The War of Resistance

Chapter 1680: Those who leave and those who stay (2)

Oops, this second-rate guy! With all his hard work, he managed to trick the security guard! This bitch, everyone in his own camp thinks he is second-rate, but who would have thought that someone else's family would understand!

"Why are you dawdling there when you are not working?" At this time, the soldier who was smoking spoke.

The man's words shocked Qian Chuan'er, Xiaolong, and Wu Ziqi. How could they be in a daze now?

Wu Ziqi quickly winked at Qian Chuan'er. The moment he straightened up, he pointed behind Qian Chuan'er with his right hand and tilted his chin forward! Then he turned and stood up.

Although Wu Ziqi didn't say anything, Wu Ziqi's meaning was very obvious. He just told them that this road was dead.

While Wu Ziqi blocked the gaze of the soldier in the corner behind him, Qian Chuan'er and Bian Xiaolong turned around and left.

Then the soldier's voice came from behind: "What are those two doing?"

"Fuck, those who came here to pee left when they saw us here. I saw they were taking off their belts!" Wu Ziqi replied.

"Fuck, these are all gentlemen, and you still have to bear the blame when you pee!" the soldier cursed.

The soldier didn't know that one of the two men who turned around and walked away was really not a gentleman!

Qian Chuan'er and Bian Xiaolong turned around and kept walking forward until they reached between two other courtyards before turning east.

The two of them walked through the houses, and when they reached a location where they could see the outside of the village, they understood why Wu Ziqi asked them to go this way.

It turned out that there were several large and small firewood stacks in the village at this location, and not far from the firewood stacks was another small forest. This kind of terrain provided them with terrain cover when they left the village.

After observing for a moment and seeing nothing unusual around him, Qian Chuan'er whispered: "Get out quickly, I'll cover you here."

But Bian Xiaolong was also very clever. She looked at Qian Chuan'er with a surprised look, which undoubtedly meant "Aren't you going out?"

"Cross cover." Qian Chuan'er replied with a guilty conscience.

Bian Xiaolong didn't doubt that he was there, so he bent down and ran out under the cover of the firewood pile.

Soon, Bian Xiaolong ran through the pile of firewood and into the small woods.

But when Bian Xiaolong lay down on the edge of the woods with a box cannon in his hand and prepared to cover Qian Chuan'er as he ran out, he saw Qian Chuan'er hiding in the corner of the house raising his hand to him!

The purpose of raising his hand is just to let him continue running. Of course Bian Xiaolong understands this, but if he runs forward, how can he cover Qian Chuan'er? Then he won't be able to see Qian Chuan'er at all!

At this moment, he saw Qian Chuan'er looking at him and pointing towards the village.

Um? What does it mean?

Bian Xiaolong was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized, Qian Chuan'er was worried about Gao Xiaocui, right?

Think about it, even though it was Gao Xiaocui who took the initiative to rely on Qian Chuan'er, it was Qian Chuan'er who brought her out anyway, so she couldn't leave a little girl in the "wolf's den" when she left, right? ?

As a woman, Bian Xiaolong certainly understands Gao Xiaocui's mood. Besides, Qian Chuan'er is in the village and refuses to go back, what can she do?

Bian Xiaolong got up from the ground.

But before she could turn around, she heard someone next to Zhuangzi suddenly shouting: "Oh, there's someone there!"

How far is Bian Xiaolong from the place where the sound was made now? But it’s less than a hundred meters!

In that shout, there was a gunshot right at the exit of Zhuangzi!

That shot was not very accurate. It had to be twenty or thirty meters away from the little dragon.

But the gun went off, and Bian Xiaolong knew where the bullet would go? She fell down instinctively.

As soon as she moved, someone on the other end of Zhuangzi shouted: "No, that's not one of ours, he's using a box cannon!"

It turned out that the security guard not only placed a sentry at the exit, but also a lookout on the roof. Bian Xiaolong's every move was watched by others!

But now Bian Xiaolong's move of hiding from the gun was also seen by others, so a bullet was fired at her hiding place, and this time the bullet was much more accurate than before.

Again, there are no fools in the war. At least the lookout post where the security guard was lying on the roof was not a fool. The reason why his first shot missed was because he was deliberately testing Bian Xiaolong!

Bian Xiaolong knew he had to run away. Although Qian Chuan'er said he wanted to cover him, Qian Chuan'er's position couldn't see the person lying on the roof now, so how could he cover himself.

So Bian Xiaolong fired up the top of his cannon and fired a short burst on the roof. She didn't know whether her short burst hit the lookout post. Anyway, the security guard's sentry fired directly from the room. The bones fell down.

Bian Xiaolong got up from the ground, turned around and ran into the woods.

But he knocked one person off the roof with one shot, and then more people appeared on the roof, and then the messy gunshots rang out, and the small forest was filled with "poof." "Puff" sounded.

"Send someone to chase him quickly, that guy can't run far!" There was a shout from the side of the village.

If there wasn't a fight, I wouldn't know it. In just a short period of time, the exit of Zhuangzi had become noisy. There were so many security guards here!

And the above is exactly what Qian Chuan'er discovered.

It's just that at this time, although Qian Chuan'er was ready to cover Bian Xiaolong, he was also gritting his teeth.

Why is he gritting his teeth?

It turned out that when he heard the shout just now, he realized that Bian Xiaolong's first voice was clearly Wu Ziqi's voice!

Oops, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com How much effort did it take, and that **** actually rebelled?

Could it be that the stupid reason for letting himself and Bian Xiaolong go this way was to plot against them?

But something seems wrong? In a hurry, Qian Chuan'er felt that there was something wrong with his idea, but he couldn't figure it out.

He didn't need to think about it anymore. At this moment, soldiers from the security division ran out of the village with guns in hand, chasing Bian Xiaolong.

However, those security guards didn't know that there was an ambush soldier named Qian Chuan'er beside Zhuangzi.

If those security guards didn't chase him out of Zhuangzi and just shot at Bian Xiaolong from the side of Zhuangzi, Qian Chuan'er would really have nothing to do for a while because he couldn't see them.

But this time, as soon as the soldiers rushed out, they could see the string of money, and if they could see the bullet, they could hit it.

Qian Chuan'er watched the soldiers from the security division appear on his flank. He adjusted the speed of his cannon to a burst and waited for a moment until more than ten soldiers appeared in his field of vision. He then held the box cannon flat against the backs of those people and pulled the trigger.

This time it was a complete burst!

Not to mention that the box gun is not very powerful, the one used by Qian Chuaner now is twenty rounds, so how many bullets does the magazine of the Czech light machine gun have?

So under Qian Chuan'er's continuous shooting, most of the soldiers who appeared in his field of vision fell down!

Seeing that so many pursuers were knocked down at once, Qian Chuan'er stopped taking cover. Instead, he turned around and ran towards the village.

He understood that with this box of cannons as a base, the security guards would never dare to chase Bian Xiaolong again. He could not put himself in to save Bian Xiaolong. There was a person in the village who was still waiting for him to save. !

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