The War of Resistance

Chapter 440: undefended ammunition depot

Three horse-drawn carriages were walking on the land of Jizhong Plain, and Shang Zhen and his group were sitting in that carriage.

"This woman always has some advantages when she finds a man to do business with." Old Mao Wang, who was sitting in the carriage at the back, made a conclusion.

"Old Uncle Wang, what do you mean by that? Does that woman want to sacrifice herself?" Qian Chuaner, who was sitting with him, asked.

This time Gao Huaide came to them, he was going to the ammunition depot of the Northeast Army to get ammunition for the Eighth Route Army. Since Gao Huaide was involved, it would be inappropriate to say that women sacrifice themselves!

"Why do you think so crookedly, you brat?" Old Mao Wang said angrily, "Then you have to dedicate yourself? Even if you don't dedicate yourself, it's convenient for women to find men to do things."

"I don't believe it, no matter how convenient it is, he can still get the ammunition out of the arsenal!" Hu Zhuzi clattered.

This time, Hu Zhuzi's words were so good that the old hat was speechless, and Qian Chuan'er secretly gave Hu Zhuzi a thumbs up.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was sitting in the first carriage in front, was also talking to Gao Huaide, and what he cared about was undoubtedly Gao Huaide, how to get the ammunition out of the ammunition depot.

"It's actually not that dangerous. I have a note from the military department here." Gao Huaide explained to Shang Zhen with a smile.

Then she actually took out a piece of paper with a stamp on it.

Shang Zhen took the paper curiously. If he said that he had never seen the stamp of the military department on it, that was the case, but the key point was that there were many weapons listed on the list, such as light machine guns, rifles, Bullets, grenades, and TNT explosives are all there.

"Can the military department approve so many guns and ammunition for our 691 regiment?" Shang Zhen expressed his surprise.

Gao Huaide didn't answer but just smiled.

"Miss De, didn't you add it in again?" Shang Zhen asked again, how quickly his head turned.

Gao Huaide called Gao Huaide "Sister De", that's what Gao Huaide himself said, and I can call him whatever you want, Shang Zhen is absolutely obedient.

"I didn't add it." Gao Huaide smiled lowly, "Because I wrote all the items on the list myself!"

"Ah?" Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then the question followed, "You wrote it all yourself, the military department won't give you so many approvals, right?"

According to Shang Zhen's knowledge, during the battle in Plum Blossom Town, the 691st Regiment killed more than 400 people.

But the fact that more than 400 people were killed in battle does not mean that they have to receive more than 400 guns, because everyone knows that the Northeast Army has left the three eastern provinces and there is no place to replenish soldiers.

For example, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas are the territory of the Central Army. How can your Northeast Army go to the territory of the Central Army to recruit troops?

Similarly, if your Northeast Army goes to Guangxi, the Gui Army will not let you recruit troops there!

What's more, now that the Northeast Army is being discriminated against everywhere, it's lucky that the higher ups don't let the Northeast Army be used as cannon fodder, and they will give you additional soldiers? Do your Qingqiu dream!

Since you can't replenish your troops, you can't get guns and ammunition.

Shang Zhen just took a look at Gao Huaide's weapon list. It can't arm a battalion, but it can arm a company!

"Of course the military department won't approve so much for me, and I didn't add more guns and ammunition, so what's going on?" Gao Huaide looked at Shang Zhen narrowly.

At this moment, Shang Zhen was dazed again, he shook his head, and at this moment Leng Xiaozhi, who was driving in the same carriage as him, pursed his lips in joy.

"Sister De, you forged this note, right?" Shang Zhen blurted out.

"Haha!" Gao Huaide laughed heartily.

Although she didn't admit anything, Shang Zhen knew that she guessed it right!

I strangled it!

This Gao Huaide himself forged the approval slip from the military department, and then took the troika to the arsenal to carry the weapons in such a grand manner, this, this, can you pull it out?

But Shang Zhen thought about it again, everyone said that Gao Huaide has great supernatural powers, so he should be sure, otherwise it would be impossible for him to bring someone to help her transport the ammunition.

But, can this work?

Shang Zhen didn't ask any more questions, but he was extremely shocked in his heart!

Two hours later, Shang Zhen, who was sitting in the carriage, got a reminder from Gao Huaide: "See, the yard in front is the arsenal."

As for the arsenal, it is like the liquefied gas station of later generations. It is definitely a key fire prevention and explosion prevention unit that is the most important thing. It is all in sparsely populated places, even if it is close to the city, it must be in the suburbs.

At this time, Shang Zhen saw soldiers standing with guns in front of the gate of the big courtyard, and on the watchtower next to the gate, there were machine guns on there, and soldiers were lying behind the machine guns.

Naturally, idlers are not allowed to enter the military forbidden area.

I don't know what Gao Huaide will do next, Shang Zhen is also curious, he just watched quietly on the carriage without asking.

But when Shang Zhen and his troika were still sixty to seventy meters away from the ammunition depot yard, and they could see the faces of the guards clearly, something strange happened!

Shang Zhen saw that the soldiers guarding the door suddenly retracted their guns and entered the yard, and then the two soldiers appeared on the stairs leading to the watchtower.

Immediately afterwards, the soldier on the watchtower who was lying behind the machine gun also stood up and disappeared.

The person disappeared, but he didn't see the sentry building, so naturally he should have gone to the watchtower!

Shang Zhen looked at Gao Huaide at this time, and saw a smug expression on Gao Huaide's face.

What the **** is going on? Shang Zhen was stunned.

"Go and open the gate." When the carriage reached the gate of the ammunition depot, Gao Huaide ordered, and Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi jumped out of the carriage.

At this time, they saw that the door lock of the gate had been unlocked, and the two of them just pushed it, and the big iron gate opened with a "squeak".

The big iron gate hadn't been oiled for some The voice sounded so harsh that Shang Zhen was startled.

It was thanks to the fact that he and Ma Erhuzi were veterans who had experienced many battles, otherwise they would have planned to touch their guns.

As soon as the gate was opened, the large yard of the ammunition depot was completely silent, and no one came out to ask questions at all!

"What are you looking at? Get out of the way and go in to get the ammunition!" Gao Huaide said.

Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi quickly moved away, and the three carriages entered one after another.

"Go to that house!" Gao Huaide said, pointing to a tall warehouse in the front left.

But when Shang Zhen ran to the door of the warehouse, he was extremely surprised to find that the door was ajar, and no one asked when he stretched out his hand to open the door.

Of course, no one will ask.

Ever since Shang Zhen entered the yard of the arsenal, at least he didn't see anyone in the yard!

"All go in, and load the car according to the list I reported!" Gao Huaide jumped off the carriage and ordered.

This time Gao Huaide brought people to transport the ammunition, and those people were Shang Zhen and the others, and the remaining three were Gao Huaide himself, Leng Xiaozhi and that Mo Jianchen.

The entire ammunition depot is not fortified at all!

Could it be that the one who came back here is a fake ammunition depot? Everything went so smoothly, so smoothly that Shang Zhen couldn't believe it!

But when Shang Zhen and the others entered the warehouse, they saw the pile of guns and ammunition in the warehouse like a hill!

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