The War of Resistance

Chapter 441: The Strange Woman Gao Huaide

"What's the situation here? Why do I feel like I've fallen into a trap?" At the door of the ammunition depot, Old Mao Wang whispered to Little Dustpan.

"I also don't think it's quite right. It's better to be careful." The little dustpan responded.

Shang Zhen and the others went into the ammunition depot to carry guns and ammunition.

But Old Mao Wang also saw the uniqueness of this ammunition depot, so how can the guards disappear as soon as they see the troika approaching? This is too abnormal!

Both of them were wearing the flower mechanism on their shoulders, observing the surrounding situation vigilantly.

The arsenal is surrounded by open land, and there is only a forest a few hundred meters in front of the left. As for the house, there is no house, and this is also a security requirement for the location of the arsenal.

There are no obstacles around, so you can have a clear view when you look around on the watchtower.

"Just load the ammunition of the three-horse carriage, isn't that fast?" said the little dustpan after a while.

Old Mao Wang nodded, but after a while, an accident happened.

The two of them saw two horses running out from the woods in the distance, and there were people sitting on the horses.

Old Mao Wang and Little Dustpan looked at each other, then put their fingers on the trigger subconsciously.

"Old Uncle Wang, how did the two of us answer them correctly?" Little Dustpan asked. To be honest, carrying ammunition to the ammunition depot is also a big deal. It is impossible for Little Dustpan not to worry.

At first they thought they were here to steal. Who would have thought that Gao Huaide would just go in like this.

"Just play it by ear, I don't know either." Old Mao Wang said helplessly.

Gao Huaide took all three carriages into the ammunition depot, but Gao Huaide didn't order to stay. Old Mao Wang took the initiative to watch the door with a small dustpan because he thought it was risky.

Soon those two people rode to the front of Wang Laomao and Little Dustpan. They saw that the clothes belonged to the Northeast Army, and there was an officer among them!

"Which part are you two from?" This was one of the officers who reined in his horse and asked.

"We're looking at the ammunition depot!" Little Dupan replied vigilantly.

The little dustpan wanted to get away with it, but who would have thought that the officer opened his mouth and gave him an authentic Northeast dialect: "Jing, what a bullshit!"

"What?" Little Dustpan couldn't help being taken aback, how did he know he was kidding?

"Even if I don't know the people guarding the ammunition depot, our people don't use flower traps!" The officer said at this time.

It's over! Cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness, he is the ammunition depot, and the lie of the little dustpan was immediately exposed by others!

What should I do? Old Mao Wang and Little Dustpan both have headaches.

It was the first time for them to follow Gao Huaide to the ammunition depot to carry the ammunition. Gao Huaide, the host, entered the ammunition depot, but the two of them stayed outside without knowing the details. The two of them really didn't know how to deal with the officer's questioning.

Just when Old Mao Wang and Little Dustpan didn't know how to respond, someone behind them answered for them.

"Company commander! They belong to Sister De." Old Mao Wang and Xiao Dupan looked back when they heard the sound and saw a soldier of the Northeast Army stuck his head out from the watchtower.

"Fuck, the people who said that you are Miss De are finished? It's all right!" The officer glanced at Old Wang's hat and the little dustpan unwillingly.

Then something happened that surprised Wang Laomao and Xiaobo, they turned the horse's head and took their attendant with them, and ran to the forest that they came out of earlier.

What the **** is going on? Old Mao Wang and Little Dustpan were stunned.

After a while, Old Mao Wang muttered to himself: "The wife of the head of the regiment is so useful here!"

"Yes, yes!" the little dustpan echoed.

Why did people leave without asking any questions when they heard that the two of them were from Gao Huaide.

"Little brat, stay here and watch, I'll go up and find out!" Old Mao Wang gritted his teeth and turned to enter the yard.

Old Mao Wang walked up the wooden ladder of the watchtower with a "thump, thump, thump".

When he pushed open the door of the watchtower, he saw a total of four soldiers in the watchtower looking at him.

But before he could speak, one of the soldiers had already said: "Don't you hurry up and move the ammunition here? Haha? It's none of your business here, we will guard it for you!"

Hearing what the soldier said, Old Mao Wang was stunned again, but then he was shocked.

Is this the Northeast Army's large drug storehouse? Why does it feel like a restaurant run by Gao Huaide's own family?

"This is the first time I've come with Sister De. I'm staying here. Sister De doesn't know." After a moment of silence, Old Mao Wang told the truth.

It was only at this time that he realized that Gao Huaide, the head's daughter-in-law, was really extraordinary!

"What I said! Seeing how old you are, you don't know how to behave!" The soldier laughed.

"What are the rules here? I'm so confused!" Old Mao Wang also laughed.

The attitude of these soldiers towards him was very friendly, no one scolded him, instead they all laughed.

Wang Laomao did not see the slightest hostility from the faces of these soldiers, but instead had a feeling that the Northeast fellow villagers met in Hebei as relatives.

"The rule here is that when Sister De comes, you must not make her angry. Didn't you see that when Sister De came, we all hid?" said the soldier.

"Ah?" Although Old Mao Wang was prepared, he was still surprised.

Old Mao Wang was thinking quickly in his mind, he was thinking about what questions he could ask and what questions he couldn't ask.

After a while, he took out his But before he handed over the smoked cigarette, the soldier had already reached out to stop him: "Damn, this is the ammunition depot ,No smoking!"

"Hey." Old Mao Wang smiled embarrassedly, and he forgot about it.

But Wang Laomao is also an old Jianghu, so the cigarettes he took out would not be taken back, so he threw the box of cigarettes on the table in the room: "I will smoke when it is convenient for me!"

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey." The soldier smiled and reached out and picked up the pack of cigarettes and put it in his arms, obviously this was also a smoker.

"Brothers, please tell me about the rules here, our sister is so handy?" Wang Laomao continued.

"That's a must!" The soldier said with a smile, "Didn't you see? When Miss De came, all the people in our company in the ammunition depot hid!

Sister De always said hello before she came, and everyone who knew Xin'er asked for leave, and those who didn't know Xin'er had to have diarrhea and squat in the latrine! "

"Why?" If Old Mao Wang wasn't curious, how could it be possible?

"No reason, I just don't want to make Miss De angry! Don't delay Miss De's affairs!" The soldier laughed.

Old Mao Wang was completely speechless.

How powerful is this Gao Huaide? This is a female hero, but he already has a feeling of ignorance!

The story about Gao Huaide was not fabricated by Lao Zhe, I just changed the name, it is true.

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