The War of Resistance

Chapter 428: recover

"These are all good things! Pick them up quickly!"

"You don't know, the first six or seven people in the Eighth Route Army only have a rifle, and that rifle is still an old sleeve. You have beaten so many devils, and you have so many 38 caps. You don't want it. You are so prodigal!"

"Take the little devil's water bottle, as well as the big-toed shoes and the command knife." Gao Huaide kept yelling, ordering Shang Zhen and the others to clean up the battlefield.

"Oh, I see it like a broom, but people see it as a treasure!" Chu Tian sighed while picking off a Japanese soldier's big-toed shoe.

"What do you mean by throwing?" Hu Zhuzi, who was passing by Chutian, happened to hear Chutian's sigh and asked.

"I mean, we treat these things as broken brooms, but others treat them as baby bumps." Chu Tian explained.

"They are all good things, but we can't take them away!" Ma Erhuzi also said at this time.

Whether it was Gao Huaide or the performance of the soldiers, Shang Zhen naturally saw it in his eyes, but Gao Huaide's words echoed in his ears, "there are only six or seven men in the Eighth Route Army with a rifle".

"Squad 3 cleans the battlefield, Squad 1 and Squad 2 assemble and get the little devil's rifle!" Shang Zhen shouted suddenly.

When Shang Zhen yelled, the people from the first and second classes who were cleaning naturally ran towards Shang Zhen with their weapons.

"Ah?" Gao Huaide was stunned. He was trying to get the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, but why did Shang Zhen transfer more than half of the people? Did they take away all the 38 caps promised to the Eighth Route Army?

It's just that Gao Huaide is still a little far away from Shang Zhen. When she ran towards Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen just said a few words and then finished speaking. Then he took two squads and retreated to the Japanese army. The direction ran.

"Hey, are you going to go haha?" Gao Huaide shouted.

"Let's go get you some more spoils!" Shang Zhen replied, and then led the two squads and ran to the distance at the speed of a quick march.

"What do you mean? There are spoils of war?" Gao Huaide was full of joy but at the same time confused. Could it be that Shang Zhen and the others went to chase and kill the Japanese army's rout?

As for Shang Zhen, he really thought so.

Shang Zhen doesn't care what party or non-partisan, the Eighth Route Army is for fighting devils, since the devils don't have guns, Gao Huaide can secretly send a few boxes of ammunition or something, and he has the loot in front of him, so why don't you just go with the flow and go straight Just give it to Gao Huaide, and if you give it to Gao Huaide, you will give it to the Eighth Route Army. Wouldn't it be more powerful to fight the little Japanese devils?

And now Shang Zhen led people to chase those Japanese soldiers.

To be precise, it is not chasing down, but chasing down.

Since Gao Huaide wanted to send more weapons to the Eighth Route Army so much, Shang Zhen thought that the Japanese squadron that was chasing and killing his group was ruined by them. Can their guns be shipped back?

Even if a 38-type rifle weighs 5 catties, the four rifles weigh 20 catties, plus bullet boxes and other things. If a good man carries 20 or 30 catties on a long-distance march, he will be exhausted. If there are any wounded in the Japanese army , How could they bring back all the extra guns due to casualties?

So no matter what, Shang Zhen has to catch up with those Japanese soldiers and have a look.

He estimated that the Japanese army would not be able to run faster than them with the wounded soldiers and the heavy burden!

Since the Japanese army was ambushed by them on the way back, it is estimated that they can only change the route and go back.

While running forward, Shang Zhen let his own people watch the footprints of the Japanese army on the road.

There are quite a few Japanese soldiers, and they all wear Japanese-style big-toed shoes.

The big-toed shoes are all rubber soles and have a thick heel behind them.

As far as the current roads are sandy soil roads, if they are sandy roads, they are all good. The roads leading to the village are field roads with only soil and no sand, and you can see the shoe prints even if you don’t need to look carefully.

Shang Zhen and the others chased for nearly an hour, and just after they got off the dirt road and bypassed a field of corn, they were pleasantly surprised to see the Japanese army walking more than 200 meters in front of them. The Japanese army also went down.

The Japanese army looked only half of the original, and Shang Zhen looked over with a telescope, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were indeed many Japanese soldiers carrying several rifles on their backs!

"Company Commander, let's go ahead and fight them in an ambush!" Hu Zhuzi suggested cheerfully.

"Can you use your brain, why don't you go ahead?" Wang Laomao trained Hu Zhuzi.

"Use your legs, anyway, both of us didn't sleep all night!" Hu Zhuzi said.

It's just that Hu Zhuzi's statement got everyone's lips curled up.

It was only then that Hu Zhuzi realized that something was wrong, and he stretched his neck forward to notice the problem with the terrain.

Now they are all hiding beside the corn field, but the wheat fields that have been harvested are all around besides the corn field. It's bare.

Everywhere is naked, so the field of vision is wide open, and now they can see the sky at a glance!

Now they didn't sleep and were just stuttering. With their current physical strength, they would draw a big circle and go to the front to intercept the devil. How big a circle would they have to draw? Can their physical strength still support it?

"Company commander, what are you doing?" Qiu Bo asked at this time.

"The rifles in our hands are all Gaha's? Just shoot!" Shang Zhen said.

"Ah?" Shang Zhen said so and the soldiers were stunned again.

If the soldiers didn't know enough about Shang Zhen, then Shang Zhen would fight if he wanted to, but Shang Zhen had already emphasized to them that this loss-making business cannot be done, and he cannot fight face-to-face with the Japanese devils like this. Hit!

"If we fight like aunts, we will shoot them from behind, and after the fight, we will get up and force the little devil to drop all those weapons!" Shang Zhen said.

When Shang Zhen said, no one could figure out what Shang Zhen was up to.

"That's a good idea!" Hu Zhuzi was delighted.

"Then get ready to fight!" Shang Zhen said.

But just when everyone was about to make a move, Old Mao Wang said: "Boy Shang, there seems to be something wrong with your approach!"

After hearing what Wang Laomao said, Shang Zhen and the others stopped again.

"What's wrong?" Several people asked Old Mao Wang at the same time.

"If you fight like this, the little devil can't take the gun away, but they may destroy the gun, for example, smash it apart, can we keep the whole gun?"

"That's the reason." Shang Zhen thought of it when he heard Wang Laomao say this, and he started to think again. After a while, he had an idea and said again, "Well, let's all aim at a few people now. Fight with a little devil, try to let them keep a few more guns, and prevent them from picking up the guns they left behind."

"Okay!" Everyone replied at the same time.

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