The War of Resistance

Chapter 1592: The real master has arrived!

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On the top of the mountain, several officers of the 114th Division were looking at Xiaomenzi with doubts. The leader was Zhang Yingjie, the battalion commander who had met Shang Zhen, and Lian Guangfu and Zhao Qimu who had fought alongside Shang Zhen and the others. All are there.

Just as Wu Dashen had suspected before, where did this woman from the Northeast Army come from? But it happened to be Shang Zhen’s wife. Last time they fought side by side with Shang Zhen, they didn’t hear that Shang Zhen brought his wife with him!

But if you don't believe it, the security guard soldier Xiaomenzi in front of you reported the number change of Shang Zhen's battalion very accurately. Xiaomenzi couldn't have made this up.

"Why did you deliver a message to the wife of the battalion commander you mentioned and then turned into a deserter?" Zhang Yingjie.

The reason why Zhang Yingjie hesitated was because, how could this young man be considered a deserter? This was obviously instigated by Shang Zhen's wife, who didn't know if it was true or not!

The two armies are facing each other, and you run from one camp to the other to deliver a message. Isn't that instigating rebellion?

"My eldest brother was killed by the Japanese in battle. I want to avenge my brother, but the people above me don't want to fight the Japanese, so I will send you a message and I will fight the Japanese with you in the future!" "Xiao Menzi replied.

Hearing what Xiao Menzi said, Zhang Yingjie frowned again.

It is reasonable to say what Xiaomenzi said, but the problem is that there is no supporting evidence!

I can't just rely on Xiaomenzi's intelligence to pull my battalion over to sneak attack on the security division's brigade headquarters that Xiaomenzi mentioned, right?

Besides, the current enemy-to-enemy situation between Zhang Yingjie and the security division is that Zhang Yingjie's regiment is facing more troops than the security division.

Both sides are trying to seize the territory of Cangshan Mountain, but they are doing it with loud thunder and light rain, and they don’t want to cause too many casualties. The current situation is like two fighting dogs baring their teeth or threatening each other but not Rush together and bite.

Although it is said that a dog bites a dog, this metaphor is very vulgar, but it is the same. Who is willing to fight hard for a piece of territory? Isn't that a tiger?

If I really go to attack the brigade headquarters of the security division, and I have fewer troops and others have more, then I won’t be considered a death squad!

But now that I have received the letter, if I don't go, I would be sorry for Shang Zhen. Shang Zhen helped him when he was in the most difficult time!

Oops, headache!

Seeing the battalion commander meditating alone without saying anything, Zhao Qimu, the company commander next to him, guessed what Zhang Yingjie was thinking. He stepped forward and said, "Battal Commander, how about we send someone to inform Shang Zhenying first?" them?"

Zhang Yingjie raised his head and glanced at Zhao Qimu, but shook his head again and thought to himself, your opinion is not good either!

He also sent a message to Shang Zhen himself. When his people really delivered the news to Shang Zhen, he wouldn’t even know whose wife Shang Zhen’s wife had become!

Then you won’t be blamed by then? You still came all the way to deliver a message to me. If you had the heart to save my wife, you would have done it without even carrying a gun!

If that were the case, it would be better not to send the news, or to pretend not to know.

But it’s not okay to pretend that you don’t know, it’s hard to live with!

Why did you let yourself get this news? Oops, Zhang Yingjie got a headache!

But at this moment, they heard "pop" and "pop" gunshots suddenly coming from the security guard's position opposite.

As soon as they heard the sound of gunfire, Zhang Yingjie and the others could no longer think about Shang Zhen. They hurriedly ran to the ridge and looked ahead. At this time, they saw a small team running quickly across the open ground on the left front, with the target in mind. It was a forest two hundred meters away from them on the left front.

When people look at a moving target in the distance, they always feel slower. It's like looking up at a plane flying from the other side of the sky to this side. You can always watch the plane for a while before it disappears from the field of vision. In fact, the speed of planes in the sky is already very fast.

