The sun had risen, and the sunlight shone into the room through the gauze.

At this time, Xu Ru'an was hugging a dinosaur pillow, and his short legs kicked the quilt away. He was sleeping soundly, drooling.

Mo Yaoyao opened the door,"An'an, get up quickly, Sixth Brother said he will take us out to play today."

Xu Ru'an rubbed his eyes with his chubby hands, slowly turned over, and when he heard that Sixth Brother was going to take him out to play, he sat up.

"Sister Yaoyao, where is Sixth Brother going to take us to play?"

Mo Yaoyao picked out a set of casual denim clothes from the closet and put it on the bed."I heard that there is a game exhibition that invited Sixth Brother to be the experience officer, and also invited many game anchors to come and try out the games. It will be very lively. Sixth Brother plans to take us there to have a look."

Hearing that it was related to games, Xu Ru'an's eyes lit up.

He also liked to play games in his original world, but after coming here, because he is still young, his parents are worried that it will affect his eyesight. Not to mention playing games, they will even limit the time he uses those electronic products.

After washing up, Xu Ru'an came out and changed into the clothes that Sister Yaoyao had matched for him, and then walked downstairs with his short legs.

He ran to Sixth Brother who was drinking coffee and asked him excitedly:"Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother, are you really going to take me and Sister Yaoyao to play games together?"

Xu Zerui replied with a smile:"Sixth Brother is taking you to the game exhibition to watch the excitement, not to play games. You are still young and can experience it appropriately for a while, but you can't play for a long time, otherwise it will be bad for your eyes."

"Yeah, An An understands. An An doesn't play much. An An is very well behaved."

【Anyway, it's a game exhibition, there must be a lot of games in it. I'll try every game for a while, and then I can play for a long time. 】

Xu Zerui didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Why did An An always use his intelligence in some strange places?

After breakfast, Xu Zerui took the two little guys and set off.

The exhibition hall of the game exhibition is very large. It is the largest large-scale game exhibition in the country that covers all kinds of large and small games.

As soon as Xu Ru'an and Mo Yaoyao walked into the exhibition hall, they exclaimed in admiration.

There were crowds of people inside, and there were performances on the central stage, which was very lively.

Because Xu Zerui was going to go on stage for the unveiling ceremony later, and he had to be the first person to experience the most important game of this game exhibition, so he had to go to the person in charge with the staff to discuss the process together.

But seeing the excitement of the two little guys, he could only let his assistant follow them and let them move freely.

Anyway, he also brought the bodyguards of the Xu family out today. The bodyguards are now hiding nearby and on standby at all times, so there should be no problem with safety.

Mo Yaoyao took An An's hand and walked around the first floor of the exhibition hall, looking around.

"Sister Yaoyao, I want to go there and take a look."

Just now, Xu Ru'an noticed that the picture on the poster of a game booth looked a bit like a character in a game in his original world.

This caught Xu Ru'an's attention, so he wanted to go over and learn more and experience it.

As soon as he walked over, he heard someone calling his name.

""An'an? Why are you here?"

Xu Ru'an turned around when she heard the familiar voice and saw that it was Meng Fan.

He was wearing a black mecha suit with a laser gun on his waist. He looked so cool!

"Brother Meng Fan, are you playing Cosplay?"

"Hmm? You little guy, you know Cosplay?"

Of course he knows, his sister is a big fan of it, and she always recommends those things to him.

"Yes, An An has seen it on TV. Brother Meng Fan looks so handsome and cool in this outfit!"

Meng Fan smiled and pinched Xu Ru'an's little face,"You haven't told me yet, why are you here?"

"Sixth brother brought me and sister Yaoyao here, but now Sixth brother has work, so he left first."

"Oh, so your sixth brother is here too. That’s right, I heard that he is the first experience officer of this game exhibition."

After a few pleasantries, Meng Fan, who had some free time, took Xu Ru'an and the others to go shopping.

Because Meng Fan also likes to play games, and he is very knowledgeable and good at many games, he took Xu Ru'an and the others to try out many games.

Xu Ru'an was very happy. During the trial, he even took a fancy to two of the games, both of which require a game console to play.

Originally, Xu Ru'an planned to ask his sixth brother to buy them for him after meeting him, but he was a little worried that his sixth brother would not agree.

Maybe Meng Fan saw Xu Ru'an's intention, so he bought them all for Xu Ru'an without saying a word.

"Brother Meng Fan, this is not good. Brother Six will be unhappy if he finds out."

"Who cares if he's happy or not? I'm happy! And don't you like these two games? If you like them, buy them!"

Meng Fan stuffed the two game gift packs into the arms of the assistant standing aside.

"You help the little guy hold these two things, they are too heavy and too big, it's hard for the little guy to carry them."

The assistant was helpless. In fact, he wanted to say that his boss Xu Zerui had already told him that as long as it was something that An An and the others wanted, no matter how expensive it was, he should just buy it for An An and the others.

When he knew that An An liked those two games, the assistant was going to pay for them, but he didn't expect Meng Fan to be faster than him.

"Mr. Meng, let me give you the money. My boss has also told me to buy things that An An and Yao Yao like."

"No need to give it to me, this is a gift I bought for the little one, your eldest brother can buy other things if he wants to give you money."

Hearing that Sixth Brother was actually willing to buy something for him, Xu Ru'an immediately became excited again.

"Assistant brother, sister Yaoyao and I just saw a set of home game consoles, which have many interesting games, very suitable for our family to play together, can we buy it and take it home?"

Just now he and sister Yaoyao tried it, and it can be seen that sister Yaoyao also likes it, so he thought about buying it at that time.

"Oh, An'an, you mean that one? Actually, we don't have to buy it, because the boss is the experience officer for this game console. After the boss finishes work today, the official will give the boss a gift package of this game console."

It means that you can get this game console without spending any money. Xu Ru'an and Yaoyao clapped their hands and cheered happily.

"Wow! That's great, Sixth Brother is really awesome!"

Hearing An An and the others praising Xu Zerui for being awesome, Meng Fan snorted coldly.

Meng Fan was also here to work today, endorsing an online game, and his outfit today was the outfit of a main character in the game.

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