"Young Master, it's time to get up. Today is your first day in kindergarten. Don't be late."

Yes, Xu Hanwen was very quick. He helped Xu Ruan contact the kindergarten in a few days. Today was the first day for Xu Ruan to register.

Xu Ruan rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed. Alas, he hadn't gotten up so early in many years.

""Young Master, come and eat quickly. You can go to school well only if you are full."

Xu Mochen and Xu Hanwen were also eating breakfast nearby. They were going to accompany Xu Ru'an to kindergarten today.

After finishing breakfast, Xu Ru'an yawned and still felt a little sleepy. Xu Mochen picked him up and let him lie on his shoulders.

"Let's get in the car. You can sleep a little longer in the car. Fourth brother will wake you up after we get to the kindergarten."

When the luxury car carrying Xu Ru'an and others stopped in front of Yingxiu Kindergarten, Xu Ru'an just woke up.

It was the peak time for parents to send their children to school in the morning.

Many parents lined up in front of the kindergarten with their children to send their children in.

But today the entrance of the kindergarten was a little different from usual, because the principal and all the teachers were waiting at the door, as if they were going to welcome some important person.

After the people in the luxury car got out, some parents recognized Xu Mochen, so they understood what was going on with the kindergarten's pomp today.

"No wonder, it turned out to be actor Xu who came over. Wow, who is that little guy in his arms? It's very cute."

"Oh my god! I didn't expect that I would meet my idol here!"

"I don't know who Xu Mochen is. I don't chase after celebrities. But I know the person next to him. He is Xu Hanwen, known as the ever-victorious general, a gold medal lawyer who has never lost a case. He is simply the idol of those of us who work in the legal field!"

The appearance of Xu Mochen caused a sensation.

Although Xu Hanwen is not a celebrity, he was recognized by some people who pay attention to this aspect because of his fame and status in the legal community, which also caused a lot of discussion.

But they didn't care about the attention and discussion of these people at all. They just sent Xu Ru'an to school today and would leave soon.

Xu Mochen handed Xu Ru'an in his arms to a female teacher standing in front,"I will leave my little brother to you teachers. If there is anything with my little brother, please contact us brothers immediately." Xu

Hanwen had already talked to the principal and hoped that the kindergarten teachers would take better care of Xu Ru'an.

Because Xu Ru'an went to school here, Xu Hanwen also gave the principal a lot of education funds for him to use to improve the facilities of the kindergarten.

"Of course, of course, we will definitely take good care of Xu Ru'an, please rest assured."

The head teacher pointed to the female teacher holding Xu Ru'an and said,"This is Teacher Qiao from Xu Ru'an's class."

"Parents, rest assured, there will be no problem leaving Xu Ru'an to me."

Xu Hanwen nodded,"That's good, then we will go back first, little guy, you have to listen to the teacher, your fourth brother will come to pick you up after class in the afternoon."

""Okay, goodbye, third and fourth brothers."

Xu Ru'an waved to the two of them, and then followed Teacher Qiao in.

Xu Ru'an followed Teacher Qiao into a noisy class. When the children in the class saw Teacher Qiao walking in with a fair and tender little brother, they instantly quieted down. Everyone looked at Xu Ru'an curiously.

Xu Ru'an was also observing each child carefully. He didn't know what the male protagonist's adopted son looked like, but he vaguely remembered that his name was Xia Chuling.

"Children, this is the new child today, Xu Ru'an. Please take good care of Xu Ru'an in the future, okay?"

"Got it, Teacher Qiao."

Xu Ru'an was arranged to sit in an empty seat near the back door. He didn't care. He came to the kindergarten just to get close to Xia Chuling. It didn't matter where he sat.

While Xu Ru'an was still thinking about how to find Xia Chuling, there was a commotion on the other side, and Xu Ru'an seemed to hear Xia Chuling's name.

He looked over and found that several children had formed a circle over there. In the middle of the circle, he could see two little boys arguing about something.

"Xia Chuling! How dare you break my toy! I'm going to tell the teacher!"

"I've said it many times! I didn't break your toy!"

"You broke it! I saw it all, but you still don't admit it. The teacher said that good children shouldn't lie. I'm going to tell the teacher and let her punish you."

"Childish, it’s up to you. Anyway, I said no, and it means no, get out of the way!"

"I don't care! You have to compensate me for the toy and say sorry to me, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Xia Chuling was already very impatient. He glared at the man and was about to push him away. Unexpectedly, before he could do anything, the man fell down and sat on the ground crying.

Xu Ru'an also saw clearly that the child was clearly trying to scam Xia Chuling!

"Wuuu...Xia Chuling, you...not only broke my toy, but also...pushed me!"

"My mother is right, you are just an uneducated wild child!"

Xia Chuling's face darkened instantly when he heard this, and his hands tightened.

Xu Ru'an noticed the change in Xia Chuling's expression and knew that this must have touched Xia Chuling's pain point.

Perhaps in the later part of the novel, the reason why Xia Chuling turned so evil was also closely related to his experiences since childhood.

The novel did not describe the process of Xia Chuling's evil transformation in detail, because Xia Chuling was not the protagonist, he was just a catalyst and guardian between the male and female protagonists. In the end, his ending was not written very clearly, but only mentioned in a rough sentence, saying that he He took over a lot of the Xu family's industries and became the richest and most powerful person besides the male protagonist.

The quarrels and cries of the children finally attracted several teachers.

What surprised Xu Ru'an was that he actually saw the heroine Su Lengyan here.

Oh, how could he have forgotten!

Su Lengyan is also a teacher at Yingxiu Kindergarten, but she was not originally a teacher at this kindergarten, but was hired here later.

And Su Lengyan met the male protagonist because she helped Xia Chuling after she became a teacher at Yingxiu Kindergarten.

The starting point of the love between the male protagonist and the female protagonist is here!

"Children, what's wrong? What happened? Why is Xiaoxuan crying on the ground? Is he injured?"

Several teachers rushed forward to comfort Xiaoxuan, worried that the child was injured.

You know, Yingxiu Kindergarten is a famous aristocratic school. Those who go to school here are from families with some money or status. Some children have particularly complicated family backgrounds, and they are people that the school cannot afford to offend. And Xiaoxuan, who was crying on the ground, has parents who cannot be easily offended.

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