Xiaoxuan's full name is Xu Shaoxuan. His mother is a female internet celebrity with millions of fans, and his father is the boss of a medium-sized real estate company. Xiaoxuan is the only child in the family, so both of them dote on him very much and always respond to his requests.

As a result, Xiaoxuan has developed a spoiled and lawless personality. He has always disliked Xia Chuling and likes to tease him, but every time Xia Chuling ignores him and keeps saying that he is childish.

Today, he deliberately said that Xia Chuling broke his toy and wrongly accused him of pushing him down.

"Teacher... wuwu... Xia Chuling broke my toy, I... just wanted him to apologize to me, but who knew... he pushed me to the ground... it hurts so much!"

As he spoke, he started crying loudly again.

Xu Ru'an on the side had rolled his eyes countless times. Why is this kid so dramatic?

His parents shouldn't have sent him to kindergarten, but to a movie. Maybe he could win an award for the best crying scene.

"Xia Chuling, is what Xiaoxuan said true?"

Xia Chuling didn't say anything, but had a dark face.

Xia Chuling's personality is like this, he never takes the initiative to explain anything, so it is easy for him to suffer losses.

Seeing that Xia Chuling didn't say anything, Xiaoxuan became even more proud, thinking that he had won this time, and Xia Chuling was finally scared.

"Teacher, all the children here have seen it, and they can all testify for me."

"Children, tell me, is what Xiaoxuan said really like this?"

Several children nodded, and a little girl nodded after hesitating for a while.

Xu Ru'an couldn't help but frowned when she saw it. No way, are these children blind? The unused eyes are hanging, I really suggest that they can be donated!

Xu Ru'an was about to speak, and Xiaoxuan spoke again:"Teacher, can you trouble me to call my parents? I'm scared, my body hurts so much, I don't want to be in kindergarten today." Xu Ru'an was really drunk. This child actually wanted to call his parents over. Did he think the matter was not big enough?

At this time, Su Lengyan squatted down and said,"Hello, Xiaoxuan, I'm the new teacher Su today. You don't have to be afraid. The teacher thinks that classmate Xia didn't mean it, so let him apologize to you. Don't blame him, okay?" As expected, she is a Mary

Sue heroine. Su Lengyan's image of the Virgin Mary is really not covered.

Xiaoxuan was a little unhappy when he saw the new teacher helping Xia Chuling. He turned his little head and said,"No, Xia Chuling did it on purpose. Why should the teacher help him!"

Xia Chuling snorted coldly:"Why should I apologize to him? I didn't do anything to him at all. He was obviously acting. You adults are so stupid that you actually believed him."

"What kind of attitude is this! How can you talk to a teacher like that! You don’t reflect on yourself when you do something wrong, and you are so rude. This is what your parents taught you!"The person who said this was a short-haired teacher named Luo Beibei. She was a snob. She knew that Xiaoxuan's parents were both well-known people, so she usually took good care of Xiaoxuan in order to please Xiaoxuan's parents.

She had never met Xia Chuling's parents. Usually, she only saw an old man picking him up from school. Later, she heard that Xia Chuling was an orphan. He could come here to study because the person who adopted him happened to know the headmaster, and the headmaster took him in because he felt sorry for the child's situation.

After a comparison, Luo Beibei would definitely side with Xiaoxuan.

And Luo Beibei had secretly called Xiaoxuan's parents and informed them to come to the kindergarten.

Because Xiaoxuan and Xia Chuling refused to give in to each other, several teachers The teachers were all very troubled and could only comfort the other children first, and then take the two to the office.

Xu Ru'an followed them quietly, hiding behind the door of the office to peek at the situation inside.

As soon as Luo Beibei entered the office, she said that she had notified Xiaoxuan's parents to come to the kindergarten. Although the other teachers disagreed with her approach, they did not say anything in the end.

Not long after, Xu Ru'an, who was outside, saw a couple running over. The two rushed over without noticing Xu Ru'an's presence and went straight into the office.

Xiaoxuan's mother is named Xue Dongyue and his father is named Xu Fuhai. As soon as they entered the door, they pulled Xiaoxuan over and checked him inside and out. After confirming that Xiaoxuan was not injured, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom is scared to death, my baby, tell mom, who bullied my baby?"

"Mom and Dad, it was him, Xia Chuling. He broke the toy you gave me and pushed me, causing me to fall to the ground."

"Good! You are the one who bullied my son!"

"Apologize to my son right now!"

Xia Chuling just stood there without saying a word.

Xue Dongyue pointed her finger with red nail polish at Xia Chuling and said sharply,"Are you dumb? I asked you to apologize to my son, didn't you hear me?"

Luo Beibei watched the show with a smile on her face. The other teachers were hesitant to speak, but Su Lengyan couldn't stand it anymore and stood up.

"Dear parent, please calm down. The child is still young and you will scare him."

"Who are you? What does it have to do with you? He bullied my baby, is it too much to ask him to apologize?"

"I didn't mean that.……"

"That's enough. Anyway, he must apologize to my son today. It's better if he kneels down and apologizes to my son, otherwise this matter will not end."

"How can this be? How can you make a little kid kneel down and apologize? This is too much!"

Su Lengyan was about to cry, but Xue Dongyue ignored her,"Where are his parents? Ask him to come over too. I want to see how his parents educate their children. They have no manners at all!"

""Mom, Xia Chuling is an orphan, he has no parents."

Xiaoxuan's words hurt Xia Chuling's heart again. No matter how sensible and strong he was, his eyes were red at this moment.

"Oh, no wonder, he turned out to be a bastard born of a mother but not raised by her."

Su Lengyan was really angry and cried. She wanted to speak up for Xia Chuling, but was pulled away by the teacher next to her."Teacher Su, you'd better not worry about this matter. They are not people we can mess with. Teacher Lu has already notified the headmaster to come over."


Seeing that several teachers shook their heads at her, Su Lengyan looked at the aggressive Xue Dongyue and Xu Fuhai, and finally stood aside silently.

Xu Ru'an, who saw this scene at the door, was so angry that she almost died. Isn't Su Lengyan the heroine? Shouldn't she swear to protect Xia Chuling, the adopted son of the male protagonist at this time!

Really, why doesn't it match the plot? Seeing Xia Chuling's appearance is really heartbreaking.

And Xue Dongyue was still there forcing him, and Xu Ru'an couldn't stand it anymore. He pushed the door of the office open, rushed in front of Xia Chuling, opened his hands, and blocked in front of Xia Chuling.

"Enough! Brother Xia Chuling did nothing wrong, you bad aunt can't treat him like this!"

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