The War of Resistance

: Chapter 1681 Those who leave and those who stay (3)

It's definitely not possible to hold a box cannon by yourself. Otherwise, others will check your identity. Who told you to use it just now?

And the box cannon is not as small as a luzi, so it cannot be hidden in clothes so that others cannot see it.

Therefore, I could only throw away the box cannon.

Where to throw it? If it is thrown in an obvious place and found by the security personnel, then they will know that they have thrown the box cannon away, and they will find someone who does not bring the box cannon, and they are still at risk.

Therefore, I must hide the box cannon as much as possible.

If you don't hide the box cannon, unless you want to fight the security guards to the end, you can only die in the end.

The above is the conclusion Qian Chuan'er came to when he first started to escape, and at this time, there were already shouts throughout the village.

When Qian Chuan'er walked carefully through an alley, he saw a house with a low wall next to it.

The walls were short and the house was a thatched house. There was no doubt that it was a poor family. Then he noticed the chicken racks and chicken coops in the yard.

The chicken rack is a horizontal bar inside the shed, and the chickens lie on it to sleep at night.

The chicken coop was the place where hens laid eggs. It was made of some kind of shrub strips and was like a basket with mud on it. He even saw some wheatgrass in the chicken coop.

Got it!

As soon as Qian Chuan'er tricked his legs, he crossed the low wall. When he reached the chicken coop, he stuffed his box into it and covered it with the wheat starch from the chicken coop. Then he didn't forget to cover himself. The cloth strap holding the magazine was also torn off and stuffed into the chicken rack.

But at this moment, he heard shouts and footsteps coming from the village. He could hear footsteps. Is the enemy close?

He can't show up at this time. If he shows up, how can he explain to others that he went to the chicken stand in a common people's house? In addition, my Northeastern accent and Northwest accent are slightly different.

So Qian Chuan'er could only lie down directly against the low wall.

Not long after he lay down, a dozen soldiers with guns ran over from outside the low wall.

Qian Chuan'er listened to the noise outside and was about to get up when he saw the enemy running past. However, when he turned around unintentionally, he suddenly found that the door of this house was open a crack, and a little girl's face was exposed in the crack. Half a face.

The little girl had a short braid and her eyes were shining, looking at herself!

Qian Chuan'er has been paying attention to what's going on around him. He didn't hear the door knock at all when he jumped into this house, so it can only be said that the door may have been opened long ago, and the child must have seen the process of hiding the gun.

But even so, at this moment, Qian Chuan'er didn't have time to move the box of cannons to another place.

Now all he could do was smile as gently as possible at the child, then stood up and walked out of the yard again.

I hope this kid doesn't touch that gun. What a pity he doesn't have any candy in his pocket!

Such thoughts flashed through Qian Chuan'er's mind, and then he walked along the low wall toward the village.

Now he just took advantage of the opportunity that the group of security guards had passed and sneaked into the village.

In order to send Bian Xiaolong out, the two of them traveled across the entire village, but now he has to go back the same way he came!

Of course he didn't want to meet the officers and soldiers of the security division again, but things didn't work out. As soon as he emerged from the alley, he saw dozens more people from the security division coming here.

But at this time, he had no way to hide, so he could only bite the bullet and move forward.

He can't run fast yet. If he runs fast and people ask why you are going, he will not be able to answer and he is afraid of exposing his mouth full of dirt!

Fortunately, he is now dressed like a security guard and has a rifle in his hand.

Seeing that he was about to meet those people, Qian Chuan'er stood close to the wall. A soldier just glanced at him and ran past with his gun in hand.

Fortunately, the battle at the entrance of the village attracted them.

Qian Chuan'er was secretly glad to be here. He waited until the end of the team came over. The officer at the end looked at Qian Chuan'er and suddenly stopped and asked, "How is the situation ahead?"

"That - the marksmanship is too accurate." Qian Chuan answered vaguely.

He originally wanted to say that the man's marksmanship was too accurate, but how could he dare to say anything now? Talk more and show off your Northeastern accent!

The officer didn't say anything and started to move forward, but there happened to be a soldier next to the officer, probably an orderly soldier. The soldier then asked him: "Which company are you from? What's wrong with you?" "

Qian Chuan'er's expression remained unchanged, but this time his heart thumped, what was supposed to come had come!

One company? Second company? Three in a row? Qian Chuan thought to himself, how the **** do I know which company I am in? Even in our battalion, I don’t belong to any company!

But it's definitely not possible to not answer, so he can only be blind. If he can't, then he can only ké!

Just when Qian Chuan'er was about to open his mouth to make a fool of himself, he suddenly heard gunshots coming from the village entrance, followed by the shouts of the security division officers and soldiers. The sound was very loud, but it directly hit him. The attention of the officers and soldiers in front of him was attracted.

Qian Chuan'er also vaguely heard someone shouting something like "the gun is too accurate" or "the company commander is injured".

If it was said in a battalion that a company commander was injured, the news would be big. The officer in front of him was concerned about the battle situation ahead and ran towards the village entrance.

The soldier following him had no time to wait for Qian Chuan'er's answer and ran forward.

All ran away? Then I have to run too!

Isn't this the case with Qian Chuan'er?

If you don't run away now, when will you leave? Do we have to let people find out all the eighteen generations of their ancestors?

This group was already the second group of security guards that Qian Chuan'er got rid of just now. When he entered the village again, no one paid attention to him anymore. Find Shuyuan

The reason is of course that the previous battle took place at the entrance of the village to the east of Guozhuang. The security guards in Zhuangzi were all rushing to the east, and those who rushed there were all going to participate in the battle. Naturally, the more people gathered there, the more people gathered there. many.

On the contrary, if you are far away from the entrance of Dongzhuang, there will always be people who want to do something else, and they cannot run completely in one direction. In this way, the originally inconspicuous string of money becomes Even more inconspicuous.

Unlike the situation to the west of Zhuangzi at this time, the gunfire at Zhuangkou to the east had become more and more intense.

Qian Chuan didn't know what was going on on the other side. Originally, he thought Bian Xiaolong should have run away.

But now it was unrealistic for him to go back, so he had to go to Gao Xiaocui first.

So what is the situation east of Zhuangzi at this time?

An officer of the security division was leaning behind a tree in the grove. He had been shot in the shoulder just now and blood was already flowing down.

I just wonder if he will regret it at this time?

The reason was that when he rushed over, he saw his soldiers cowering, and he became anxious at that time!

According to what he said, we are going to ambush the Northeast Army here to steal food and grab the ocean. So why don't you watch the Northeast Army's spies run away and not chase them?

So he took his box, danced with firecrackers, and chased his soldiers.

The soldiers under him passed through the firewood pile and entered the grove, but when they came out of the grove, they were shot by the other party.

Unfortunately for him, he was shot in the shoulder.

He was very lucky, because the bullet only hit his shoulder. There were several soldiers in front of him, but they were shot directly in the head!

Again, the opponent's marksmanship is so accurate!

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