An hour later, Xu Wanyu and the others woke up, still confused and not understanding why they fell asleep.

""Where's An An? Brother Five, Brother Six, An An is missing!"

Mo Yaoyao remembered that she was originally playing a game with An An, but somehow her eyelids started to droop and she felt sleepy.

The first thing she did when she woke up was to look at An An's position, but found that An An was not there.

The two people who were completely awakened by Mo Yaoyao's words, then searched the room for Xu Ru'an.

"Fifth brother, look, a new card."

After reading the contents on the card, Xu Wanyu angrily tore it into pieces.

"Damn it, An An was actually stolen away!"

Mo Yaoyao found that there was one person missing in the room,"Fifth Brother, Sixth Brother, the old naughty boy grandpa is not here either."

"Could it be that the old man was also taken away by that person?"

Xu Zerui hurried to the next room, and of course there was no sign of the old naughty boy in the room.

"Fifth brother, the old naughty boy is not in his room."

After thinking for a while, Xu Wanyu suggested to go to the hotel front desk and ask them to check the surveillance. He originally thought that he could find some clues from it, but the surveillance on the floor of their room was destroyed, and the surveillance in other locations showed no suspicious people. In other words, they were now confused about how to find An An.

"Fifth brother, what should we do?"

"Humph, if the thief family dares to steal An An, they will have to pay the price. I will send my subordinates to various places to collect information."

Xu Wanyu was suppressing his anger.

"You can check the Internet for information about this thief family. Maybe you can find something useful so that we can fight back."

"OK, I understand. I'll arrange it right away."

Although Mo Yaoyao was also very worried about An An's safety and wanted to do something to help, she also knew that she was still a child and could not do anything except stay quietly and not cause trouble.

So she took the initiative to suggest that she stay in the hotel room alone, so that her two brothers would not have to worry about her and just focus on their own things.

So Xu Wanyu and Xu Zerui split into two groups. One went to his leader for help and mobilized all hackers to search for clues about the thief family on the Internet.

The other gathered all the subordinates on standby, explained the cause of the matter, and asked everyone to disperse as much as possible to find An An's whereabouts.

Here they were all frantically looking for An An in their own way.

On the other hand, Xu Ru'an was eating and drinking in the castle and having a great time.

"An An, the master didn’t lie to you, right? This place is nice, right?"

"Well, it would be better if the brothers and sister Yaoyao were here"

"Don't worry, your brothers will come to find you soon."

Seeing her grandpa and An An enjoying delicious food and watching a movie, Chen Jiaojiao was furious.

"Grandpa, the situation is urgent, how can you still stay here so comfortably!"

Chen Jiaojiao brought An An and her grandfather back to the residence of the thief family. According to her grandfather's instructions, she handed An An, the target of the task, to the clan leader.

The clan leader and his men did not seem to expect that she would complete the task so quickly, so they were all stunned.

Later, they proposed to verify An An's identity and whether the situation was true, so they asked Chen Jiaojiao and the others to stay here temporarily and wait for them to come and announce the results.

"Jiaojiao, calm down, everything is under grandpa's control, there will be no problem."

This is the biggest problem. The reason why Chen Jiaojiao was so uneasy was because she found that they were trapped here.

She just wanted to go out for some fresh air, but she found that the main gate and the back garden were guarded by people.

When those guarding the door saw her, they became alert. It was obvious that they were wary of her.

This situation was too unusual, so she was so worried, but her grandfather had no sense of crisis at all.

At this moment, Xu Ru'an's phone watch rang.

When Xu Ru'an saw the caller alert, she was immediately happy. It was the fifth brother who called.

It turned out that Xu Wanyu suddenly remembered that An'an's smart phone watch The watch has a built-in positioning system, but he and Xu Zerui were so worried and nervous that they forgot about it for a moment.

He asked Xu Zerui to check and found that the positioning function of An An's phone watch was turned on normally, which means that it should be possible to find An An.

So, he and Xu Zerui drove towards An An's location.

When they arrived at the location, they found that it was a villa that looked a bit like a castle.

And there were actually quite a few people guarding it all around. Although Xu Wanyu had already notified his subordinates to come over, they were still on the road, so neither of them dared to act rashly.

The two brothers parked the car on the side of the road and did not get out of the car.

"Fifth brother, why don't we give An An a call?"

"No, what if the people inside are alarmed and it’s bad for An An?"

"But, I am really worried about An An. Or maybe An An is locked up alone, with no one around him, so he can answer the phone?"Although Xu Zerui knew that this possibility was very slim, he just wanted to know An An's current situation.

"What you said makes sense, or if it is those people inside who answer the phone, maybe we can take the opportunity to negotiate terms with them."

What they want is for An An to be safe and sound, and other things are not important at all. Even if they have to pay a price for it, they are willing to do so.

So, with an uneasy mood, Xu Wanyu still made the call.

Xu Ru'an on the other end of the phone did not think much about it. Anyway, Sister Jiaojiao and the master did not restrict him from answering the phone.

So Xu Ru'an quickly answered the phone. When Xu Ru'an's sweet and soft voice reached Xu Wanyu's ears, it was simply a sound of nature!

"An An, are you okay?"

"Brother Wu, I'm fine."

"Great, then tell Fifth Brother, where are you now? Who are you with? Why did they take you away, An An?"

Xu Ru'an glanced at the master and Sister Jiaojiao.

The master still looked calm, with a slight smile on his face, and seemed to be in a good mood.

On the contrary, Sister Jiaojiao's face was wrinkled like a bitter gourd, ugly and smelly.

Chen Jiaojiao had calculated everything, but she didn't expect to miss An An's phone watch.

When she brought An An here, she had searched An An's whole body, and of course she noticed this watch, a very nice blue watch with Superman printed on it.

She thought it was just a toy watch worn by a simple child, but she didn't expect it to be a smart phone watch.

She made a silent gesture to Xu Ru'an.

It was too difficult. She didn't want to reveal her identity to An An's brothers now. The things in her family were already complicated enough. She didn't want to let An An's brothers get involved and make it even more difficult!

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