoxi's new song MV to be completed, and then to promote it.

But just now her assistant called and told her a very bad news.

"So, the young actor originally scheduled to appear in the MV suddenly said that there was a schedule conflict and he couldn't attend the filming as scheduled. Now you need to find someone else to replace him?"

"Well, that's the problem. The ancient-style clothes were specially made according to the size of the little actor they provided. If they find someone else now, the clothes will not match in color or size."

"Then can't this character be deleted?"

Chu Yaxin shook her head,"The plot preview has been sent out, and it is said that the fans are looking forward to it. Liu Luoxi's team also said that it is a bit difficult to deal with it."

He Youtong saw that she had a headache, and could only pat her hand to comfort her.

"Forget it, I'll go to Liu Luoxi's team to discuss countermeasures and see if there are any other solutions."

Chu Yaxin originally wanted to take An An and the others to go shopping somewhere else, but now because of work, she left in such a hurry, and she felt a little sorry.

"I'm sorry, An'an, I haven't been with you for long and I have to leave. Next time, next time, I'll take you out to eat delicious food!"

Xu Ru'an nodded. He didn't mind at all.

""Godmother, it's okay, go ahead and do your work, come on!"

Chu Yaxin looked at Xu Ru'an's cute look as she cheered her up, and her heart softened. At the same time, she blamed the unprofessional celebrity mother and daughter.

If they hadn't caused so many things, would she have been so tired and busy!

That's right, the little actor in Liu Luoxi's new song MV is the same person as the little actor in their studio's advertisement.

When Chu Yaxin found out, she already felt something was wrong, but there was no way, they had already signed a contract with the other party, and she could only follow the contract.

The progress seemed to be relatively smooth before, but she didn't expect that there would be problems in the end.

After He Youtong and Xu Ru'an said goodbye to Chu Yaxin, they went straight home.

"Fourth brother, you are back? Is the live broadcast over?"

When Xu Ru'an walked into the living room, he saw his fourth brother, who was supposed to be live broadcasting in the studio, sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

"An An, you're back. I heard from my second brother and others that you went to see your godmother?"

"Yes, my godmother also gave me some nice clothes. They are blue, which is An An's favorite color."

Xu Ru'an took the bag and shook it in front of Xu Mochen.

Xu Mochen patted his little head and said with a smile:"I know, look at your cocky look."

Xu Ru'an climbed onto Xu Mochen's thigh,"Fourth brother, help An An open this bag.

An An wants to see what kind of clothes my godmother gave me.

" He Youtong, who came in later, saw An An's anxious look and couldn't help but teasing:"Oh, our little baby An An likes the new clothes given by godmother so much? How about changing into them now and taking a walk and coming back?" Xu Ru'an was embarrassed, but he really wanted to see what kind of clothes it was, so he could only urge his fourth brother to open it for him with a red face.

The warm scene of the mother and son was broken by a cough.

At this time, Xu Ru'an and He Youtong noticed that there was another person in the living room besides the three of them.

Xu Mochen also remembered that his good friend Liu Luoxi was still next to them

"I almost forgot about you."

Liu Luoxi was speechless at the moment. It was because she knew that Xu Mochen had forgotten about her that she made some small noises to let them notice her existence.

Seeing her friend's rolling eyes, Xu Mochen apologized to him embarrassedly.

"Excuse me, let me introduce you, this is my mother, and this is my little brother An An"

"Mom, An An, this is my good friend Liu Luoxi. You must have heard of his name. He is a singer known as the Little Prince of Love Songs."

【Little Prince of Love Song? Why does it sound so familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere before. 】

Xu Ru'an didn't remember it, but He Youtong did.

"Are you the little prince of love songs? Aren't you filming a new song MV? Why are you in our house?"

After hearing what He Youtong said, Xu Ru'an finally remembered that he had heard this name from his godmother. No wonder it was so familiar.

【Yes, my godmother is still worried about this MV, but how could he, the person involved, appear in our house?】

【Is this how all celebrities behave now? Others are busy with his affairs, but he is still drinking tea in other people's houses.】

【Fourth Brother is still friends with this person? They are not just pigs and dogs, right? Fourth Brother has a bad taste!

Xu Mochen was stunned. What was going on? Why did An An seem to dislike Liu Luoxi?

"Auntie, are you still paying attention to my messages?"

Liu Luoxi was a little surprised. He had never heard that his friend's mother was his fan.

"Mom, have you and An An also heard about Luo Xi’s new song MV?"

"Well, I heard it from An An's godmother."

He Youtong didn't think much about it and told Chu Yaxin everything about the difficult matter.

Xu Mochen and Liu Luoxi then knew why the two looked so angry.

"Auntie, you misunderstood. My team didn't mean to embarrass Miss Chu. We just wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible."

Half of the reason why Liu Luoxi came to see Xu Mochen today was because of this matter.

Because of the problem with the filming of the new song MV, his time was free. He and Xu Mochen hadn't seen each other for a long time, so Liu Luoxi wanted to come and see Xu Mochen, and then ask Xu Mochen for advice and see if there were any suitable young actors to introduce.

【That's right, in the end, we can't blame this little brother, we should blame the little actor who said he would not act anymore, he has no professional ethics at all.

This time, Xu Mochen agreed.

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