The War of Resistance

Chapter 429: Bloody Plum Blossom Town (1)

"How poor do you think the Eighth Route Army is?" When Qin Chuan said this, it was already the afternoon of the third day, and Shang Zhen and the others were heading towards Meihua Town.

Qin Chuan's reason for asking this question is naturally reasonable.

The Japanese soldiers they defeated happened to save Lu Cao's daughter-in-law Gao Huaide.

The trophies of the Japanese army are of course good things, but in Shangzhen they usually fought guerrilla warfare, and they had neither the people nor the time to collect all the trophies, so they only picked the useful ones every time.

But luckily this time, they just saved Gao Huaide, and Gao Huaide confiscated all the usable things.

These things include guns and ammunition of the Japanese army, clothes, shoes and socks, and everything that can be used.

But in this way, the spoils are too much.

All the people brought by Gao Huaide were killed, but Shang Zhen had no choice but to ask Hou Wangshan to bring ten people to help Gao Huaide send the spoils to Taihang Mountain, while Shang Zhen took the rest of the people to start after a day's rest. Return to Plum Blossom Town.

This time, Gao Huaide was overjoyed! Shang Zhen could tell from Gao Huaide's expression that it was definitely not the first time Gao Huaide sent weapons to the Eighth Route Army!

The weapons sent to the Eighth Route Army this time included several sacks of bullets originally brought by Gao Huaide, and the rifle bullet grenades captured by Shang Zhen and the others.

Of course, it also includes some rifles that have been unbolted by the Japanese army and thrown in place.

That's because this time the Japanese army was really beaten cold by Shang Zhen and the others. In the end, the Japanese army destroyed the gun and fled away.

"How poor are you? Heh." Old Mao Wang sneered, "Didn't you see that? The head's wife almost took off the little devil's **** belt!"

The metaphor of Old Hat Wang is a bit too much, but it is also very vivid. The soldiers just wanted to laugh, but when they saw Shang Zhen glanced over, they quickly shut their mouths again.

"I'm the only one who dares to say this, and who else dares to say it?" Xiao Dupan said, not knowing whether his words were praise or criticism.

"Then didn't you answer the call too?" Shang Zhen glanced at the little dustpan, so the little dustpan also closed its mouth.

"I don't think you're tired, are you? Let's all run forward!" Shang Zhen said.

Old Mao Wang's old face blushed a little, and he ran after him.

He also felt that what he said was a bit too much. After all, she was the head's wife, in other words, the chief's wife. It was a bit too vulgar for him to say that.

As they advanced, just as they approached Plum Blossom Town, they heard faint gunfire.

This time without Shang Zhen's orders, everyone slowed down and finally stopped. Meihua Town finally broke out.

"Qian Chuaner, Qin Chuan, go ask a fellow villager." Shang Zhen ordered.

Qian Chuan'er and Qin Chuan agreed not to run forward, since a fight had already started ahead, Shang Zhen and the others could no longer rush forward.

After about half an hour, Qian Chuan'er and the two of them ran back and reported: "The fellow said that it has been a day of fighting. The Japanese army has been besieging Meihua Town since this morning. We also saw that there are Japanese troops in our direction, but it seems that they are all It’s facing Plum Blossom Town.”

"Since this is the case, let's move on, everyone must be careful, and we must not let the Japanese army find out." Shang Zhen said.

What's going on ahead now? Of course Shang Zhen did not want to fight the Japanese army.

In the past two days, they really took advantage of the Japanese army squadron that was chasing them. After delaying the beating, he didn't want to let the Japanese army think about him.

This plain area is not like a mountainous area at all, there is no terrain that can hide, if they are discovered, what awaits them is definitely a disaster.

This time Shang Zhen ran to the front with a small dustpan and a string of money. He needed to use a telescope.

When Shang Zhen and the others arrived less than two miles away from Plum Blossom Town, they stopped.

There are a few families here, but they can just use the terrain here to observe the situation in Plum Blossom Town.