The same goes for looking at people. Now when Zhang Yingjie saw the group of people in front of him who were passing through the open space, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Even though those people were moving so slowly, they were so high and far away! Zhang Yingjie knew from experience that that group of people ran very fast!

"What's going on? Why are they running towards us again? It can't be that they also want to fight the Japanese. Their brothers were killed by the Japanese, right?" Wu Dascar, who sent the little disciple over, murmured. He said, but he didn't notice that his company commander Zhao Qimu had glared at him fiercely.

Now Wu Dascara is with the battalion company commander. He has no role to speak here, but Wu Dascara just doesn't notice. Otherwise, it is said that Wu Dascara is a veteran of their platoon and was caught by lot. However, the quality is not that high.

At this moment, they saw that the group of more than 20 people had already gone into the woods diagonally ahead.

Then, they heard a few more gunshots, but two more people, one tall and one short, ran out from the woods more than 300 meters away in front of them.

If Zhang Yingjie had only judged from experience that the group of people who had just got into the woods were running very fast, but this time the two people running over were so fast that could be seen with the naked eye, that was really fast!

The two men were also running into the woods diagonally in front of them.

"Telescope!" Zhang Yingjie shouted.

At this time, Lian Guangfu, who had already raised the telescope and was looking forward, suddenly shouted: "Batalion Commander, look, why do I think that short man is Battalion Commander Shang!"

Upon hearing what Lian Guangfu said, Zhang Yingjie reached out to pick up the telescope.

The telescope was originally hung around Lian Guangfu's neck. If the battalion commander asked for the telescope, he would take it off.

It was Zhang Yingjie who was a little faster, and Lian Guangfu was a little slower in picking up the **** the telescope.

Zhang Yingjie also pulled the telescope into his hand, but the strap of the telescope directly scraped off Lian Guangfu's helmet.

But how could Zhang Yingjie care about this? He quickly put the telescope in front of his eyes and looked.

And when he used his binoculars to find the two people running as fast as the wind, he also saw people, but the two people also went into the woods.

Even though Zhang Yingjie only glanced at the short man, he already laughed loudly and said: "Haha, UU Reading his grandma's real owner has arrived!"

Who is the real master? Of course it was Shang Zhen!

Shang Zhen and the others only knew that the security division was fighting an unknown force from where they came from, but they knew nothing about anything else.

They were not familiar with the terrain, so they accidentally infiltrated the security guard's defense line. They had heard gunshots from this direction just before, but they didn't know that it was the security guard's men chasing Xiao Menzi.

Through observation, Shang Zhen and the others finally determined that their team had mistook the security guard's line of defense and naturally went out, but at this time they were discovered by the security guard.

Shang Zhen led Da Laobeng behind, and the others ran towards this end.

As for the sound of gunshots, Shang Zhen didn't want to get even with the security guard. The first two shots were fired by him. Each shot knocked off a hat of the security guard soldier, but he directly stopped the security guard from going too far. approaching.

Shang Zhen was shooting to scare the other party.

Now the relationship between the security division and the Northeast Army can only be regarded as friction. After all, it is not a foreign war.

It's not a foreign war, where the enemy and we sometimes have a tacit understanding.

In fact, this is also a kind of tradition that has been formed by various warlords in China for a long time!

Before the Japanese invaded China, warlords from all walks of life were also killing each other. Many people died, but those who died were all soldiers at the lowest level.

But have you seen any warlords defeated in which the victorious side killed all the warlord leaders of the defeated side?

Did Chiang's Jiangsu and Zhejiang troops kill Feng of the Northwest Army? Or did Zhang from the Feng clan kill Yan, the old Xizi from Shanxi? Or did Bai of the Gui army kill Han of Shandong? No!

Therefore, the king's flag changes at the top of the city, and the most pitiable ones are the soldiers!

However, going a step further, it proves how important the national resistance advocated by that great man is!

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