The War of Resistance

Chapter 981: solution

The Xu Shenwei who was kicked by him leaned against another tree and peeked at him. Of course he couldn't hear what the two of them were muttering, but he noticed that in the old Qiuzi's muttering Ma Chuncai's eyes lit up.

Then, the two men approached a soldier who was sleeping next to a tree with his rifle in his arms.

And who is that soldier? That soldier happened to be Dong Qiu.

Dong Qiu has fallen asleep.

Isn't that what being in the army is all about? If you have time to sleep, you have to sleep fast.

People can't be thirsty, hungry, or full, but they can't sleep if they lack sleep. War can temper everyone's nerves.

At this time, Xu Shenwei, who was peeking at the side, saw Lao Qiuzi and Ma Chuncai exchanged glances, and then both of them extended their hands at the same time.

Ma Chuncai covered Dong Qiu's mouth as soon as he stretched out his hand, while Lao Qiuzi snatched the rifle that Dong Qiu was holding.

Dong Qiu woke up suddenly in his sleep, opened his eyes and opened his mouth to yell, but the old Qiuzi and Ma Chuncai predicted it first, and Ma Chuncai covered his mouth to death, how could he yell again? So I can only stare wide-eyed and "woo woo woo".

At this time, Ma Chuncai waved his other hand at Dong Qiu and shouted, "Don't talk, there is a situation!"

As soon as Dong Qiu heard that it was one of his own people, he realized that the one who covered his mouth and snatched his gun was his partner, and his panic settled down a bit.

At this time, Ma Chuncai let go of the hand covering his mouth, and Lao Qiuzi scolded in a low but extremely stern tone: "Damn it, just sleep when you sleep, you beat the snore so loudly!" Ring, the little devils are at the bottom of the mountain, do you want to recruit them?"

ah? I snore? Shall I recruit the little devil again? Dong Qiu, who looked at these two serious veterans in shock, was stunned for a moment.

"I never snore when I sleep!" Dong Qiu argued aggrievedly.

"Fart!" Old Qiuzi opened his mouth and scolded, at the same time he stretched out his hand and gave Dong Qiu a mouthful!

Of course, he considered that he couldn't make the matter too big, so he didn't slap loudly, but the fact that he didn't slap loudly didn't mean he wasn't ruthless.

He doesn't know the legendary internal strength, and he can't use any evil energy. He just slaps someone's mouth and doesn't leave his big cheek, as if he wants to beat him out. "It's like covering the palm of your hand with a sound.

"Who the **** knows if he's snoring or not when he's asleep?" Old Qiuzi scolded, and he stretched out his hand to hit him again.

But at this time, Ma Chuncai touched him and sneered.

Old Qiuzi turned his head and saw Shang Zhen coming back from the edge of the woods. Obviously, the "slap" he hit the soldier just now alarmed Shang Zhen after all.

Five minutes later, Lao Qiuzi and Ma Chuncai came to Shang Zhen's side again.

The two of them glanced at Shang Zhen secretly, and then found that they didn't need to sneak a glance at all, because Shang Zhen didn't look at them at all.

Shang Zhen was watching the Japanese army coming from the north with a telescope.

Lao Qiuzi and Ma Chuncai looked over Shang Zhen, and there were two soldiers on the other side of Shang Zhen.

One is the one who was woken up by the two of them who snatched the gun and slapped the mouth, that is Dong Qiu, and the other is the one who was dragged away by the old ball but discovered the whole process of the two of them "doing the crime", that is Xu Shenwei .

Xu Shenwei didn't sleep at all, when Shang Zhen came back and asked Lao Qiuzi what they were doing, Lao Qiuzi's answer was naturally, this kid snored too loudly, I was afraid I would disturb the enemies down the mountain, so I punished him slightly one time.

Uh——If you want to say this reason, it's a bit of a stretch, after all, the enemy is at the foot of the mountain.

But the problem is, Xu Shenwei, who was kicked "wake up" by him at that time, actually didn't sleep at all, suddenly raised his hand and reported, "Report sir, I can prove that he didn't snore!"

