The War of Resistance

Chapter 978: addicted

"Dong Qiu, the little devil won't come up the mountain, will he?" A soldier in the woods on the top of the mountain asked worriedly.

"You are really worried. If the officer tells us to rest, we will rest. If we are told not to talk, we will shut up." The soldier named Dong Qiu who was with him replied dissatisfiedly, and then leaned against the tree with his gun in his arms. Dozed off again.

"But I still feel uneasy." The soldier from before was still worried.

"Oh, don't you worry about it? Anyway, the officer will not sell us as cannon fodder." Dong Qiu, who was dozing off, said without opening his eyes, but hugged his rifle tighter again.

Although they are all recruits, recruits are different from recruits.

The former is called Xu Shenwei, as the name suggests, he is cautious and can't take it down, but it is this group of strong men who have become a rare literate person among the soldiers.

The latter, Dong Qiu, has a big heart. Since he chose to believe in the chief Shang Zhen, he is really obedient. Shang Zhen let him rest and go to sleep. He didn't sleep all night yesterday!

Seeing that his best friend Dong Qiu fell asleep as soon as he said he was going to sleep, Xu Shenwei raised his eyes and looked around. Seeing that other soldiers were leaning or lying down, they really started to sleep. He looked to the edge of the forest and saw the officer Shang Zhen and several soldiers Hiding behind a tree.

They used the heavy machine guns they captured to wreak havoc on the Japanese army. I don't know how many little devils they killed, and it is impossible to know. It is estimated that the killing effect of their blind strike will be as difficult to solve as the unsolved mystery of the world. up.

However, they used heavy machine guns to beat devils with a lot of momentum, so how could they be so powerful when they even used tracer bullets in broad daylight?

And the result of their contempt for the Japanese army is that they are now being chased by the Japanese army from the west.

Of course, Shang Zhen wouldn't let his people run around, he picked an area with many hills and forests and went straight up the mountain.

When you go up the mountain, you hide. Although your stomach growls with hunger, you have to avoid the Japanese devils first.

Xu Shenwei looked at it for a while, but he was still worried. Holding the gun, he wanted to climb up, and he also wanted to go to the edge of the woods to have a look.

But before he got up, he saw two veterans shrank back in front of him, then turned around and came back.

The recruits listened to Shang Zhen, but they were not very afraid of him, because Shang Zhen never beat or cursed anyone, but the veterans who scolded them when they saw that mouth were terrified.

Of course, the veterans used to hit them with their hands, but since Shang Zhen became the chief, the habit of cursing people has subsided a lot, and beatings have even ceased.

Because he was afraid of veterans, Xu Shenwei leaned against a tree with his gun in his arms and pretended to be asleep. Of course, educated people called that "false sleep".

"Damn it, let the chief guard, but they are all sleeping soundly!" Xu Shenwei heard a veteran scold.

It seems that something is wrong, how can the officer watch the soldiers sleep, Xu Shenwei closed his eyes and thought.

The vast majority of armies nowadays are like this, the commander is a master, and the soldiers, uh, how should I put it, they are not human!

It's hard to come across a good officer like Shang Zhen, who treats the soldiers a little bit nicely, but the soldiers can't stand it anymore.

Should he stand guard for Chief Shang Zhen, then Xu Shenwei thought again.

But just as soon as this thought came to him, he felt a slight pain in his calf, and he opened his eyes, only to realize that he had been kicked by a veteran: "Go away, you also relied on this tree? "It was the old ball that kicked him.

The soldier didn't expect the old ball to kick him.

If it is said that people have tempers, Xu Shenwei felt a little annoyed.

These recruits will naturally talk about veterans behind their backs.

Needless to say, they were not afraid of veterans in the beginning.

One of the reasons is that they have just joined the army from ordinary people, and they are afraid of death.

The second reason is that the veterans beat and cursed as soon as they stretched out their hands, because they were afraid of being beaten.

But after Shang Zhen took them through a few battles, the recruits became relatively speaking, and they were also veterans.

The cannon fodder is also used as high as it is, and the gun is fired. If it is higher, the devil may be killed. The dead have been seen, not just one or two.

