The War of Resistance

: Sound 1541: Friendly forces trap each other

Latest website: Another chapter of friendly forces "trapping each other"

In Shang Zhen's opinion, the encounter between his group and the security brigade was just an accident.

Since they didn't suffer much, the freshness of the conversation was over after talking for a while.

In order to go back as soon as possible, Shang Zhen met up with the two companies. Just as the security brigade commander expected, when they couldn't see the security travelers, they quickly got on the road and strode back.

It was just that they had been walking on the road for more than an hour, and when they were about to round a hill next to the road, they heard a shout of "Drive!" coming from the other side of the hill.

The voice that said "drive" must be driving a horse or a carriage, but what surprised Shang Zhen and the others was that there were women and children in the voice shouting "drive"!

What's happening here? Shang Zhen, who was walking with the vanguard soldiers, went forward directly this time, and the vanguard soldiers quickly followed him.

Shang Zhen himself didn't think anything of it, but his soldiers knew it. How could they let the battalion commander run to the front?

But when Shang Zhen and the others followed the road around the hill, they saw that a carriage had rushed into the ditch next to the road.

I don’t know how the carriage was driven. The entire body of the carriage has sunk into the deep ditch beside the road.

There was a middle-aged man standing next to the horse, whipping the old horse with a whip.

There was a middle-aged woman and a little boy on the road next to the carriage.

Women and children have little strength, so they can only shout "drive" with all their strength.

When Shang Zhen and the others looked at the ditch, they saw three men of varying ages carrying the cart up!

All the carriages fell into the ditch, and the wooden wheels of the carriage no longer worked. Then we had to rely on people to lift the carriage or jack it up so that the horses could pull it out!

Just now I heard the voices of these people taking the carriage out, which was full of anxiety, and now looking at the expressions on each of them, I was naturally very anxious.

Those few people were concentrating on getting the carriage out and did not notice the road.

And when Shang Shang Zhen and the others suddenly appeared in front of them, everyone was shocked!

And when they saw clearly that Shang Zhen and the others were Chinese soldiers, they were obviously relieved.

As soon as they saw that a civilian's car was stuck in a ditch on the roadside, the soldiers all looked towards the battlefield.

"Look at me, gah, help me quickly!" Shang Zhen said angrily.

When Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers naturally ran down the ditch. When the soldiers in front went down the ditch, the soldiers behind them came around the hill again.

Northeastern people have an extraordinary enthusiasm for helping others, which is actually determined by the folk customs in the Northeast.

There is a lot of land in the Northeast, and sometimes the land cultivated by my family is too busy to finish. So whether my family is sowing or harvesting, sometimes there are simply not enough manpower.

What should we do if we don’t have enough manpower? Naturally, the surrounding neighbors will be asked to help.

For example, in the South, where there are many people and little land, it is possible to determine how many acres of land there are in the Northeast.

In areas with small cultivated land, grain is harvested in kilograms. In places with a lot of land in the Northeast, grain harvest may be measured in tons.

Otherwise, do you think that the "soybeans and sorghum all over the mountains and fields" in the song "Songhua River" are for nothing?

Another example is the most famous dish in Northeast China called "Pig Killing Vegetable".

There are no pig-killing dishes that are made at home. When killing pigs, people from the neighborhood who know how to butcher pigs are invited to help. Some people hold the pigs down, while others are responsible for stabbing them to death.

After the pig was killed, someone boiled water with pig hair, and someone used chopsticks to turn the pig's intestines into the water.

Cut up a pot of sauerkraut, put a few kilograms of blood neck meat or fat meat slices a few fingers thick, and blood sausage, and stew a full pot.

Then all the people who participated in the pig killing drank and feasted on the roasted knives together.

There is even a saying in later generations, that is, when someone is talking to the person next to them, they must talk to each other even if they are strangers, otherwise they will be called "what a fool" by their family members when they return home!

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, the extroverted character of Northeastern people can also be seen from this.

After all, there were more people and strength. In fact, it was only a dozen more soldiers who were able to forcefully pull the carriage out of the ditch with a support and a roof.

And some soldiers are still praising themselves: "People from the Northeast are very energetic!"

The **** chimed in, "Well, nature!"

At this point, Qian Chuan'er teased Ma Tianfang and said, "Old Ma, you only have one arm left now, and you can't reach out. What should you call me?"

The same joke, who gets the score?

How could Ma Tianfang be anxious with Qian Chuan'er?

When he usually bickers with Qian Chuan'er, doesn't he always say that Qian Chuan'er's small eyes look like toad bones (tadpoles)?

So Ma Tianfang didn't take Qian Chuan'er's words seriously. Instead, he said, "I can't get the car out, but I can make this horse extinct with one shot. Do you believe it?"

When the soldiers were about to start making noises, they saw that the middle-aged man who was driving the carriage at the beginning bowed deeply to them, the Northeastern officers and soldiers, and then said: "Thank you, bosses, for your life-saving grace!

The Japanese are coming soon, why are you still going forward?

Although there are many of you, can you defeat so many Japanese devils?

The Japanese devils can line up from one end of the world to the other end of the world! "

When the man said this, the soldiers all looked at Shang Zhen as they had no intention of joking.

"Did you bump into a Japanese soldier?" Shang Zhen asked a surprised question as he took a step forward.

"Oh, boss, if we don't encounter the Japanese devils, can we rush the carriage into the ditch in a hurry?" the middle-aged man asked.

Shang Zhen didn't wear officer's clothes, so the middle-aged man naturally didn't know that Shang Zhen was the leader of this group of soldiers.

"Oh, by the way, I saw a lot of you soldiers running away from this road earlier. Aren't they with you?

They are also hiding from the Japanese. I think you should hide too!

You don't have as many people as they do. No, you don't have as many soldiers as the previous group of soldiers, nor do you have as many Japanese soldiers! "The middle-aged man thanked Shang Zhen and the others for rescuing the carriage. Naturally, he knew everything he wanted to say.

What other group of soldiers could there be?

Shang Zhen couldn't help but think of the security brigade that had just passed them by.

It turns out that the security brigade was there to hide from the Japanese!

Oops, you guys, you know how to hide from the Japanese, but you didn't tell me there were Japanese in front of you. Are you trying to trick our Northeastern Army?

Shang Zhen was thinking, UU reading www. uukanshu. ccom Cheng Peng said from the side: "Battal Commander, are those people trying to trick us?" Sure enough, what he said was exactly what Shang Zhen was thinking!

"I think you can put that 'bar' aside, they are just trying to trick us." Shang Zhen said coldly

Friendships don't like each other!

One is wary of the other party scheming against him, while the other is really scheming, just using a borrowed knife to kill someone.

"Boss, you guys should leave quickly, we're leaving first!" The middle-aged man said hurriedly when he saw Shang Zhen's thoughtful expression.

Shang Zhen was thinking about his own affairs and waved his hand casually, indicating that the middle-aged man could drive the carriage and leave with his family.

And just when the carriage was driving away, Shang Zhen suddenly said to Cheng Peng: "That group of security brigade plotted against us, do you think we should plot against them too?"


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