The War of Resistance

Chapter 1593: Dirty

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How about it? "Shi Naiwen asked Fan Chengyun.

Seeing the brigade commander, Zhao Chengyun, who was originally serious about a subordinate meeting a superior, suddenly laughed.

And when he smiled, his originally upright-looking face turned into a flattering one.

How about saying that the face comes from the heart?

After all, a person's appearance changes with his acquired virtues. Fan Chengyun really lost the face that his mother and I gave him.

"Is it done?" Shi Naiwen asked, and his eyes lit up when he saw Fan Chengyun's expression.

"It's done, she agreed anyway." Fan Chengyun chuckled.

"How did she agree? Did you scare her?" Shi Naiwen asked hurriedly.

"How can I, how can I scare the person that the brigade commander likes, right? I just want to persuade her with good words, hehe, and then bargain with her." Fan Chengyun said quickly.

In fact, he really used his own methods to scare Leng Xiaozhi into getting married to Shi Naiwen. Of course, getting married was a nice way of saying it, but a bad way of saying it was asking for a concubine.

Shi Naiwen was very excited by what he said about how to deal with the Northeastern Army who was trying to trick him.

Didn’t your Northeastern Army trick me? Yes, then I will turn your Northeast Army battalion commander’s wife into my little wife!

This method is a bit underhanded, but it is indeed a good way to humiliate the Northeast Army. The hatred of taking away the wife is more than the humiliation of the crotch!

Just imagine, Han Xin got under the crotch of the local ruffian, but later Han Xin became a great person, so the humiliation of the crotch became Han Xin's good talk.

But this time it’s the hatred of seizing his wife!

You say that I, Shi Naifun, can do anything. If you say that I am vulgar and obscene, it doesn't matter. I am vulgar and obscene.

But the fairy-like woman in your eyes has become my little wife. Think about it, think about it further!

What a shame this is for any **** man.

But what can be done like this? How dare you, the Northeastern Army, catch a cold? Do you really think we can’t guess that your wife is actually from the Eighth Route Army? I'm sorry you don't dare to make a big fuss!

As for the feud with our security guard, what will happen? As big as it is, it's not a small grudge!

Shi Naiwen did not dare to fight with the Japanese army, but he still fought with the Japanese army. Naturally, he blamed Shang Zhen for the casualties of his brigade.

And when he really saw Leng Xiaozhi's appearance, he really became interested again.

But when he realized that, it didn't mean that he could accept Leng Xiaozhi, who was all dirty.

Just imagine, Leng Xiaozhi has been marching and fighting these days, and the clothes on her body have already been buried in Batai.

He Shi Naiwen is either Liu Decai under his command or a disaster to women. He doesn't care what women are like when the animals are strong.

Shi Naiwen is used to dressing up women beautifully and turning them into his little wives, and Leng Xiaozhi is no exception.

But to dress up Leng Xiaozhi beautifully, Leng Xiaozhi must cooperate.

Now there is no woman in their brigade at all, and at the same time they are competing for territory with another Northeastern army. He cannot send troops out and **** other women back.

What are you doing to steal other women? Then let other women wash Leng Xiaozhi clean!

It's not like he was careless, so how could he let his soldiers and Leng Xiaozhi use force to wash Leng Xiaozhi clean?

That's why he asked Fan Chengyun to go over and persuade Leng Xiaozhi.

Then of course he was curious about how Fan Chengyun persuaded Leng Xiaozhi.

Of course, he didn't mind if Fan Chengyun went to scare Leng Xiaozhi.

In fact, Fan Chengyun did scare Leng Xiaozhi. He also knew that it would be okay to scare Leng Xiaozhi if the brigade commander found out.

But the problem is that the content of what he threatened Leng Xiaozhi must never be told to Shi Naiwen.

Because what he told Leng Xiaozhi was exactly that, if you don't wash yourself clean, then I will send troops to strip you naked and clean you for you!

For Leng Xiaozhi, this is a multiple-choice question. If you don't wash it and someone else does it for you, it's no different than that. In the end, Leng Xiaozhi can only choose to compromise if he doesn't want to die.

"Bargaining? Tell me what the outcome will be." Shi Naiwen and Fan Chengyun didn't dare to ask what happened to Leng Xiaozhi, so he stopped asking and started asking other questions.

"The final result is that when she got married to the brigade commander, she required to wear red makeup, play the trumpet, and enter the bridal chamber at night." Fan Chengyun replied hurriedly.

"What? That's it?" Shi Naiwen was stunned for a moment. Isn't this simple? But then he suddenly sneered and said, "This little **** still wants to waste time!"

"Yes, the little guard who guarded her ran away and hasn't been caught yet." Fan Chengyun responded quickly.

Seeing Leng Xiaozhi's little disciple running away, the soldiers also chased him. Although they didn't know what the little disciple was doing, they had to guard against him.

Shi Naiwen stopped asking and began to think deeply.

Fan Chengyun knew that the brigade commander was thinking about something, so he just watched from the front without saying a word.

After a while, Shi Naiwen suddenly asked: "That little girl said she wanted to wear red makeup and play a trumpet. Where can you get it?"

As for red makeup, that means wearing red clothes.

From the perspective of folk customs, when a woman is getting married, she must wear red.

But in Ishino Cultural Hotel, there is a red cloth, which is a flag, but the flag cannot be made into a set of red clothes and red trousers.

"Report to the brigade commander, I found it at Battalion Commander Liu Decai.

I don’t know whose bride he caused harm to, but he left that person’s clothes behind.

This mother—no, this woman, thought it would take us a while to find red clothes, but she didn’t expect that we had them ready-made.

As for the speakers, they are ready-made.

We have a soldier who has been a trumpet maker since he was a child. Damn it, their company commander asked him to play the bugle for us instead and he still refused to do it. UU Reading As a result, their company commander broke the trumpet. one time.

Although it was a little out of tune after I dropped it, the sound was no problem. "Fan Chengyun felt a little proud again, and the flattery appeared on his face again.

"Okay, let's do it." Shi Naiwen smiled, and then suddenly said, "It's morning now, doesn't she want to enter the bridal chamber at night? You go and urge her, as long as she is dressed up, we will blow the trumpet and get married directly. I want to have **** in daylight!"

"Yes, the brigade commander is wise!" Fan Chengyun stood at attention, his face no longer flattering this time, just like a real soldier.

If anyone had been present, who would have thought that a brigade commander in his forties and a junior officer with a solemn face would say such dirty things!

Time passed little by little, and the sound of gunfire still echoed in the Cangshan area.

But this time the gunfire was much more intense than yesterday, and battle reports continued to arrive at Shi Naiwen from the front.

The Northeast Army's attack was more violent than yesterday, and Shi Naiwen's casualties were much higher than yesterday.

Although the casualties of his soldiers made Shi Naiwen feel heartbroken, he who had been at the rear just sneered.

You Northeastern Army really cooperated with that little **** to keep me from getting what I want. I will fight with you today. Today I married that **** and made a baby, and I will let the news out tomorrow!

Shi Naiwen didn't know that if the Northeast Army's firepower had indeed increased, it was just that the Northeast Army, which yesterday used firecrackers and iron barrels to pretend to be machine guns, had replaced them with real guns and live ammunition today.

The time finally arrived at around three o'clock in the afternoon, and Fan Chengyun hurriedly ran to Shi Naiwen and reported: "Report to the brigade commander, everything is ready.

I glanced at the woman, no, I glanced at Qi Aunt Tai, Qi Aunt Tai was already dressed up! "

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