The War of Resistance

Chapter 1556: secret cover

"Why don't you come over to pick us up?" Brigadier Shi Naiwen scolded the first battalion commander when he saw them. By this time, they had crossed the entire village and reached the woods at the other end of the village.

"Report to the brigade commander, we have responded, and I will send a squad to deliver the message to you.

Also, didn’t you see the people in the yard? "The battalion commander said a little aggrievedly.

He did send people to respond, and he also sent some soldiers to the roof to shoot at the Japanese troops from a distance.

It's just that their skills and weapons are not as good as those of others. Most of the soldiers who climbed to the roof and shot at the Japanese army were shot down from the roof by the Japanese army's firepower.

Therefore, the people in the yard mentioned by the first battalion commander were all lying down, and they fell down after being hit in the head by Japanese bullets.

However, those soldiers were more killed than injured. That was because when they were lying on the roof and shooting at the Japanese soldiers, all the Japanese soldiers could see and hit were people's heads.

Sanishi Nobumi glared at the first battalion commander and did not continue to press on about the rescue.

People are close and distant, and the same is true for Shi Naiwen.

For example, the troops he sent to cover the retreating troops were three battalions and three companies, but he didn't send them casually. How could he send a special agent company to cover them? But this first battalion commander is one of his direct descendants in this regiment.

"You said there are our people here, where are our people?" Shi Naiwen asked again.

Shi Naiwen was very surprised, because when he sent troops to explore the retreat, he did not send anyone here. Could it be that someone from another group in his own brigade came?

But for the so-called guerrilla warfare, he divided his brigade into three regiments, which were already acting separately.

Not only are the three regiments separated by thousands of miles, but they can't be reached in a short time.

"No, they are from the Northeast Army." The first battalion commander replied.

"What? People from the Northeast Army?" Shi Naiwen didn't believe his ears.

"They beat the Japanese soldiers away at this end, and then the common people who couldn't escape from the other end ran to this end. They let them out. We heard the gunfire and rushed over, and there was a way out at this end. ." The first battalion commander replied.

His answers here and there were really confusing, but fortunately Shi Naiwen could understand them.

Shi Naiwen didn't have time to think about it, so he could only rejoice that there was finally an escape route, and quickly ordered the entire group to retreat.

Although he has suffered many casualties now, he is lucky to be able to withdraw most of his troops.

Due to the obstruction of the villages in Dushan Aoli, the shooting range of the Japanese light and heavy machine guns was limited, but if the little Japanese cannon fired, UU Reading then they would have to suffer a lot of casualties!

But Shi Naiwen didn't know it at this time, but someone was thinking about the cannon for him, and that was Shang Zhen on Dushangu.

The dead are already dead, and the living must always be considered, and this is especially evident on the battlefield.

At this time, Shang Zhen was holding a telescope. He put the telescope in front of his eyes for a while, then took it off and aimed at the position between a group of Japanese soldiers and the infantry cannon.

Shi Naiwen could imagine that he had a large number of people. In such a Dushan Col, if a Japanese artillery shell flew into the crowd, how many casualties might there be?

So how could Shang Zhen not think of it?

Of course, Shang Zhen didn't expect that he could use his rifle to target a Japanese cannon, but if he could kill a few more artillerymen or Japanese gunners, it would still be possible for the Japanese to fire a few fewer artillery shells.

Even if there is no hope, you still have to do some things, just for peace of mind. In terms of small things, it is people's conscience, and in terms of big things, it is national justice.

And what about the group of Japanese soldiers in Shang Zhen's eyes?

That was when Shang Zhen discovered through the telescope that there were more Japanese officers there, and he guessed that the commander of the Japanese army should be there.

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