When the front desk staff brought the envelope containing the notice, the old naughty boy immediately recognized that the words on the envelope were from his granddaughter Chen Jiaojiao.

But the old naughty boy did not say anything, but looked happy that a good show was about to begin.

"Is this a prank? A thief's notice?"

Xu Zerui looked at the card in his hand with amusement, not taking it seriously.

"What's wrong?"

"Fifth brother, look, it says that he is from a thief family, codenamed Dawn, and will steal Xu Ru'an, the young master of the Xu family, at 9:30 tonight on time."Xu Zerui thought this was a prank. He was from a thief family and had a codename. That was fine. How could a thief steal a child, and he even sent a letter to inform them so blatantly? But when

Xu Wanyu saw this notice, his brows tightened and his face looked ugly.

"Lao Liu, we have to be careful tonight and make sure to keep An An by our side and keep a close eye on him!"

"Huh? Fifth brother, are you too cautious? This is obviously a prank. I guess those brothers must be jealous of us for being able to take An Xi abroad, so they are looking for people here to play with us."

Xu Wanyu shook his head,"No, it's impossible. They are not so naive and boring. If it were you, I might believe it." Xu

Zerui was immediately unhappy when he heard Xu Wanyu say this about himself. Just as he was about to refute, he was stopped by Xu Wanyu.

"Listen to me, this notice is very likely to be true, not a prank, An An may really be targeted by someone"

"No way?"

"Because when I was doing a mission before, I had come into contact with this so-called thief family. This is a very old family that has been passed down for many years. Each of them has undergone professional training and is very skilled. No matter what it is, as long as they set their sights on it, they will never miss it."

At that time, one of his tasks was to guard the treasure of a museum, which was said to be a diamond crown worn by a noble princess.

At that time, the curator also received a warning letter, which clearly stated that a person with a certain code name from the thief family would come at a certain time to steal the crown.

At that time, Xu Wanyu was fully prepared and brought a lot of people to guard the crown strictly. He originally thought that it was foolproof and there would be no problem.

But in the end, the crown was stolen without anyone noticing, and no trace was left.

This became the only time he failed to complete a mission and was questioned.

Therefore, Xu Wanyu attached great importance to this sudden warning letter from the thief family.

"No way, but...why did they steal An An?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, we just need to be careful."

"OK, I understand."

Xu Ru'an listened to the conversation between his two brothers and secretly took a look at the small card containing the preview letter.

【It's so magical. Where did this thief family come from? There is no such paragraph in the original book? 】

And why did they come to steal him? Xu Ru'an didn't know when he became so precious and even attracted the attention of the thief family.

Seeing that the two brothers were on high alert and surrounded him closely, Xu Ru'an was a little nervous.

The old naughty boy didn't expect Xu Wanyu to know about the thief family. He knew Xu Wanyu's skills, and he didn't know which one was more powerful if his granddaughter and him faced each other head-on.

But now the most important thing is to help his granddaughter steal An An, otherwise the following things will not happen.

Seeing that the time has reached 9:30, the old naughty boy quietly cast a small spell. This small spell will make the designated person very sleepy, and then slowly fall asleep, no matter how noisy the surroundings are, they will not wake up.

Only after an hour, the spell will automatically be lifted, and people will slowly wake up.

An hour is enough for his granddaughter to take An An away.

Seeing that the fifth and sixth brothers and sister Yaoyao fell asleep on the bed for no apparent reason and could not be woken up no matter how hard they tried to call, Xu Ru'an looked anxious.

""Master, what's going on? Why are you and I the only ones who are okay?"

The old naughty boy certainly wouldn't tell An An the truth about his plan, so he could only comfort her,"Don't worry, it's okay."

Then the old naughty boy opened the door and saw Chen Jiaojiao coming out from the dark.

"Jiaojiao, Grandpa has already helped you with this. Just go in and take An An away and report back."

"Huh? But I haven't used it yet.……"

Forget it. Chen Jiaojiao has become numb. She has no idea what grandpa is going to do. She hasn't even used the means she arranged, but grandpa has already done it for her. It's really easy.

"An An, come out quickly, I'll ask your senior sister to take you out to play"

"Senior sister?"

Not only Xu Ru'an was puzzled, but even Chen Jiaojiao was also confused.

"Yes, my granddaughter entered my school before you did, so of course she is your senior sister."

"Oh, but, I want to go out and play with my senior sister, why can't I just tell my brothers directly? Why did the master do this?"

It's really a fuss.

Until just now, Xu Ru'an figured it out. The reason why the fifth brother and the others became like that was obviously caused by his master.

"Because it's fun"



The two brothers, one older and one younger, looked at the old naughty boy in bewilderment.

"Ahem! Just kidding. The secret cannot be revealed. Don't ask too many questions. Just do as I say."

"Okay, here comes the same thing again, Grandpa, you just don’t want to tell the truth!"

"Master, what are you planning? An An is a little scared."

"Okay, why are you talking so much nonsense, Jiaojiao, hurry up, take your junior brother away and go to the clan leader to submit your task."

"I don't want it! Grandpa, if I go to the clan leader to submit the task now, I will be the first person to complete the task, and I will be the next clan leader. I don't want it!"

Chen Jiaojiao was full of resistance. She planned to steal Xu Ru'an away and keep her by her side for a while, and then go there after someone else submitted the task.

"No, they will never let a girl like you be the head of the clan. Their ultimate goal is to marry you to the Aier family."

The Aier family is also an ancient noble family here. They have been a family of collectors for generations. They have always married with the thief family.

The purpose is to combine the two families so that they can support each other and go further and better together.

"What? Then I can’t bring him back to submit the mission! I should be as far away from him as possible!"

"Wouldn’t it be nice to solve the problem once and for all?"

"Once and for all? How can it be once and for all?"

Chen Jiaojiao didn't understand what her grandfather was talking about.

"I told you, An An will be your benefactor, you can rely on him to get rid of the thief family."

The old naughty boy picked up An An and stuffed him into Chen Jiaojiao's arms.

"Okay, An An is in your hands, go back."

Helplessly, Chen Jiaojiao could only do as she was told.

"I'm sorry, little guy, please bear with me. Although my grandpa may seem unreliable sometimes, he should be trustworthy at critical moments."

According to the habit of the thief family, Chen Jiaojiao also left a farewell letter after stealing An An.

Xu Ru'an, the young master of the Xu family, I stole him under the code name of Dawn. See you again if we are lucky. Thank you!

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