Not long after, the news released by the program team on the official blog spread, and with the fans of each group of guests taking photos and checking in, the shopping mall welcomed waves of fans.

The stores where each group of guests was located welcomed a peak flow of people, and as store managers, they were extremely busy.

Especially the cake shop, where Xu Mochen and An An were.

After all, Xu Mochen had quite a few fans, and with An An's bunch of mother fans and sister fans, the number was even larger.

It was not until three or four o'clock in the afternoon that the flow of people decreased, and the two of them could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why don't you take a break? You two didn't eat much during lunch. Since there aren't many customers now, you can go to the back to eat something and take a break."

Xu Mochen agreed. He really needed to take a break.

He was also worried that An An would be tired and hungry, so he picked a few cakes and carried An An to the staff lounge in the back.

""Ah, I really want to drink coffee."

Although cakes go well with black tea, Xu Mochen is more accustomed to drinking coffee, especially when he is so tired now, it would be more refreshing to have a cup of coffee.

Xu Ru'an ate two small chocolate cakes and drank a cup of yogurt, and he couldn't eat anymore.

When he heard his fourth brother say that he wanted to drink coffee, he thought of the coffee shop next door.

Just when he was about to tell his fourth brother that he could go to the shop next door to buy a cup of coffee, he found that his fourth brother was asleep on the table.

He must be tired, so he decided not to wake him up. Xu Ru'an thought about it and decided to go next door to buy a cup of coffee for his fourth brother.

Anyway, it was close, and there were also staff from the program crew filming next door, so he didn't have to worry about any danger.

So Xu Ru'an walked out of the cake shop and came to the coffee shop next door. As soon as he walked in, he smelled the fragrant coffee. He didn't like coffee very much, but in the original world, as a hard-working worker, he needed a cup of coffee every morning to start a day's work.


Such a familiar opening remark, Xu Ru'an looked over in the direction of the voice.

These words were actually said by Song Cangyan.

Oh my god, it turns out that Song Cangyan and he have the same job title, both of them are shining in this job!

Song Cangyan was stunned when he saw that the person who came in was Xu Ru'an,"Why is it you?"

What does this mean? Xu Ru'an was a little puzzled, could it be that he can't come here anymore?

"Hello, I'm here to buy coffee for my fourth brother"


Oh, that's it?"

Xu Ru'an felt that he was a customer after all, so shouldn't he take him to find the clerk here and help him place the order?

"I said I wanted to buy coffee"


Another word?

Was Song Cangyan so aloof when he was a child?

Forget it, Xu Ru'an decided to do it herself.

There were still many customers in the coffee shop at this time. Song Cangyan's mother Yang Yingyi was busy packing coffee for the customers.

Xu Ru'an was small, and the cashier perfectly covered him.

Xu Ru'an called a few times, but Yang Yingyi didn't hear it.

Instead, a clerk who was cleaning the table noticed Xu Ru'an.

"Little brother, what can I do for you?"

The clerk thought An An was a customer's child and that he was called by an adult to get something.

"Hello sister, I want to buy a cup of coffee"

""Little brother, what kind of coffee do you want to buy? Where are your parents?"

Xu Ru'an thought about it. He remembered that every time when his fourth brother had breakfast at home, he liked to ask Aunt Lin to prepare him a cup of iced American coffee. If there was no sugar, it was bitter.

The sixth brother always teased the fourth brother that he was so hardworking and wanted to be a big star. He should go to the coal mine to dig coal.

So Xu Ru'an decided to just give the fourth brother a cup of iced American coffee.

"Miss, please pack me a cup of iced Americano. I want to buy it back for my fourth brother."

""Okay, I'll place the order for you. How do you want to pay? Do you need to wait for your parents to come over to pay?"

At this time, Xu Ru'an remembered that he habitually took off his phone watch because of the program recording, and now the phone watch is not in his hand.

He didn't have any cash on him, so if he wanted to pay, he could only go to his fourth brother.

But his fourth brother was resting, and he ran here secretly. Now he ran back to disturb his fourth brother's rest, which was really embarrassing.

Just when Xu Ru'an was in a dilemma, the staff of the program crew who were filming in the store came over.

"An An, you can ask Teacher Yang and Song Cangyan for help"

"Huh? Uncle, can't your production team help me advance the money first, and then I can ask my fourth brother to pay you back?"

"No, the director just said that you can ask Teacher Yang for help."

Xu Ru'an knew that this must be another routine of the director.

He didn't want to have too much contact and communication with Song Cangyan. Forget it, it seems that he should go back to ask for money from the fourth brother to save trouble.

"Forget it, I'll go find my fourth brother to pay."

Fourth brother wanted to drink coffee anyway.

But just as Xu Ru'an walked to the door, Song Cangyan stopped him.

"Xu Ru'an, call me brother and let me hear it"


What is going on?

"Call me brother and I will pay for you"


Xu Ru'an thought he had heard it wrong. Song Cangyan, who had been so aloof just now, actually took the initiative to talk to him and even asked him to call him brother?

"Hurry up, there are only 30 seconds left, I will regret it."

Regret, regret what?

Xu Ru'an was confused, he seemed to be unable to keep up with Song Cangyan's pace!

"Fifteen seconds countdown……"

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Cangyan actually started counting down. Xu Ru'an hadn't reacted yet. As he listened to him counting down one number at a time, his mind went blank and he couldn't help but get nervous.


When Song Cangyan counted down to the tenth second, Xu Ru'an called out the word"brother" uncertainly.

"Well, not bad, very well behaved."

Song Cangyan seemed very satisfied. Just when Xu Ru'an thought he was willing to pay for her coffee, she heard Song Cangyan say

"It would be better if you put your name before your brother."

"Brother Cang Yan?"

Xu Ru'an added his name as he requested.

"Well, it's good, but the sound is not enough to impress me, continue."

This time, Xu Ru'an was not happy.

What kind of person is this? It's fine to let people call him brother, but why does he have so many requirements!

What do you mean the sound is not enough to impress him, continue, Xu Ru'an was angry, he didn't want to continue, his fourth brother was next door, his fourth brother had money.

Xu Ru'an wanted to leave, but Song Cangyan kept stopping him and wouldn't let him leave.

Xu Ru'an began to get anxious.

At this time, Yang Yingyi finally finished the work at hand, and then she also noticed what was happening between Xu Ru'an and Song Cangyan.

Yang Yingyi knew that her son was playing a prank on people again.

"Song Cangyan, what are you doing now?"

Song Cangyan saw his mother coming over and knew that she was going to start scolding him, so he stepped aside.

"Go ahead, you don't have to pay for the coffee, I'll pay for you, after all, you called me brother, I can still listen to you."

Xu Ru'an was so angry, how could this person take advantage of him and still act like a good boy!

"Humph! An An doesn't want you to pay, I'll let fourth brother come and pay!"

After saying that, Xu Ru'an left angrily.

Yang Yingyi was helpless,"Son, can't you be more obedient? Didn't you say you wanted to be on this show? Then don't play pranks. Look, you've made the little brother angry!"

""Mom, my little brother wants to pack a cup of iced Americano. I'll pay for it and send it to the next door."

Yang Yingyi was stunned. Her son was actually willing to spend money on others? What a miracle. Did the sun rise from the west today?

You know, her son is a miser. Even if it's his family, he is not willing to spend his pocket money on his family.

Seeing his mother's surprise, Song Cangyan didn't explain too much, but said lightly:"He is cute and interesting."

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