Xu Mochen woke up after a short nap. He was a little panicked when he found Xu Ru'an was not around. Fortunately, the crew and the cameraman told him about the situation, otherwise he would have worried that something had happened to An'an. He was very touched to know that An'an had gone to buy him coffee. After all, he just said it casually, but An'an actually remembered it.

"As expected, An An is a warm-hearted little baby. When he comes back, he must give him a reward!"As soon as he finished speaking, he saw An An coming back angrily.

"What's wrong?"

"Fourth brother, did you have a good rest?"

"Yes, that's right. I heard from the show crew that you went to buy coffee for the fourth brother next door.

But Xu Ruan didn't have any coffee in his hand, and he looked angry when he came in just now.

Sure enough, when this matter was mentioned, Xu Ruan couldn't help but get angry.

"Fourth brother, I'm sorry, An An forgot that he didn't bring any money with him, so he hasn't paid for the coffee yet."

"So that's how it is. It's okay, An An is thoughtful. I'll pay for the coffee."

Xu Mochen picked up An An, explained to the deputy store manager, and walked out, wanting to go to the coffee shop next door.

"Fourth brother, that Song Cangyan is too much.……"

Xu Ru'an originally wanted to complain about Song Cangyan to his fourth brother, but he saw Song Cangyan as soon as he walked out of the cake shop.

Song Cangyan came to bring coffee to Xu Ru'an, but he met him at the door before he even walked in.

Song Cangyan politely bowed to Xu Mochen and said hello.

"Hello, Brother Mochen, I am Song Cangyan. An An just bought you coffee at the coffee shop, and I brought it to him."

Xu Ruan looked at the polite Song Cangyan and was stunned.

【What the hell? How come he suddenly became a different person? Wasn't he bullying me just now in the coffee shop?】

【Sure enough, he didn't grow up to be a bad boy, he was still evil!

Xu Mochen saw Song Cangyan was so polite and thought he was a polite child. He had a good impression of him, but when he heard that he bullied An An, his face changed immediately.

"An An, I saw that you were not very happy when you came back. What happened? Did he bully you?"

Xu Mochen lowered his voice and asked An An what happened in the coffee shop.

Xu Ru'an nodded,"Fourth brother, he is so mean. He insisted that I call him brother before letting me leave, and he also said……"

When Xu Ru'an heard his fourth brother asking about it, he didn't care that Song Cangyan, the person involved, was still here. He didn't lower his voice like Xu Mochen did, and he directly complained to his fourth brother.

After Xu Mochen heard it, he thought to himself, no wonder An An said that Song Cangyan was black-hearted, it turned out that he had a basis.

Song Cangyan certainly heard Xu Ru'an's complaints about him, but on the surface he didn't show any ripples, as if he didn't hear it, and still had a faint smile on his face.

But in fact, he was speechless in his heart. Are these two brothers polite? He, the person involved, was still standing in front of them. Didn't they even look at the situation on the scene when they complained about him?

"I heard from my An An that he hasn't paid yet, and I'm planning to take him over to pay."

Song Cangyan thought, paying is true, and helping the little guy get back his face is also true.

""Brother Mochen, no need. I think little brother An'an is very cute, so I can't help but tease him. Little brother An'an doesn't have to pay for the coffee he ordered. My mother said it's our treat."

Smart people pay attention to reciprocity, so Xu Mochen didn't refuse. He went back to the cake shop, picked out a few fruit cakes, paid for them, and handed them to Song Cangyan.

"Here, the cake is for you and your mother. I'll treat you as a return gift for the coffee."

Of course Song Cangyan did not refuse and accepted the cake.

After walking a few steps, he turned back and asked Xu Ru'an:"An'an little brother, remember, call me Brother Cangyan from now on."

Xu Ru'an rolled his eyes. Good man, does he have any special hobbies? He chases others and calls him brother? The one-day store manager experience task of the five groups of guests soon came to an end.

After sorting and statistics by the program team, the final ranking was really unexpected.

The first place was Meng Fan and Xiao Chengzi.

The second place was Meng Zelin and Ke'er.

The third place was Zhou Tiancheng and Zhou Tian.

The fifth and sixth places were Xu Mochen and An'an and Yang Yingyi and Song Cangyan respectively.

The flow of people in the coffee shop and the cake shop is considerable, so Xu Mochen has always thought that even if he is not the first or second, he should be able to get a third place.

But when you think about it carefully, it's actually very... Normal.

Although the stores of the other three groups of guests are not necessities and the traffic is not very good, the prices of the individual items are high.

Take Meng Fan’s cosmetics store for example. It is said that women’s money is the easiest to make, especially girls who love beauty. In addition, Meng Fan’s cosmetics store displays counters of big-name cosmetics, so the prices are relatively more expensive.

Because the store cooperates with celebrities like Meng Fan and launches discount promotions, it attracts many people to come and buy.

It can be said that as long as people who come in buy a set of cosmetics, the price of that set of cosmetics can offset the cost of countless cakes or cups of coffee.

"This is the final result. After discussion with our program team, the two groups of guests who ranked last in this task will be punished, and the method of punishment will be announced in the next episode."

【Ah! Why is there a punishment? There wasn't any in the previous episodes. It turns out that variety shows have a lot of routines. 】

An An was very unhappy, and accidentally met Song Cangyan's half-smile.

"I'm sorry, An'an, it's all because of my useless fourth brother that you have to be punished."

Xu Ru'an shook his head quickly,"Fourth brother, it's not your fault, it's because the director uncle and his gang are too tricky, they are too mean, it's not my fault."

Xu Ru'an pursed his lips and sighed.

""Director uncle and his tricks are too deep, An An can't defend against them, it's really tiring."

Xu Ru'an's sad expression was so cute that everyone couldn't help but laugh.

While everyone comforted An An, they also helped An An to denounce the program team.

The director and other staff members were amused.

The filming of this episode also came to an end. Everyone packed up and said goodbye to each other and left.

""Thank you so much, Mochen."

Yang Yingyi's nanny car had a flat tire on the way here, and it couldn't be fixed for a while.

Seeing this, Xu Mochen offered to take them back, so now Yang Yingyi and Song Cangyan are sitting in Xu Mochen's car.

"It’s not a bother, senior, please don’t be polite with me."

Xu Ru'an had fallen asleep at this time, with a red face.

Song Cangyan stretched out his fingers and gently poked his little face, which was soft and elastic, and felt quite good.

Yang Yingyi, who was standing by, noticed her son's little action, and was afraid that he would wake up An An, so she quickly held his hand.

Yang Yingyi looked serious, and whispered in Song Cangyan's ear:"Be good, don't wake An An up!"

Song Cangyan shrugged, retracted his fingers, and did not disturb An An's sleep again.

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