"An An, why are you here with this annoying guy?"

After Xu Zerui checked the procedures with the official, he called his assistant to bring An An and the others over.

As it was not yet time for Meng Fan to perform on stage, he followed An An.

"We met in the exhibition hall, and Brother Meng Fan bought a game console for An An."


Xu Zerui looked at the assistant in confusion,"I didn't ask you to……"

Before Xu Zerui finished speaking, his assistant interrupted him,"Boss, it's really not my fault, it's mainly because he moved too fast and I couldn't keep up!"

The assistant spread his hands, looking very helpless.

"I'm telling you, don't vent your anger on others. I just want to give An An a gift. What's wrong? Do you have any objections?"

Meng Fan sat on the sofa at the side with disdain."I heard that you will be going on stage soon. Look at the clothes you are wearing. It's so ugly!"


Xu Zerui was furious. He had chosen this set of clothes himself. The official had prepared five sets of clothes for him, all of which were clothes for the main characters in the game on this home game console.

Xu Zerui had chosen a set of white robes worn by an ancient scholar. The makeup artist had just praised him for being gentle and elegant in the clothes, like a handsome man who had walked out of a painting.

But Meng Fan had said"ugly" instead!

"Isn't it? You don't look like a scholar at all, and you're too short."

Meng Fan straightened his waist and gestured to Xu Zerui with his hand.

"Well, it's confirmed. He must be at least half a head shorter than me."

Hearing this, Xu Zerui couldn't bear it anymore and swung his fist towards Meng Fan.

But Meng Fan was not afraid at all. Instead, he was very calm. He slowly stretched out his palm and blocked Xu Zerui's fist in the blink of an eye. He also took Xu Zerui's fist.

"Well, now I see that you do have a bit of scholarly temperament."

Xu Zerui stared at him blankly, with a puzzled look on his face.

"what do you mean?"

"Because you are just like those scholars who only know how to read, you are powerless and weak!"

""Meng Fan! You damn bastard! Let me go! I want to fight you!"

Seeing the two fighting, the assistant and Mo Yaoyao were worried and wanted to separate them, fearing that they would get hurt.

Only Xu Ru'an was not nervous at all, but picked up the melon seeds on the table and ate them while watching the show.

【Well, Brother Liu and Brother Meng Fan are really a pair of happy enemies. They start fighting as soon as they meet. I have to admit that they are a bit cute.

No wonder my sister always talks about the good couple in front of him.

【Is this considered flirting between Brother Liu and Brother Meng Fan? Fighting is love, scolding is love, this is clearly a little fun between lovers】

【Is Sixth Brother like the eldest brother, who also likes men? But the original book doesn't mention this, and shouldn't they both like the heroine Su Lengyan?】

【Are these two no longer licking dogs and talking about brotherhood? I can only say that things are unpredictable!

Xu Zerui was originally fighting with Meng Fan, but when he suddenly heard Xu Ru'an's thoughts, he was stunned


Xu Zerui suddenly yelled, scaring Meng Fan.

"Hey! Are you crazy? Why are you yelling so loudly? It's so scary!"

"Damn! I am a straight man! Male! I like men? No! I am wrong, I like women, and my sexual orientation is normal!"


As soon as Xu Zerui finished speaking, everyone present looked at him with strange eyes.

Especially Xu Ru'an and Meng Fan, they were stunned.

【Sixth brother, are you admitting this to my face?】

"Hey! Xu Zerui, you are not stupid because I hit you on the head just now, are you aware of what you are saying?"

Xu Zerui was already furious, he had no other thoughts now, he only had one thought, that is to clarify his sexual orientation in front of An An, this was related to his innocence!

"Of course I know. What I mean is, I, Xu Zerui, can't possibly like you, Meng Fan. I don't like men, I'm normal, I'm sure and certain that I like women?"

After saying this, Xu Zerui left Meng Fan and stayed far away. In front of others, it was as if Meng Fan had some kind of plague.

"Why are you saying these things for no reason? No one is asking you these questions!"

When Meng Fan said this, he seemed a little unhappy, with a frown on his face and a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Others did not notice it, but Xu Ru'an, who had been observing and paying attention, discovered it.

【No way? Regardless of why Sixth Brother suddenly said those words, the most important thing now is that I should have seen it right, right?

Oh my God, Xu Ru'an felt as if he had discovered some major secret!

He had a very bold guess in his mind. According to the lust revealed in Brother Meng Fan's eyes just now, maybe Brother Meng Fan really likes Sixth Brother!

But when he first met Brother Meng Fan on the crew, didn't he ask his agent to send flowers to the heroine Su Lengyan?

It was also mentioned in the original book that he and Sixth Brother were in a competitive relationship, and what they were competing for was Su Lengyan's feelings!

The scene suddenly became quiet, no one spoke, and the scene was very awkward.

Fortunately, at this time, the staff pushed the door in and notified Xu Zerui that he could go on stage.

So Xu Zerui hurriedly tidied up his clothes and followed the staff out.

Meng Fan also came back to his senses at this time,"I'm about to leave, An An, we will have a chance to see each other later"

"Oh, okay, but, Brother Meng Fan, actually what my Sixth Brother just said was not malicious, you must not take it to heart."

"An An, I have known your sixth brother for many years, and I also... I know him well, so... forget it, it's nothing, I'll leave first."

Xu Ru'an always felt that Brother Meng Fan was not right, a bit like those people who were heartbroken.

"Alas, Sixth Brother has really committed a serious sin. I hope everything goes well in the future."

"An An, what did you say?"

"Huh? Nothing, Sister Yaoyao, Brother Assistant, let's go out too. An An also wants to see Sixth Brother's performance on stage."

Xu Ru'an pulled the two out of the room and went out to see Xu Zerui.

The game exhibition will be held for a week, but Xu Zerui's work is only today. The rest of the time he only needs to cooperate with the official arrangements and forward some promotional information on the Internet.

I don't know if Xu Zerui felt embarrassed. For a long time afterwards, he avoided mentioning Meng Fan.

Although Xu Ru'an had some guesses in his mind, he didn't point them out.

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