The War of Resistance

Chapter 1555: News that I exchanged my life for

"Who doesn't know how to run? The key is how to run?" Security brigade commander Shi Naiwen said to Fan Chengyun just behind the ridge near the village.

Then he glared at a soldier and said, "If you want to avenge your brother, just stay and avenge yourself!" The soldier glanced at the brigade commander and was obviously unconvinced, but just as he was about to say something, he was pulled away by his companion. Living.

What kind of people have the strongest fighting spirit against the Japanese army?

Of course, some of his blood relatives were killed by the Japanese army. This soldier's brother was killed in a previous battle with the Japanese army.

But how could Shi Naiwen have the intention to fight the Japanese army? Of course he understood that if the fight with the Japanese army continued like this, even if they were taking advantage now, they would be destined to die.

In fact, Shi Naiwen's entire combat idea is like a tongue twister.

His goal is not to die.

But since we have collided with the Japanese army, we have to run away if we don't want to kill anyone.

If you want to run but can't, then you have to fight the Japanese army. The purpose of fighting the Japanese army is to retain your own troops. Immortality is the goal, and fighting is the means.

But now that he has finished fighting, and the unit he led has been exposed, it involves running again.

He had thought about how to run many times, but he couldn't figure out a reason.

Then if the front foot just ran, Japanese bullets and artillery shells flew over from behind, causing heavy casualties, it would be better not to run.

If we ran to the edge of Dushan Col and were blocked by the Japanese, we would not only run in vain, but we would also face the danger of annihilation!

Don't look at what he is saying to Fan Chengyun now, who doesn't know how to run, in fact, he doesn't know how to run either.

This side was the direction where the Japanese army focused their attack. Artillery was also fired, and light and heavy machine guns were still firing.

So did the Japanese army force people like us to run over there? Is there an ambush on the other side? There were gunshots there before!

If you can't run to both ends, then you can only lead people to the south or north.

But if you run inside, your troops will be divided, and you can split into two groups to break out, or you can still make a desperate move and rush out with the whole army.

These soldiers of my own have been brought here from the Great Northwest and have never been separated.

Thinking of this, Shi Naiwen suddenly realized that how to escape was actually a matter of gambling on life, and no matter how he said it, it made sense.

In a desperate move, if the whole group rushes to one place, they may all rush out, or of course they may all be blocked.

However, they only charged half of the group. It is possible that they were unable to rush out due to lack of strength and pushed up the chips of the remaining half of the regiment. As a result, they rushed out as the firepower increased.

Everything has become so tangled, but it will always be impossible if you don't run.

If you can’t think of a good way, then you have to run! Shi Naiwen made up his mind.

But just when he was about to give the order, he suddenly found some soldiers appearing at the houses on the edge of the village.

There must be a squad of soldiers, so I asked them directly and ran over here.

But can they really run over? Do they think the Japanese soldiers are blind?

Since the Japanese army could use guns to block the ridge where they were hiding, they could also see the houses in the village.

As soon as the soldiers of that squad rushed out, some of them were shot and fell to the ground. When the remaining two soldiers saw that the situation was not good, they turned around and ran back.

They had only taken a few steps out of the house, but just as the two soldiers ran back, another soldier was shot and fell.

The remaining soldier was hiding next to a house, jumping up and down and gesticulating at them. His expression was very anxious!

Even people with good eyesight can see that the soldier's mouth is moving and he is shouting something. However, due to the rain of bullets from the Japanese army, what he is shouting cannot be heard clearly on the other side of the hill!

The Japanese army that occupied the front line of Dushan Valley only discovered that there were so many Chinese troops in Dushan Col after they completely lost the first wave of attacking troops, especially behind the ridge close to Dushan Mountain~www.mtlnovel .com~ At that time, Shang Zhen did not see that dozens of Japanese troops were attacking the village, but they did not expect that countless soldiers suddenly appeared behind the ridge less than a hundred meters away from them. Chinese soldiers.

It only took a few volleys of guns to shoot down dozens of their soldiers to the ground!

After a brief shock, the Japanese army was not surprised but overjoyed, and the light and heavy firepower naturally continued.

The light and heavy firepower kept ringing. On the one hand, they hoped to kill more Chinese officers and soldiers. On the other hand, even if the Chinese officers and soldiers hid behind the ridge, they also hoped to block the path of those Chinese officers and soldiers leading to the village.

Of course they hope to keep those Chinese officers and soldiers where they are, and then the infantry cannonball them, and the grenadiers can get close and bomb them with grenades.

"Listen to my order!" Shi Naiwen shouted, "Everyone fight back against the kid! You guys, hurry up and see what the kid is talking about!" He pointed at the soldiers around him.

In fact, when the war reached this point, everyone understood that if they could not escape, they would definitely be surrounded and annihilated by the Japanese army.

And why did the soldiers of that squad rush towards the ridge? It was obvious that they had something to say, but they were blocked by the Japanese firepower.

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