And their chief Shang Zhen also told them that people must die when they deserve to die, and they cannot die when they don't deserve to die, and sometimes they will not die if they are not afraid of death!

When Shang Zhen told the recruits his own philosophy on "death", it was like a tongue twister.

That's true, when it is necessary to die, it is Tian Gaoyundan who refuses to accept his duty, and when there is no need to die, in Northeast dialect, it is sloppy and liāo.

The recruits belong to the new generation, and they have done what the veterans did, so why do you, the veteran, still bully me?

It's just that although Xu Shenwei was angry in his heart at this time, he also knew that now was not the time for these two veterans to turn their heads, so he also

I can only get up and find a place again.

At this time, Lao Qiuzi looked at the recruits who were leaning against the trees and sleeping one by one, and he became a little angry.

He's not Shang Zhen, he doesn't hurt the recruits now because Shang Zhen can't do anything about it, but seeing that most of the recruits are asleep, it's the so-called "Damn, I'm not asleep yet, you haha!" all asleep

In fact, people are addicted to everything they do, young couples who are newlyweds, smokers who smoke opium, people who like to blink when looking at people, and people who can't move when they see beautiful women, right?

Hitting is actually addictive.

Think about it, when Hao Xiazi was the company commander, he was the recruit who took the lead to beat the subordinates. Compared with Hao Xiazi, their veterans were not the most ruthless, only more ruthless.

But now that Xia Xiazi was killed, Shang Zhen became their commander again.

They had to listen to Shang Zhen's orders, even more than they had to listen to Shang Zhen's words when Hao Xiazi was alive.

The reason was naturally that although Shang Zhen wasn't officially announced, it was agreed by all of them. If he didn't obey Shang Zhen's order, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Shang Zhen didn't allow beating and swearing, and they really stopped beating, but the problem is that it's been a long time since they beat anyone, and Lao Qiuzi's hands were itchy again.

After Shang Zhen became the chief, when Lao Qiuzi talked about the issue of "addiction", he gave an example.

The example he gave was that of his aunt.

He said, there is a puppy in my house, a little pug, you know the kind that doesn’t grow up?

The soldiers said they knew.

He went on to say, that little pug is a male dog, but don’t look at how small it is, it has a good mouth, and when you see a little bitch, it will make gestures, hehe, the kind on the street, you guys Have you seen it?

At this time, a veteran answered, isn't that a dog match? Who hasn't seen it?

The old ball said, yes, I said that the little pug is also addicted to doing that. Once the little pug met a big **** on the street. Understand? Oh, it's called Wuwu Zhaza, and it's **** going up Wuwu Zhaza!

Look, this is called addiction!

The soldiers naturally laughed out loud at Old Qiuzi's nasty words, and they were all wondering what the little horse-drawn cart was like.

However, the old Qiuzi now understands that no matter how itchy his hand is, it is not the time to hit someone, so out of breath, he glanced at the soldiers sleeping next to the tree, and suddenly felt He had an idea, and then he suddenly whispered to Ma Chuncai who came back with him.

, is nothing but a momentary mottled streamer. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a kind of sadness that the ending is doomed. Where will you and I be after thousands of years? The country, the flames of civilization, and the earth are all but a speck of dust in the deep space. A moment in the starry sky, a thousand years in the world. The song of insects is only in autumn, and you and I are also fighting for the crossing. What is at the end of deep space? iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, and it also brings up the bleakness of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away.

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of undulating waves like Sanskrit singing sounded around him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, and the huge golden light and shadow were reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes flashed like lightning, staring into the sky.

Immediately, a loud "boom" erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Heavenly Fox Demon King felt a shocking burst of will, the entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither rapidly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards that golden beam of light .

While his complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to be negligent. He shook his body and showed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is horizontal, covering the sky and the sun. A large amount of luck was emitted and poured into the garden of hell, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it would be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had been restrained suddenly became stronger again, not only The body of the Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring inward.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, rushing to the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunder disaster almost subconsciously dispersed. And in the next moment, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunderbolts. It seemed that the entire plane was filled with anger.

iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, and it also brings up the bleakness of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away. iread novel app

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

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