Who is he? That of course refers to Dong Qiu.

In this way, this matter becomes embarrassing.

Lao Qiuzi and Ma Chuncai wanted to take revenge on Xu Shenwei and Dong Qiu, but now was definitely not the time, the Japanese army who came to search for them was really at the foot of the mountain.

Shang Zhen looked at the situation at that time and said, "It's all free, right? Then come over and be sentinels!"

Li Qingfeng, Wang Xiaodan, and Ma Erpao were originally lying on the edge of the forest on the top of the mountain, but they were sent back to sleep by Shang Zhen, so these four people became sentinels.

Now, Shang Zhen is still using binoculars to observe the movement of the Japanese army who just left the foot of the mountain. At this time, Xu Shenwei and Dong Qiu of course also noticed the eyes of Lao Qiuzi and Ma Chuncai.

But so what? Now that they have fallen out, they are not afraid anymore. As the saying goes, I am not afraid of the Japanese devils anymore, how can I be afraid of you two old bastards?

So, Shang Zhen still observed the situation in the distance as steadily as Mount Tai, and the eyes of the four pairs of soldiers were facing each other in the "chua" and "chua" across Shang Zhen, which was the gaze between men, If this is the gaze between a man and a woman, then I really don't know how passionate the love must be to collide with such brilliant sparks!

Seeing that the Japanese army scattered as expected and had no plan to go up the mountain, Shang Zhen finally put down the binoculars in his hand.

And he just glanced left and right and said: "It's really difficult for me to be an officer. I used to have so many bad things like you."

Ok? When Shang Zhen said this, Old Qiuzi didn't take it seriously: "You veterans don't recruit recruits?"

When the old ball said this, Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei on the other end were also unhappy, and Dong Qiu, who had been slapped in the mouth for no reason, said **** for tat: "Have you recruits ever beaten veterans who bully others?"

When Dong Qiu said this, Lao Qiuzi started to stare, but Shang Zhen just said "Huh?", and Lao Qiuzi stopped staring. As for how he wants to deal with those two soldiers, it will be a matter for the future, now it is When will he still be able to carry it?

It's just that the old ball doesn't want to stare, but some people don't want to. Who? Shang Zhen.

"You don't need to disobey anyone? Don't say who is justified and who is not justified about this trivial matter. Although the two of you have not been in the army for a long time, you have experienced storms." Shang Zhen talked eloquently, The last two sentences of his were of course referring to Xu Shenwei and Dong Qiu.

"If you want to compare yourself, there are two ways. One is to compare who has killed more Japanese devils. The other is to wait for the news to pass and you will be in front of all of us. In a fight, whoever is the best will be the best."

When Shang Chenzhen said this, his eyes were still staring down the mountain, but he started to touch the telescope again, but then he added: "I tell you, if you want to fight, you must fight in front of everyone. If you dare to fight behind our people's back, don't blame me, the officer, for being rude to you!"

, is nothing but a momentary mottled streamer. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a kind of sadness that the ending is doomed. Where will you and I be after thousands of years? The country, the flames of civilization, and the earth are all but a speck of dust in the deep space. A moment in the starry sky, a thousand years in the world. The song of insects is only in autumn, and you and I are also fighting for the crossing. What is at the end of deep space? iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, and it also brings up the bleakness of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away.

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of undulating waves like Sanskrit singing sounded around him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, and the huge golden light and shadow were reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes flashed like lightning, staring into the sky.

Immediately, a loud "boom" erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Sky Fox Great Demon King felt a shocking burst of will, the entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither rapidly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards that golden beam of light .

While his complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to be negligent. He shook his body and showed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is horizontal, covering the sky and the sun. A large amount of luck was emitted and poured into the garden of hell, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it would be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had been restrained suddenly became stronger again, not only The body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring inward.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, rushing to the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunder disaster almost subconsciously dispersed. And in the next moment, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunderbolts. It seemed that the entire plane was filled with anger.

iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, and it also brings up the bleakness of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away. iread novel app

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

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