Shang Zhen glanced around, originally he wanted to go up to the roof, but seeing that the roof was not high, and it was also a thatched house, he didn't go up.

What does thatched house refer to? The roof of the house is covered with grass to prevent rain and snow, but the roof is most afraid of people stepping on it. It is grass, and if it is stepped on, it will leak when it rains.

He saw that there was a wooden pole with a thick bowl mouth that was more than three meters long leaning on the courtyard wall of that house, so he took the wooden pole and put it on the straw stack of that house.

That family's diesel engine is more than three meters high.

The little dustpan and Qian Chuaner guessed what he meant, and hurriedly supported him below. Shang Zhen bent down, grabbed the wooden pole with his hands, and stepped on the straw pile alternately with his feet.

But he also got on the straw stack, and when he heard the door of that house slam, when he turned his head, he saw an old man running out of the house and shouting, "Who the **** is going to my firewood stack?"

It's just that the old man didn't see it clearly when he went out, but this time he saw it clearly. He saw that Shang Zhen was actually a soldier with a gun on his back, and he was so scared that he shrank back after saying "Oh my god".

Shang Zhen ignored the old man, took out his binoculars and looked in the direction of Meihua Town.

With a telescope, it is natural to see much more clearly, but Shang Zhen and the others are now located in the north corner of the west of Meihua Town, blocked by the big wall of Meihua Town, what Shang Zhen can see is limited .

Looking at the northern part of Meihua Town, the fighting is now the most intense, and the sound of gunfire has never stopped.

It's just that Shang Zhen couldn't lead the team to the north. That should be the main attack direction of the Japanese army, and there were no hidden objects nearby.

Shang Zhen could only watch patiently with the binoculars, and after a while he really saw something bright.

Although he couldn't see the situation of the enemy and us attacking and defending under the north wall, he could see the situation of Meihua Town further north. He saw that the Japanese army used stretchers to carry the wounded down!

When the enemy and us are fighting, bullets fly randomly, but the wounded still have to be rescued.

And since the Japanese army had a lot of casualties, there must be a lot of people who were killed!

I just don't know how the casualties are in Plum Blossom Town?

At this time, Shang Zhen suddenly remembered that the 691st Regiment seemed to have several mortars, and he didn't know if the shells were gone.

How about saying that a lean camel is bigger than a horse? The Northeast Army still had some wealth. Those who could not be moved stayed in Shenyang and were taken by the Japanese army, but those who could be moved were naturally taken to the pass.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen thought again, wondering where the Japanese army's reserve position is.

One side attacks the city and the other side defends the city.

The attacking party always needs to have a reserve position, from which to launch an attack.

If the 691st regiment still had shells, firing a few rounds at the Japanese reserve positions should be able to kill many little devils, right?

Shang Zhen looked north with the binoculars, and at this moment he saw a forest, where the wounded Japanese soldiers were carried to.

It is estimated that the Japanese army's reserve position is and the 691 regiment must have no shells. It would be great if there were shells.

It's a pity that I have too few people here. If I dare to attack the Japanese army's reserve position, it will not be enough for the Japanese army to bite their teeth.

Shang Zhen was thinking in his heart, but he didn't know that on the north wall of Meihua Town, Lu Cao, the head of the 691 regiment, was also looking at the forest to the north.

He turned his head and looked under the city wall, and right now, there were more than 300 dead bodies of soldiers from the Northeast Army under the city wall!

The battle was intense and fierce, and there was no time to transport the corpses down. Now that the battle has been fought, more and more corpses of soldiers have fallen from the top of the city. Now they are all flush with the city wall, and even the soldiers below When they went to the top of the city to support, they all came up on the corpses of their own brothers!

"How many shells do we have left?" Lu Cao turned his head and asked.

"Reporting to the commander, we have a total of forty-one shells left!" said the company commander of the artillery company next to him.

"It's the forest we're talking about. If you clear all the 41 shells, this is the moment I've been waiting for!" Lu Cao said.

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